Sirius x reader ~ had more fun

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Requested by: @approvedbydentists



You and Sirius were sitting at the lake. The rest of the group just left but you two wanted to stay. You never really stressed the evening deadline. You stared up at the sky. The sun just left your sight.

You looked at Sirius for a moment.. but not for too long. For some reason you never knew what to say when you two were alone. You didnt really know why.

'How are you feeling?' Sirius suddenly asked.

You looked at him right away. He never asked that. You were a little confused. He grinned.

'Dont worry. We never really talk seriously when we are with the group. I was wondering if you're okay. That's all.'

'I'm fine.'

'Oh boy.'

Sirius sat up and turned to face you with his entire body.

'When a girl says she's fine.. she's never fine.'

'I am okay overall so.. fine is a good word.'

Sirius looked at you. It was as if your eyes were piercing through the walls you build. You were right. You were okay overall.. but you just always had that pressure of your family having an almost perfect score on every subject. You never spoke to anyone about it because you felt like that was your problem and not theirs.

'Overall is not entirely.' Sirius said.

'Why do you care?' You grinned. 'Nothing personal but..'

'I know. I just do.'

Sirius also didnt know what made him ask you if you were okay. He just wanted to talk to you.

'Being in my family is just pressure. If I dont get at least an E or O everyone just gets disappointed.' You said.

'Is that why you're always studying?' He asked.

'Pretty much.' You said. 'Its not a big deal. I just wish I.. made more fun while being here.'

Sirius got up. He offered you his hand. You grabbed it and helped him up.

'What?' You asked.

'We are going to have fun.'

Sirius pulled you with him into the castle. It was dangerous to wonder the castle. If a teacher found you, it would be detention.

'Let's go to our common room.' You sighed.

'Nah. I wanna get our potions teacher back for putting me and James in detention. You said you wanted to have fun so you're going to help me.'

'I- no way! I cant get detention. My parents will literally kill me!' You hissed.

'Shhh. We wont get caught.'

Sirius stopped at the office of your teacher. He looked inside. He pulled you with him and places some candies on his desk.

You heard footsteps outside. Sirius pulled you out of the office behind a wall. You peeked around the side. You saw how he looked at the candies in confusion. He grabbed one and smelled it before eating it. Before you knew it his face started swelling.

'How did this?!' He hissed right away.

Sirius accidentally let out a loud laugh. You grabbed his wrist. A rush of adrenaline entered your body as you pulled him with you. You started running as fast as you could. You hadnt ran like this in a long time. It actually felt really.. exciting.

Sirius pulled you into a totally different direction and pushed you against the wall while the teacher passed you and didnt even see you. You just stood there, panting.

'See. It's fun.' He smiled.

You smiled back at him.

'God, I love you.'

Sirius eyes widened. You just realised what you said. You couldnt say you didnt mean it. You only just realised you liked him.

You walked away from him. That was embarrassing. You just ruined your friendship. Sirius suddenly realised why he got to nervous around you. You saying that made him realise it.

He ran after you. He grabbed your wrist. You turned around and he pressed his lips against yours. You needed some time to process but kissed him back afterwards.

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