Chapter 59

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After making out with Liam I stand there heavy breathing looking into his eyes wanting him. Why do I want him. After everything he's done all the pain he caused me I still want him. I still love him. I thought I was over him it's been years and he still holds my heart. But what about Victor. I love him too. What do I do?
"Let's go back down stairs before we do something we really regret" he says and I nod slowly knowing he's right.
"If I'm going to have you Stacey it will be sober. So I know you definitely want this.. Me" he says and I look at him with all the love I have for him and put it into my kiss letting him know.
Turning around I make my way back down to Victor and see him still smoking on the sofa. He's still going..
Dropping down next to him he passes me the spliff and I cuddle into him feeling slightly guilty. What am I even doing?
"You OK?" I ask him then take a drag he looks at me smiling and nods.
"I am now your here" he says and yeah I definitely feel guilty. Fuck Stacey. Make up your fucking mind.
Turning I see Liam fully dressed and wonder why?
"What's wrong.. Your dressed?" I ask him confused and he shrugs.
"I'm gonna go get some fresh air. Clear my head" he says giving me a weird look. I contemplate going with him and go to stand but he shakes his head.
"Is he alright?" he asks looking at Victor.
"Yeah just very drunk and high" I tell him standing up.
"Can I come with you?" I ask him pulling on my hoodie quickly.
"I can't stop you Stacey. But I'm leaving now" he says turning and I quickly pull on my jeans and put my trainers on following him out the door.
Walking side by side through the woods our hands keep touching each others and we end up linking fingers like we use to and it brings back so many memories.
"I've missed this" I tell him honestly looking up at him.
"I've missed your touch" he tells me smiling down on me.
We walk and walk in a comfortable silence and stop at a bench deep in the wood. He sits down and pats his lap just like he use to and I sit down on him wrapping my arms around his neck resting my head on his shoulder.
"Am I fucking with you beautiful?" he asks me and I nod my head.
"A little. I don't know how to feel when you touch me or say certain things. It makes me want you again" I tell him and look at him.
"I just say what comes to my mind no thinking. Just straight out with it" he says and I sigh. That's the point...
"I know you Liam more than you think" I say to him and he smiles.
"I know you do. That's why I'm totally myself around you. It's the easiest thing in the world" he says and I smile at him.
"Saying things like that isn't helping me" I say and he chuckles.
"Say it how it is beautiful. If you want me to stop and think before I speak then just say" he says and I shake my head.
"Then that's not you being you Liam. I want you to just be yourself always" I tell him and he nods.
"Good because I can't with you anyways. It just comes out either way" he says
"You still smell the same baby" he says taking me in deeply and sighs happily.
"Still the same perfume you use to buy me that's why" I tell him smiling.
"I still bought that perfume on your birthday and Christmas so I could smell you when you left. That's how much I miss you" he tells me and my heart breaks.
"I didn't leave you Liam. You pushed me away I had no choice" I say sadly
"Sorry not thinking before I speak.. My bad" he sighs again and pulls me closer into him.
"Are you and Victor gonna get back together?" he asks me with a sad smile.
"I don't know. He's booked us a mini break to Paris" I tell him and he looks at me smirking.
"That's where I always planned to take you.. To ask you to be my wife one day" he tells me and I gape at him.
"Oh my god really?" I say excitedly like it's still going to happen.
"I planned it all Stacey. Kids, house with the white picket fence, marriage the works you've always been my end game baby" he says and my heart swells with so much love for him.
"Why wouldn't you tell me any of this Liam. Why now?" I ask him needing to know.
"I was scared and ran from my dreams but I still have it all boxed up under my bed. All my plans for us" he says with a smile and I can't help but smile back. Can I do this with him?
"And maybe one day I'll show you the folders" I jump up excited.
"Definitely.. I want to see it when we get back. How long we staying out here?" I ask him not wanting to leave him alone.
"I don't know yet, but I know I don't want you to go" he tells me and I know the feeling.
"Then I won't. I'll stay here, with you if that's what you really want Liam?" I ask him and he perks up.
"I want nothing more than to spend every day with you" he says grinning up at me.
"Then that's what we'll do.. What about Victor?" I ask him.
"That's up to you. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do" he says and I roll my eyes.
"Not helpful.. Tell me" I say grabbing his face in my hands looking into his beautiful brown eyes.
"I want it to just be us baby" he says and I nod.
"Wasn't difficult now was it" I tease him and he kisses me. Kissing him back I melt against his soft lips as he slides his tongue into my mouth I moan into his moan and he groans biting my lip.
"So sexy when you moan baby" he tells me and I blush covering my face.
"Still the same I see" he says removing my hands.
"We should start heading back we've been a while" he says to me and I nod getting up.
He grabs my hand again linking fingers and rubs soothing circles on my palm.
How am I going to tell Victor I'm staying here.. Alone.. With Liam? Fuck!
Yet this is what I want to do. Need to. I want Liam.. Love him more. I'm inlove with Liam still. I love Victor but it's not the same. Liam is my end game period.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now