Reqeusted by: Sora_Yuki123
You smiled while walking over to the gryffindor table. You wanted to see your boyfriend, Oliver. He was sitting with his teammates at the table. You walked over to them.
Oliver had been busy. You tried to stay positive but he was just thinking about quidditch a lot.
'So we need you to be on top of your game! If you catch that snitch, we'll win this entire thing!' Oliver spoke.
'Hi Oliver.' You smiled while stopping besides him.
'And if I make sure I stay close to the hoops at all time then you three need to make sure that I don't need to get in on the defense, can you do that?' He asked.
Didn't he hear you. You tapped him on his shoulder.
'Oliver.' You said.
He really didn't hear you. He was focused on his plan and on his team. He didn't even notice you talking to him.
'Slytherin can get quite nasty but I need you all to stay focused. We can beat them.'
You were disappointed and just decided to walk away. You were done trying. You had been trying for so long. You and Oliver had a date planned that night so you'd see him anyways.
You decided to hang out with your friends. They helped you get ready for tonight. You wanted to impress him. It was your anniversary. You hoped that he wouldn't forget. You tried extra hard tonight.
You arranged to meet up at the lake. You were there a little early so you decided to wait. It was already getting dark. You had been looking forward to this for weeks. Just being with him, spending a romantic evening together.
It was quite cold outside. This was just a place you'd meet, seeing he had practise first. You leaned against a tree a waited.
You watched it slowly get dark. You decided to head over to the quidditch pitch. Maybe he was waiting there for you.
But when you came closer, you heard him shouting tactics. He was still practising. Did he forget?
You turned around and saw Harry.
'Oh.. hey harry.' You tried to smile.
'What are you doing here? A quidditch pitch is not the place to go to when you're dressed up.'
'I was just looking for Oliver.. it's nothing, I'll let you guys practise.'
Harry could clearly see you were sad when you walked away. He walked onto the pitch. He yelled at Oliver, asking if he could talk to him. Oliver made his way to ground and walked over to him.
'I just saw Y/N, she was dressed up. Like properly dressed up and looking for you.. she seemed sad when she saw you practising.'
Oliver seemed a little confused. Dressed up? Sad?
'Are you sure?' He asked.
'Yeah, I spoke to her. She said she wanted to see you but that it was okay. I swore she was nearly crying.'
'Crying?' He asked. 'What in Merlins name could I have done?' He asked.
'I mean, you did kind of ignore her earlier.'
Harry did see you. He saw how Oliver ignored you at the gryffindor table. He felt bad for you.
'Ignore her? I haven't seen her all day.'
'At our table this morning.' Harry said. 'I thought you were doing it on purpose.'
Oliver rubbed the back of his neck. He then suddenly remembered. How could he forget? What was he doing?
'Oh my- I need to go. I properly messed up. Like I seriously messed up.'
Oliver hurried away.
You were in the common room. Your friends were gathered around you. You had been crying. For the past few days he hadn't spoken to you.
'I don't get what I've done. Why won't he just tell me?' You sniffed. 'Look at how hard I try for him.'
'It can't be you.' One of your friends, Kim, said. 'You've done everything for him.'
'Then what is it?' You asked. 'Why did he forget out anniversary?'
'We don't know. We really don't. He's an empty headed idiot.' A other friend, Jenna, said.
You wiped your cheeks while new tears came up in your eyes. You tried not to cry again. You didn't want to bother your friends too much.
'It all because of that stupid quidditch. That guy only his one love in his life and that's quidditch.' Your third friend, Thom, sighed.
Someone entered the common room. You turned your head and saw Oliver. You didn't want to talk to him.
'Y/N, please just-'
'Go away.' You choked. 'I don't want to see you right now.'
You got up and walked up to your room.
'Y/N! Wait just listen to me!' Oliver yelled after you.
'Seriously?' Thom asked while raising his brows. 'No you come here, still in your quidditch outfit? On your anniversary?'
'You need to get her back down. I need to talk to her.'
'We spend the entire afternoon getting her ready to meet you. She picked out her most beautiful outfit, she talked about how she was so excited to spend an evening with you seeing you've been so busy.' Kim said.
'I know. I know let me talk to her. Get her back. I can't go up to her room.'
'Dude, you've literally made her cry all evening. I don't think she wants to see you.' This shrugged.
'I want to talk to her. I want to spend tonight with her.'
'You haven't showed that.' Jenna said.
Oliver was stressing out. He ran over to the stairs.
'Y/N! Y/N, please! I know what I did. I know I messed up! Please I need to talk to you. I love you.' He yelled upstairs.
Jenna sighed. She hated to see this. She got up and hurried up to your room. It didn't take long before she took your down stairs. He saw your red, puffy eyes and streaky cheeks. You still looked amazing to him. Your dress was incredible.
Oliver walked over to you. You made your way down the stairs but didn't say anything.
'Y/N, I'm so sorry. I've been such an ass. I didn't even know I ignored you earlier today until someone told me. I've been to caught up in this upcoming game.. and I just.. I forgot other important things. I'm so so so sorry Y/N.'
You looked at him.
'It's our anniversary.' You said.
'I know. I know. I have something for you and everything.. I never meant for this to happen like this. Please let me do what I planned.'
'Do you promise you won't ignore me anymore?' You asked.
'Of course. I love you Y/N.'
He reached out to you. You grabbed his hand. He pulled you closer and kissed you.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...