Requested by: rxse_gxld-
Obviously your name is: Y/N Weasley
-Draco nervously stepped down the stairs of his manor, unsure what was about to happen. His father never wanted to speak to him like that.
Lucius asked Draco to meet him in the kitchen. Usually if he had something to say he would just tell Draco right away. This was serious.
All he prayed was that it wasnt about his relationship with you.. Y/N Weasley. You had been trying to keep it a secret. He couldn't have found out.. could he.
You and Draco first didnt get along but it didnt take long before you were paired during potions. You both found out you had a lot in common. Draco first didnt want it but he couldnt stop the connection between you two.
He entered the kitchen and saw his father already standing there. Draco slowly sat down while looking at him.
'Hello father.. ' he just said. 'What is it that you wanted to discuss.'
Lucius walked over to him and slammed a piece of parchment on the table. it was a letter addressed to him but Lucius had already opened it.
'You read through my mail?'
'I was going to give it to you after a strange owl appeared. I had never seen it before so I checked the address. Mind reading it out loud. Draco flipped the letter over.
Y/N Weasley
The room below the attic
The burrow
Ottery St. Catchpole
DevonHe read it out loud. It was everything he didnt wish for. Draco turned it back around and read the address you send it too.
Draco Lucius Malfoy
Bedroom on the left side in the middle
Malfoy manor
WiltshireThis was addressed to his bedroom.. why did Lucius even find it? Unless the owl flew to the wrong location or he sneaked into his room.
'Well I had to open the letter after seeing that because no son of mine is supposed to write a Weasley. Mind reading the last paragraph to me?' He sneered.
I cant wait to see you again after this summer. I miss you a lot. Especially now with everything that's going on regarding Voldemort. I hope you're okay. When you're here I'll overload you with love, that's a problem.
I love you,
Okay so his father knew now. That was bad. That was awful. He looked at his father who was furious.
'You're dating a Weasley?!' He almost yelled.
'He's what?'
Draco turned his head and saw Narcissa.
'He is dating Y/N Weasley.' Lucius hissed.
'Draco, you never told me you had a girlfriend.' Nacissa smiled.
Her smile soon faded when she saw the way Lucius was looking at her.
'That's a disgrace to our pure blood family! She is a blood traitor!' He almost yelled.
'So what? I love her.' Draco simply spoke.
'So what?! This will not stand. You're going to break up with her!'
'What?! No way! You snooped through my mail! That's my letter!'
'That's not important, you are bringing shame on our family!'
Draco snorted. He grabbed the letter.
'Y/N isnt shame on our family. She is the best thing that happened to me. I'm not breaking up with her. No matter what you say.'
Lucius didnt like his attitude. He crossed his arms.
'Lucius, dear.. maybe we should just let him-'
'You stay out of this!' Lucius yelled at Narcissa.
'She doesnt deserve that.' Draco hissed.
'Break up with her or you're out of the house! Break up with her or leave!' Lucius yelled.
There was a knock on your door.
'Someone get the door!' Molly yelled from the kitchen.
'Cant!' You heard from the basement.
'Yes someone get the door.' Fred and george spoke in unison.
'Fine! I'll go.' You smiled.
You hurried off the couch forwatds the door. Who could it be? You were always excited to see. It couldn't be Hermione or Harry because they wouldnt arrive until the end of the summer.
You opened the door and stared straight into Dracos sad eyes. He was standing outside your door.. he never had before. You parents didnt even know about him and you yet.
'Hey.. I need a place to stay. My dad found out about us and he said to break up with you or leave so.. I left..'
You stepped outside him hugged him right away..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...