Ginny x fem!reader ~ I cant

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Requested by: @OddDrarryShipper

Warning: this warning contains mentions of trauma, selfharm, sucidal thoughts, fake friends, panic attacks and has a bad ending. If these subjects are triggering for you plesse skip this oneshot!

Also bad ending



You were trying to take deep breaths while leaning on the sink in the girls bathroom. You couldn't take these traumas anymore.

You had always been very scared. Terrified of people hurting you. You used to have great friends before Hogwarts but they turned their back on you and left hurt you. They did such awful things to you that you never recovered.

You were paranoid and afraid of making friends.. until you met ginny. You used to have a great friendship but during dueling she accidentally attacked you while missing another person and it triggered everything all over again.

You were having panic attacks, you even started selfharming again. You felt awful. You just managed to stop crying. You took a moment to calm down before you left.

You left the bathroom but as soon as you did someone called your name. It was Ginny. You took a deep breath and kept walking.

Ginny was head over heels in love with you. She liked you so much more then anyone else she had ever met. But ever since the accident you hadnt said a word to her.

She was worried about you. You used to have so much fun. She had no idea what went wrong. She said it was an accident. She never meant to hurt you.

'Y/N.' She said.

Her voice brought the panic you just got rid off, back. You started to shake but tried to keep going. There surely must be a way to get rid of her.

'Y/N, please.'

You kept walking. Trying your best not to breath and an abnormally fast pace. You looked around, trying to find a way to get rid of her. Her following you was becoming too much. You turned into an empty corridor.


'What?!' You exclaimed while turning around.

She seemed a little shocked by your outburst. She quickly gathered herself.

'Why are you ignoring me?'

'Leave me alone.' You sighed.

You wanted to continue walking but she grabbed your wrist. This send you anxiety into a complete overload. You pushed her away and started hyperventilating. You looked at her.

You hated to have breakdowns infront of people but you couldn't help yourself. Ginny looked at you in shock.

'Y/N- I just touched you, dont worry.'

'Dont. Toch. Me!' You nearly screamed.

Ginny took a step back. You tried to calm yourself down but instead you started crying. You turned your back to ginny and tried to calm yourself down. Your entire body was shaking, your heart was pounding and you were struggling to breath.

'Y/N.. what did I ever do to you?'

'What did you do?!' You exclaimed while turning around. 'You attacked me! I trusted you. I thought you weren't like the others. Like all other friends I had before you. They all let me down, did horrible things to me. I thought I could trust you!' You sobbed.

Ginny didn't know. She had no idea that happened to you. You never told her.

'Y/N.. it was an accident.' She said. 'I was aiming for someone else.'

She stepped closer to you but you stepped back. You didn't want her near you. You just couldn't. You couldn't trust her anymore. You couldn't let her in.

'Y/N please. I am not like them. You know that. I care about you so much. I promise.' She said. 'Please just..'

She stepped closer again but you stepped back. You watched your teary eyes. She watched you shaking and scared.

'Y/N.. listen I.. this is the last thing I can do to convince you. Y/N, I actually have feelings for you. Okay? I'm in love with you.' Ginny said. 'Youre the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I would never hurt you on purpose. I promise. Please.'

You looked at her.

'I'm sorry Ginny.. I cant. Im sorry.' You sniffed.

You turned around and walked away. Ginny watched you leave. She realised she just lost you and you turned her down. When she realised it her heart broke..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now