Hagrid x pregnant!reader ~ just talk to him

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Requested by: supersnape



'He deserves to know Y/N.'

You lifted your head from your arm that were resting on the table. You looked at Minerva. You sighed and sat up. She sat down opposite of you.

'I know.. I know I have to tell him.'

Minerva was worried about you. You had been down lately while you used to be so excited. When you found out your were pregnant you were so happy. You and your boyfriend hagrid had been trying for awhile. Everytime you didn't get pregnant until 1 and a half months ago.

You told Minerva first and you tried to tell Hagrid.. but everytime you had a moment alone madame Maxime interfered. You tried telling him at night but he'd just tell you stories about what they did all day.

Yes he was yours, yes he loved you, yes you loved him.. but you hadn't properly spoken about anything else ever since she arrived. You were jealous. It was probably just because she was a giant as well.. he never really met a lot of people like him.

Everytime you find the right moment and were ready to tell him she showed up. It was as if she knew. It drove you insane.

'Y/N, are you okay?' Minerva asked.


'You're not. You used to be so excited. You're finally having a baby!'

'I know.. it's just.. every time I want to tell him madame Maxime shows up.. he doesnt talk about anyone or anything else anymore.'

Minerva talked to hagrid a lot lately. She was trying to figure out what was happening and why he didn't know. Now she finally found out.

'He isn't in love with her. I know that for sure. I talked to him about it.'

You looked at her.

'He just likes that there is finally someone like him.'

You didn't say anything. Minerva got up and sat down besides you. She laid a hand on your shoulder.

'Just talk to him. He deserves it.'

You nodded.

'Thank you.'


You saw hagrid a few meters away. You smiled as you walked over to him. After you conversation with Minerva you got back your positive energy.

'Hey honey.' Hagrid smiled.

You walked over to him and kissed him and stood up on your tippy toes. Hagrid laughed and bent down to kiss you.

You pulled back. He wanted to start talking.

'I need to tell you something.' You smiled.

'Oh really? What is it?' He asked.


'Hello Hagrid.'

You turned your head and saw.. of course.. madame Maxime.

'Hi!' He smiled. 'How are ye?'

They started talking... and talking.. and talking. You were going insane.


He didn't listen. He kept talking to her. What was it that she did? Was she better? Was it because she's taller? Because she knew more about giants and everything like that?

'Hagrid!' You hissed.

He still didn't listen. You felt so angry. Why was he not interested in you? Your were the mother of his baby! But he didn't know..

'Hagrid I'm pregnant!' You blurted out.

He stopped talking and looked at you in shock.

'1 and a half months, I've been trying to tell you but she interferes all the time. So now have with tour conversation while I'll go and do some pregnant people stuff.' You hissed.


'No. Go on.' You snapped.

You walked away. Hagrid wanted to go after you but madame maxime stopped him.

'We weren't done yet, where are you going?' She asked.

'We've been tryin' for months. I need to talk to her.'

He pulled his arm back and hurried after you. He found you in the hut you shared with him. You were just sitting at the table and he saw that you had been crying.

You looked at the table. You tried to hide your face from him. Hagrid walked over to you immediately.

'Stop. Don't.' You sniffed.

'Y/N, I can't believe-'

'I'm pregnant? You would've known earlier if you weren't so obsessed with her. What has she that I don't have? Because she's taller than I am? Because she gets more of your life?!'

Hagrid decided to sit down besides you even though you didn't want that.

'No. She's cool and everythin' but I'm in love with ye. Ye make me happier than anyone on this planet. There's no one I rather have this baby with.'

You looked at him. He wiped your cheeks and smiled at you.

'I'm goin' to give ye and our baby all the love in the world. Gonna spend so much time with ye that ye'll be sick of me.'

'I think that'll be because of the pregnancy.' You grinned.

He laughed a little and looked at you. He just smiled for a moment.

'What?' You blushed.

'Nothin'.. I'm just happy.'

'Me too.' You smiled brightly and kissed him.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now