Viktor x reader ~ together

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Requested by: Yesimdisgusting



You nervously walked down the stairs into the great hall. It was a magical night. This was going to be a night to remember. You took a deep breath and turned around the corner.

There he was.. Viktor Krum. He asked you to the yuleball a few days ago. He was such a handsome guy.. very sweet as well. He turned down so many girls for you. You felt honoured.

'You look great.' He smiled with a slight blush.

He grabbed your hand and kissed it. Your cheeks flushed red as your smile grew wider.

'So do you.'

Viktor led you past a few people. They all stared at you two.. especially some of the girls that were interested in Viktor.

'Don't mind them too much. Tonight is about us having fun. I turned them down for a reason.'

You looked at Viktor and smiled.

'I'm sorry.'

'Don't be.. I get it.'

You saw the other champions. Or well.. most of them. Harry wasn't there yet. The champions had to dance first. You practised a lot. You hoped it would all turn out fine. This was supposed to become a perfect night.

You stared at the big door. The rest of the champions were also waiting. You took a deep breath.

'Are you ready?' Viktor asked.

You looked at him and smiled.

'Yes. I'm ready.'

Viktor grabbed your hand. You blushed a little and tried to look away. He grinned. The doors opened. You headed in after the other champions.

People were cheering and applauding. You looked around in awe. You made your way to the dance floor. Viktor moved his hand around your waste. You could just feel that you were as red as a tomato. You place your hand on his shoulder and your other hand grabbed his.

'Let's do this.' You smiled.

The music started playing. It went better than you expected. You were even having fun and didnt hurt your feet but having him step on them. It was perfect.

Slowly more people started joining in but you didnt really care. You were just looked at Viktor. The night and days leading up to tonight you had been spending a lot of time with him. This could really be something.. something good. Something real.

The music stopped. You smiled at Viktor. He grabbed your hand. It made you blush.

'Drink?' He asked.

You nodded. You two headed out of the busy crowd.

'Don't do it Y/Br/N (your brothers name. Younger. If you dont have one make one up :D like bob or carl or what ever lmao)' you heard.

Your little brother.. he was in the same year as Harry Potter. Although he was younger he actually was very protective. He didn't trust Viktor. You begged him to just let you have fun. You didn't want him to ruin it.


You sighed. Viktor could see your smile fade as soon as your brother said your name. You turned around.


'Where are you going?' He asked.

'Getting a drink.' You sighed. 'So goodbye.'


You two turned back around. Your little brother looked at Viktor.

'Can I help you?' Viktor asked.

'Let go of my sister.' he hissed.

'For wizards sake, Y/Br/N!' You snapped right away.

You didnt want this. This was supposed to be a perfect night.

'I can do what I want! Its Viktor. He's super sweet and kind.. and I like him. So leave me alone!'

You walked away. Viktor ran after you. You had never really admitted that you like Viktor. Not to him at least. Viktor grabbed your wrist. You looked at him.

'Listen, I'm sorry. He just always-'

Viktor kissed you. You were shocked but you kissed him back. He pulled back and pulled you into a hug.


It was after the war. You and Viktor were now living together. It was amazing to be living with the man of your dreams.

Your brother even had peace with it. It was great! Vintor moved to England for you. He wanted to for you. Viktor sat down beside you. You looked at him.

'What's up? You were dreaming.' He grinned.

'I know.. I was just thinking back. To the Yule ball.'

Viktor smiled right away. It was a magical night.

'I never thanked you for asking me.' You smiled.

'And I never thanked you for saying yes.' He laughed.

You grinned a little and just kissed him.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now