Chapter 12 Victor's POV

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Checking my watch and see it's a quarter to seven so I jog down my stairs ready to take Stacey on this date. I booked a reservation for a fancy restaurant and I just hope she likes that type of thing. I don't want to be comparing her to that bitch. My ex.
Grabbing my wallet and making sure I have money and my card I grab my car keys and head out the door locking up behind me. I breathe out slowly calming my nerves as I step into my car and pull on my seat belt.

Arriving outside Stacey's I check the time and see its seven on the dot so I step out my car and walk around to her front door. Taking in a few deep breathes I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Hoping for Stacey to be honest.
"Who are you?" the door suddenly opens and a little version of Stacey stands there with her arms crossed observing me.
"Shut up and move" Stacey tells her and pushes her away. That's my girl and fucking hell don't she look sexy in that red dress.
"You look.. Wow" I tell her speechless. She blushes and I offer her my hand helping her step down in her heels.
"You look handsome too Victor. Even better whats underneath" she whispers the last part and I grin at her pleased with my decision about taking her out. After being with Marcus all day and him saying it's a bad idea and how I got what I wanted from her already was playing on my mind. But now she's here infront of me I know I was right. I haven't had nearly enough from her.
Escorting her to my car I open the passenger door for her and help her in closing it behind her. I walk around the car and watch as she watches me intently. What's she thinking?

"I hope you like this place" I tell her as I drive along the road nearly at our destination. I've chosen a little bistro away from the town centre and out in the countryside. There's a stables and horses aswell if she likes that kind of thing.
"I'm sure I'll love it Victor don't worry" she says and my heart beats a little quicker. I feel butterflies swarm inside me and my hairs at the back of my neck start to rise. She does this to me. Since the moment I saw her..
"That's all I want beautiful" I tell her glancing at her smiling.

Pulling up at the restaurant I climb out and walk around the car and open her door for her helping her out.
Linking fingers we walk towards the entrance and I hold the door open for her escorting her in.

"Welcome to Sinatra" The hostess says smiling up at us. 
"Reservation for Jones." I say to the woman standing with a tablet.
"Table for two sir." She says looking at my date and back at me smiling. I hook my arm around Stacey's waist and nod at the young woman.
"Right this way please." She grabs two menus and guides us to a table.
"Would you like to order your drinks?" She asks taking out her notepad. 
"A bottle of your finest white wine." I say not taking my eyes of Stacey.
"Great, I'll bring that right over. Someone will be around to take your order shortly." She tells us and walks off.
I start looking over the menu not really caring what I eat. Just to be here with her.
"Have you decided baby girl?" I ask putting my menu down.
"Yeah.. I'd like to try the soup of the day." She says smiling at me
"Good because there on there way back. I'm having the same as you" I smile at her.
A young girl comes along and places the bottle and two wine glasses down. Filling a little, I taste the wine and it's good. I think. That will do. Putting the glass back down I nod my head for her to fill them both up. She places the bottle down and takes out her notepad.
"Can I start you off with anything" she looks between us smiling. "
"Can we both get your soup off the day please with a side of garlic bread." I say as she jots it down quickly.
"Anything else?" she asks. I look at Stacey and she shakes her head no.
"No thankyou." I smile towards her and look back at Stacey.
"So what did you really think of my party?" I ask her interested.
"It was great Victor and I met you" she says smiling.
"What about you did you enjoy yourself?" she asks me picking up her wine glass and taking a sip. I watch as she smiles at the taste and puts it back.
"I met you so I loved it" I tell her smiling and she swirls her wine in her glass around thinking.
"Tell me more about your work" she asks and I smile.
"I work with my dad he owns his own construction company" I tell her and she gives me a small smile. She looks away and I wonder why?
"What's on your mind?" I ask her. Soon as I mentioned my dad she kind of went down.
"My dad's a joke. But that's not date conversation babe" she says smiling and I sad smile at her. I have both parents that over love me and my brother.
"I'm sorry to hear that and why isnt it date conversation isn't that the point of a date, getting to know each other beautiful" I say reaching out and running my thumb along her hand soothingly.
"I suppose, he's addicted to gambling. He drops money off every month for me and Macey and he thinks that's good enough. He just doesn't want to listen about his habit you know" she says looking sad and I have no idea what to say to her.
The waiter approachs with our food and places down the bowls and garlic bread.
"Enjoy" she says walking away.
"Do you live with your mum and sister or is there anyone else?" I ask her scooping up some of the soup to try.
"Just us three, it's better that way anyways. He can't keep hurting my mum either" she says and I understand that. I think I'd fuck my dad up if he hurt my mum.

Finishing up the food we talk abit more about our day to day and family and how we'd like to see each other again.
It's half past eight and the nights still young I don't want to leave her yet.
"That was so nice. Thankyou" She says to me I suddenly kiss her and I linger longer than I should so I pull her in to me prolonging the kiss and she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in. I swipe my tongue over her lip and she meets mine with hers. We seriously need to stop before I end up fucking her down an alley. She deserves better than that I tell myself. "Do you want to go out for a few drinks. Or have you got plans tomorrow?" I ask her hoping to hear that she can continue the night.
"I have nothing tomorrow. I checked earlier" She says before kissing me again. "But do you want to drink out or go back to mine" I ask her.
"We can go out for one" She says looking up at me.
"Of course baby girl" I kiss her forehead and grab her hand to walk her back to my car.

We find a few places and it looks fancy. We enter and head towards the bar.
"What do you want beautiful?" I look down at her.
"Vodka, orange please" she says then looks at me smiling. I feel a warm glow go through me at the look of her looking at me like this and smile down kissing her quickly.
"Anything for you" I flag the bartender down and order her drink with a double whisky for me. I tap my card and make our way over to a empty booth towards the back.

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