insomnia!Snape x reader ~ tired

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Requested by: Loaqis



'Get started.' Snape said.

He walked back to his desk. You looked down at your piece of parchment and started writing. You had to write an essay for Snape.

You were quite good at potions. You liked the subject. Snape was good at teaching. He always made you pay attention.

'Y/N.. look. It's happening again.'

You looked up at Snape. You watched him as he tried desperately to stay awake.

What no one really knew was that Snape had insomnia. All you knew was that he was always tired. Snape always managed to stay awake during class and take naps in his breaks.. but today it was even worse.

This entire week had been stressful for him which made it even worse. He had lots of work to do or work to check. You focused back on your work.

'What do you think he's wrong with him?' Your friend asked.

'Everyone is tired from time to time.' You shrugged.

'He is tired every day.' She said. 'He is like that every lesson.'

You looked back up at Snape. He tried to stay awake but you saw he almost couldn't. It was quite sad to see.

You looked back at your work again and continued writing. You wanted this to be a good essay. You couldnt fail now.

'Oh.. ooohhh... oh!'

You sighed and looked up. She was so annoying from time to time. She found Snape's situation more interesting than actually passing potions.

'Can you stop?' You asked.

'Look at him. He fell asleep!'

Your eyes shot and Snape. He was laying on his desk, he actually fell asleep. More students were looking at him. He never actually fell asleep before.. it surprised you that it actually happened this time.

'Professor!' Neville said.

Oh didnt really seem to have any effect. You heard laughter and chatting all around you as more people tried to get him to wake up. Thing were thrown at him, people were screaming and some Slytherins even left the classroom thinking that the class was over now.

'Professor!' Somebody yelled through the classroom but it still didnt seem to work.

Your friend hurried forwards and tapped Snape on his shoulder. She stared at him for a moment. You sighed and shook your head. It still wouldn't work.

This made you wonder what was up with him and why he kept falling asleep. Maybe there was nothing wrong and he was just always tired which was a massive mood to you.. but this seemed different.

'Professor?' Your friend asked.

She shook his shoulder and tried to get him to wake up, still without result. You tried to just continue working. You had to finish this for next lesson, but all the chatting around you was turning you insane.

You got up and reached for your wand. Your friend looked at you and jumped aside when the words

'Aguamenti.' Left your mouth.

The ray of water hit Snape and it actually seemed to work. You lowered your wand and sat down. Nobody dared to say a word. Everyone expected him to yell at you and be mad at you.. but he didn't say anything. He just looked at you.

You continued working like nothing happened while everyone was eying either Snape or you. Snape knew it was you but decided not to say anything. He just left for a moment.

'I can't believe you just did that!' Your friend exclaimed.

You didn't answer and continued writing. Snape came back later to keep watch over the class. He cleaned himself up a bit.


At the end of class everyone started leaving. You wanted to leave too.

'Miss Y/L.'

You froze in your place and slowly turned to Snape. He was going to give you detention.. wasn't he? You were just trying to help. Maybe he didn't see that or understand that. If that was the case that would be a big issue.

'Next time I'd appreciate it if you find a different way to help.' He said. 'But thank you.'

You were a little surprised but smiled at him. He wasnt going to give you detention? It was all okay.. you could just walk out of there?

'I will. No problem, sir.' You just said.

You walked away before he could change his mind..

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