Requested by: emomettybear
You were still hanging above a bucket while madam pomfrey tried figure out what was going on.
You knew you were pregnant with your boyfriends child. It scared you a little because you we're only 16 years old and Fred 17. You didn't get the chance to tell him yet which made it even worse. He just left Hogwarts. Luckily it was almost Christmas. This happened when he came to visit you a three weeks ago.
'You're perfectly healthy! It cant be food poisoning!' Madam pomfrey spoke in utter disbelieve.
You took a deep breath and sat up for a moment. You fell ill in class and made your way out and bumped into madam pomfrey.
'It'll be over soon.' You sighed.
'How do you know that?' She asked. 'Y/N, I asked you before.. you seem to know what's going on and I need you to tell me!'
'It's nothing important.' You sighed.
'It is! You're throwing up!'
She had been begging you to tell her but it was difficult for you. You wanted to keep the baby but it was horrible for you to be there like that. You were afraid of judgement. Madam pomfrey sat down besides you.
'What's stopping you from telling me?' She asked.
'Insecurity.' You just said.
'About what?'
'You never have to be scared to tell me anything. I wont tell anyone, I promise.'
You sighed.
'My boyfriend came to visit me three weeks ago.. and now I'm pregnant.' You spoke softly.
Madam pomfrey was surprised for a moment but gave you a warm smile. You then know what it was okay..
You saw the burrow in front of you. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. You were planning on telling Fred today. They invited you to stay at the burrow during Christmas. Molly opened the door and smiled as soon as she saw you.
'Hi dear!' She smiled before hugged you.
You smiled and hugged him back. She allowed you to come in. You heard footsteps rush down the stairs and before you knew it Fred appeared. He smiled as soon as he saw you and he ran over to you to hug you, he lifted you up and spun around one time before putting you down and kissing you.
'Someones happy to see me.' You grinned.
'A little.' He joked.
You looked around and said hi to everyone for a moment. You then walked back to Fred. You grabbed his arm.
'Can I talk to you for a moment?' You almost whispered.
'Yeah sure, what's up?'
'In private please.'
'Oh, yes.'
Fred grabbed your hand and took you to the garden for a moment. You went on a little stroll. You took a deep breath. This was it. You were going to tell him. He had to know. He deserved to know.
'So what's up?' He asked. 'Are you okay?'
'Yes I am. I just need to share something with you.'
'You can tell me anything.' He said while wrapping an arm around you.
'Do you remember when Dumbledore allowed you to visit me so you could talk to me about your store and everything.'
Fred smiled. He came over a weekend and you hardly left the bedroom. Of course he remembered.
'I do.' He smiled. 'How could I forget?'
You were quiet for a moment. You were mentally preparing yourself. You looked at him.
'What's up with that time?' He asked.
'Well... I kind... think you... made me pregnant.'
Fred stopped right away. You stopped and turned to him.
'You're going to be a father.. surprise.' You tried.
He was shocked which didn't surprise you. Fred didn't really know what to say. He looked at you.
'I'm going to be a father?' He asked.
'Well yeah.. it's not like I cheated on you..' you said. 'I know it's a lot to take in and I'm willing to give you some time if you need it. I know we're kids ourselves but I want to keep it.. I hope you do take that in consideration.'
'Y/N.. I dont need time. I.. this is amazing.' He smiled.
You looked at him. He smiled at you and he hugged you. You smiled and hugged him back.
'I can't believe this.. I dont know how it went wrong but I dont care. I dont. I cant explain how happy I am.'
'I'm so glad you are.'
He let you go and kissed you shortly.
'Wait.. did you tell anyone else?' He asked.
'Madam pomfrey because I kept having morning sickness.. why?'
'My mum.. I think she's going to kill me.'
You looked at him.
'No way. It's your mum we're talking about! Don't worry. We'll tell her together.'
Fred smiled he he grabbed your hand. You both turned around and he took you inside.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...