Chapter 21

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"Right baby girl I need to go now. I'm way behind and the lads can't do shit without me apparently" he says rolling his eyes.
"OK. If you have to" I say to him wrapping my robe around my body.
Hearing the front door open I fix myself more and sit properly.
"Stace, I'm home" I hear my mum call out. Shit!
"I'm in here mum" I call out going red. She's gonna know straight away. But he smirks at me and fixes his coat ready to leave.
"Oh hi. Didn't know anybody was here, I'm Linda, Stacey's mum. You must be the mysterious man" she says to him and he smirks at me. Fuck sake how embarrassing.
"Mum will you not please. Victor needs to get back to work" I tell her standing up and ushering her into the kitchen.
"Just a flying visit was it Victor" she says and winks at me. Oh my god kill me now.
"Yeah sorry, I'm already late. I'll see you later baby" he says and kisses me heading out the door.
I watch as he climbs into his car and I blow him a kiss closing the door behind me.
"Stacey, can I eat this pasta you made?" she calls from the kitchen.
"Yeah sure go for it" I tell her and run up the stairs.
Looking at my phone ring and I haven't got a clue who it is.
"Hello?" I say answering it.
"Is that Stacey Bloom, it's Goods bakery" the lady says and I beam happily that she actually called me back.
"Hi, yes this is she" I say politely grinning to myself.
"Can you come in for an interview today in an hour if you can?" she says and I rush around looking through my clothes.
"Absolutely, that's no problem" I tell her
"OK Stacey, I'll see you soon" she says
"Thanks for calling, bye" I say and we hang up. Oh my fucking god
"Muuuum" I shout loudly. And she comes running up the stairs and bursts through the door.
"What isit Stacey?" she says panicking.
"Oh. I got a job interview at Goods bakery. In an hour can you drop me off please?" I ask her and she slaps me up beside my head.
"I thought you was fucking dying girl" she puts a hand over her heart and chuckles.
"Well I'm proud of you for looking and yeah get ready while I eat I'll be down stairs waiting" she tells me and hugs me.
She's the best.. At times.
Rummaging through my wardrobe I find the perfect outfit.

After finishing my hair I look myself over in the mirror

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After finishing my hair I look myself over in the mirror. Perfect.
Walking down the stairs I walk into the kitchen and find my mum waiting for me.
"Look at my baby all grown up, I'm so proud of you for doing this baby girl" she says and I sigh.
"Mum less of the lovey dovey, can we go I don't want to be late" I tell her pulling her up and dragging her towards the door.
"You look beautiful by the way. I'd give you the job hunny" she says as I open the passenger door and slip in.

Pulling up at the bakery I take a deep breathe and look to my mum.
"I'll be right here when your finished hunny, don't worry your gonna be great. Just be yourself they'll love you" she says to me with a smile. I smile back and brace myself getting out of the car.
I walk upto the bakery and make my way through the door. Taking another deep breathe I walk up to the counter and look around.
"Hi, I'm Stacey Bloom, I've come for a job interview" I tell the man standing behind the counter.
"Yes go through the back and up the stairs it's the first door on your right, knock on and she should be with you" he tells me with a smile. I make my way up the stairs and to the door I was told to and knock.
"Come in" I hear from the other side and I walk in.
"Hi I'm Stacey" I say and she looks up smiling at me.
"Ahh Stacey I've been waiting for you hun, come take a seat" she tells me and I do just that crossing my legs.
"So I'm Anne Blossom and I own this bakery hun. You can call me Anne. Can you tell me what you've done before job wise hun" Anne says and I come up blank.
"I haven't had any previous experience since school. But I'm a hard quick worker and I can do whatever you need me to do" I tell her fiddling with the lace on my skirt.
"It's OK hun you've just finished school I'm not expecting you to have done anything don't worry" she says and I breathe a sigh of relief.
"So Stacey why do you want to work in my bakery?" she asks me and I smile.
"I love this place, you bake the best of everything and my mum lives in here. I think I could bring something to the workplace and get new customers in here for you too" I tell her confidently.
"I like the sound of that. New customers is all I want here. You'll suit us just fine. You're hired" she tells me and I gawk at her.
"Your first job hun. Don't worry it will sink in" she chuckles and I shake my head. Oh my god I have a job.
"Thank you so much Anne, you won't regret this I promise you" I tell her grinning wide.
"You'll start tomorrow at 11am and finish at 4pm your days will be Monday, Wednesday and Fridays OK?" she says to me and I smile at her nodding.
"Absolutely Anne, I'll see you tomorrow at 11am, thankyou again so much for this" I tell her smiling.
"Your pay will be seven pound an hour for twelve weeks then I'll up it with your hours depending on your work efficiency" she says and I nod understanding.
"Sounds great, I'll see you soon" I tell her getting up with her.
"See you tomorrow hun" she says and I leave her office. I can't believe she gave me the job! Fucking get in!!

Stepping into the car I grin happily.
"I got the job mum" I scream happily and clap my hands. My mum screams to.
"Oh my god I knew you would baby, I'm so proud of you. You did it now you can celebrate with Victor" she teases and pokes me playfully
"Absolutely, I need to call him" I say to her and she pulls off back home.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now