draco x reader ~ support

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Requested by: @llPheonixFirell


Draco took you with him into the astronomy tower. It was late at night and Draco told you he wanted to talk to you in private.

You met draco in your first year. You became friends quite quickly. You lived with muggles and he used to judge you a little on that. He didnt know how you got into Slytherin. He then overheard you telling one of your best friends that your pure blood parents died. The muggles just took you in at home.

You got abused by them. Draco was the first one you told about it. He helper you regain your confidence and you started to date eventually.

You were now in your sixth year and you were anxious about what Draco had to say.

'What's up?' You asked when you came upstairs.

'I got someone to tell you but you have to promise me you keep it a secret.'

'Of course. You can trust me.' You smiled.

Draco sighed. He started taking off the jacket of his suit.

'Seriously, here?' You asked.

Draco looked at you. He shook his head and he couldn't believe he was smiling a little. He tossed it aside and started moving up the sleeve of his blouse. He turned away from you while doing that.


'Please just hear me out after you see this.. okay?'

'Draco you're scaring me.'

'That's the last thing I want.'

You were a little confused and waited for Draco to feel confident enough to turn around. When he did you saw the dark mark on his arm. You tried to hide the shock you were feeling but Draco could see it.

He was a death eater. Okay.. that was totally fine. Totally not scary. Totally not unbelievably dangerous. Okay who were you kidding? You were terrified.. terrified for him.

'Listen, you have to listen to me. I know it's much to take in.'

'Aren't you terrified?' You asked. 'I'm terrified for you.'

Draco wanted to just.. hold you. He wanted you to tell him that it was okay, that he wasnt alone.. but he saw that you wanted an explanation first.

'This isn't my choice, okay. I don't have a choice. Non, zero, nada. Okay?' He started. 'My father got me into this. Voldenort chose me to complete tasks here inside of Hogwarts-'

'What tasks?' You asked.

Draco looked at the floor for a moment before looking back up. You were never going to accept him like this. This was the end of your relationship, wasn't it?

'I have to mend a vanishing cabinet so other death eater can come inside of Hogwarts so they can watch me...'

He paused for a moment. He didnt want to lose you. This was horrible. You were the best thing he had right now. He swallowed.

'Watch me.. kill Dumbledore.'

Your eyes widened again.

'I know. I know it's crazy. I know it is. Y/N, if I could change this, I would! I don't want this.'

Draco had panic in his eyes. He was being legit. You saw tears slowly come up in his eyes. Was he.. going to cry?

'You're the best thing I have right now. Please you have to understand that I hate this! I don't- I-'

He turned away from you as he broke down crying. You hurried over to him and hugged him from behind. Draco was surprised. He turned around so he could hold you tightly.

'I believe you Draco. I do.. I won't leave you for this. You know that. I'm going to try to help you as much as I can.'

You looked up and let him go so you could wipe his tears away. You cupped his face and pulled it down a little so you could kiss him.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now