Chapter 25

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"You can go home now hun. You've done so well for you first day. I'm proud of you" Anne tells me smiling.
"Thanks, I was so nervous but now I can't wait to come back Friday" I tell her happily smiling.
"You have no reason to be nervous hunny. Your baking is excellent and your so young.. Play your cards right and you'll be better than me at my age" she says smiling.
And she's the ultimate baker. Wow.

Grabbing my coat and bag I walk through the bakery and out the door seeing Victor parked up outside.
"Hello beautiful" he says leaning against his car. He's in his work clothes and I'm sure he's suppose to be there.. At work.
"Hey you" I say shyly. Why am I shy?
"You wanted to see me baby girl" he asks stepping towards me.
"I took the morning after pill" I tell him needing him to know.
"Well that's a good thing right?" he says confused.
"I thought you should know. And I overreacted about it. I'm sorry" I tell him feeling shit.
"Baby, don't worry about it. We can make this work. I'll forever use a condom if that's what you want" he tells me hugging me close to him. I've missed him.
"Can I get some donuts now" he says laughing and I slap him playfully.
"Don't mock my job. I had fun" I tell him smiling.
"I'm joking beautiful, I bet you did, your an amazing cookao I bet your baking is just as good baby girl" he says and kisses me
"Thanks babe" I say and we pull apart.
"Shall we go back to mine?" he asks me opening his passenger door for me.

Arriving back at his place I climb out the car and he escorts me into his house.
"Drink baby girl?" he asks me and I nod walking into his kitchen he pulls out two glasses and he pours me a baileys and hands it to me. This is new?
"You bought me my favourite drink?" I say surprised smiling.
"Of course beautiful" he says with a smile. He pours himself a whiskey and grabs my hand leading me to the living room.
"I fucked up baby girl, I won't again" he tells me like it's that simple.
"It takes two babes. I shouldn't of stressed and ignored you. I'm sorry" I tell him with a sad smile.

Laying in Victor's arms we talk about what's happening next and the fact he's not ready for a relationship. Then what is this? Someone must of fucked him up before, for him to be holding back.
"I'm not her Victor, whoever she was" I tell him seriously feeling my heart beat faster. How did I find someone I actually like and he's like this. Fuck!
"I know that, it's just I fucked her up just as much as she fucked me up. I don't want to do that to you baby girl" he says looking at me now. What do I even say back to that? Same situation different guy. What is wrong with me?
"So you just want to have sex?" I say bluntly looking at him dead in the eye.
"Not exactly Stacey. Don't say it like it's a bad thing. I thought you enjoyed what this is?" he asks and I pull away from him
"Your just playing me aren't you. If you just want someone to fuck then say that" I tell him and get up. I can't do this again.
Not after Liam and how he was. I refuse to.
We argue for what feels like hours and he pins me against the wall.
"We're not doing this beautiful. Understand me" he says and kisses me. Fighting him I hit at his chest and he doesn't release me. I just end up melting against him and needing more as I kiss him back. Fuck sake Stacey.
I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and he deepens the kiss sliding his tongue into my mouth. I moan at the taste of him mixed with whiskey and my knees begin to weaken. He picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist and continues to kiss me forcefully.
I moan into his mouth more and my cleft aches to be filled with well.. everything him.
"Why would you want to give this up baby girl" he asks kissing along my jaw down to my neck sucking on my sweet spot.
"I want more.. Need more, I can't go through that again" I tell him sadly thinking of how Liam treated me.
He pauses and looks at me confused.
"This whole having sex and not wanting to commit shit.. I need a stronger drink" I say jumping down and moving away from him.
Walking into the kitchen he follows me and I grab the bottle of whiskey and start to drink from the bottle.
"Explain what you mean" he demands grabbing the bottle from my grasp. I really don't want to be talking about Liam bloody Johnson. Ever again!
"I loved him more than he even liked me. He took my virginity, used me and fucked me off.. Basically" I tell him and shrug my shoulders. Why are we even talking about this.
"I would never do that to you baby girl, who is he?" Victor asks and I roll my eyes.
"It doesn't matter, he's pure bad news. Trust me" I tell him being deadly serious.
He starts to drink from the bottle and stares at me.
"Just tell me, I can handle myself" he says. I walk past him into the living room grabbing the bottle of bailey's on the way and fill up my glass.
"Can we just not talk about that time of my life. I have enough of my mum banging on about it with you maybe being the same" I tell him sighing.
"Well if I'm going to get compared to someone else I have a right to know who" he says irritated.
"It's Liam" I say and that's all he needs to know.
"Thank you baby girl, this Liam does sound like a dick. I'm sorry" he says pulling me into him.
I really hope he's not like Liam because I'm beginning to fall for him like I did Liam. I'm believing everything he's telling me. What am I going to do?

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now