Requested by: quite a lot of people.
You and Sirius had been dating for awhile. It didnt go as the boys had hope. Since you were around all the time they still couldnt do what they wanted.
Severus did agree with it. His life was peaceful now. James, Remus and Peter we're about to go talk to Sirius to tell him he could stop with the bet. They didnt know Sirius had actually fallen for you and they hadnt even mentioned the bet anymore.
'Hey guys.' Siruis smiled as he approached his friends.
'Hey, good to catch you alone. Can we talk?' James asked.
'Sure, what's up?'
You were in the corridor too, heading after Sirius to hang out with him when you heard them say they wanted to talk. You stopped and decided to let them finish before talking to Sirius.
'We need you to stop with the dare. You won.' James said.
Dare? What did they dare? You were curious and knew you shouldnt be eavesdropping.. but you promised Sirius you'd go to class with him.
'Dare?' He asked.
Sirius had completely forgotten about the dare. He liked you so much that he had completely forgotten that this started off that.
'Yeah the whole "make-Y/N-fall-for-you" dare. You can stop that now.' Peter said.
'The what?!' You hissed.
That shocked you. He was dating you for a dare?! Suddenly you doubted everything about your relationship. Sirius turned around. He looked at you. Your eyes were filled with anger and hurt.
'Y/N, you have to listen to me.' Sirius said right away.
'Youre dating me for a dare?!' You asked. 'This is outrages!'
'No no, listen, please!'
'Do you even love me?' You choked. 'I cant believe you right now.'
You walked away. Sirius wanted to head after you but the boys grabbed him and held him.
'Let me go! You guys ruined everything!'
'Oh come on. We saved you from a fake relationship.' Remus sighed.
'It wasnt fake! I love her! I actually fell for her!' He yelled.
He pushed them aside and hurried off, trying to find you.
You were heart broken. For day you avoided Sirius in any way possible. You hid away in the hufflepuff basement most of the time that you didnt have class.
James, Peter and Remus hadnt spoken to Sirius since the incident. He didnt want to see them. They ruined everything.
Sirius tried to talk to you many times but you were constantly on the run. He didnt blame you. He shouldve been honest with you but he actually forgot.
You were taking a breather after class. You were constantly tired. Still crying off and on. You cared about him so much and it was all fake. All for nothing. You already thought it was weird when he suddenly approached you.
You felt someone grab your wrist tightly. You turned around and saw Sirius. You tried to pull your wrist away right away. Seeing him made your emotions come up again.
'Let me go!' You hissed.
'I've been trying to talk to you for days, please.' He begged you. 'Please. Please listen to me.'
'Let me go. I dont want to talk to you!'
'Please! Please!' He choked.
You looked at him and didnt say anything.
'I know it sounds wrong. Hearing it was a dare to get you to fall for me. I know. I shouldve been honest right away but being with you.. i forgot. I fell in love with you and I forgot. I seriously forgot. I love you so much that I forgot it was a dare.'
He slowly let you go. You wanted to leave but you couldnt. Tears were stinging in your eyes as you looked at him.
'I love you. Okay? I know we hadnt said it yet but I do. I love you. Please dont walk away from me. The time with you was the best time at Hogwarts ever. Please.'
You dug your face into your hands as tears streamed down your cheeks. Sirius took you into his arms and held you tightly against him.
'Im so sorry.' He said.
You didnt say anything and held him tightly.
'Can you forgive me?'
'Of course.' You said.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...