Chapter 54

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Finally arriving at the safehouse in the middle of nowhere, I climb out unsteadily and Victor rushes around to help me.
"You should of waited baby" he says sighing helping me.
"I'm fine Victor, stop fussing really" I tell him as he holds me up.
Walking up to the door I knock and wait. Nothing..
"Liam it's us" I call out and I hear footsteps from the inside approaching.
"Sorry beautiful. Can't be to careful." he says opening the door wider for us.
"Victor" he says nodding at him and I look between the pair.
"Can I trust you two, to be alone while I go pee? Or do you need to come with me?" I say to them but looking at Victor.
"We're good, you go. It's at the top on the left" Liam tells me and I nod walking up the stairs.
Heading up I look around the house thinking it's quite nice for a safehouse, I'd live here.
Doing my business, I wipe, pull up my jeans and quickly wash my hands and creep back down the stairs listening to them.
"..Yes I do love her, but we would never work again. She's yours bro you have nothing to worry about" I hear Liam say and then Victor sighs.
"I don't like this, but I can't stop her from helping you. You helped her when I couldn't, thank you for that man" Victor says back
"I'll only be around if she wants me to otherwise you won't see or hear from me, I can promise you that" Liam says and I think they heard me as the floor creaks and I step into the room. Awkward.
"What you boys talking about then?" I ask them looking between them both and smile walking over to sit on the chair between them.
"You obviously" Liam says then laughs. I smile at Victor and he gives me a small one back. This has got to be awkward for him.
"Soo.. Drink anyone?" I say wanting to loosen them up and I think we all need one.
"Everything you need is in the kitchen, pass the bud I need a spliff" Liam says and I laugh at him getting back up.
"I'll do it baby girl, you relax yourself" Victor tells me holding up his hand and I nod smiling grateful at him.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and look over Liam.
"Are you OK? You dont look to bad considering" I tell him and he shrugs.
"I'm sore as a motherfucker.. My knuckles are killing me but apart from that it's more emotional pain than physical" he says looking me over with a sad smile.
"Do you need me to do anything for you?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Just being here is enough beautiful" he says making me smile.
"Good because I'm going nowhere" I tell him as Victor walks back in with glasses.
He hands out different bottles and I have my bailey's of course
"Good, if you want to stay there's a bed upstairs and fresh bedding put on it. Make yourselves at home, I'll sleep down here" he says and I smile at him.
"Your just going to stay here alone for how long? Where's your brother gone?" I ask him and he sighs out taking a drink from his glass.
"I told him to go back to Mia. He actually likes her and I know she's one of them girls. The complete opposite to you, but he won't listen and I'm always alone" Liam says and I nod knowing the feeling.
"I did tell her but she won't listen. We just have to wait for the crash and burn I guess, like normal." I tell him rolling my eyes opening my bottle and pouring a drink.
"One second" Liam say pulling out his phone and answering the call.
"Hello mum, everything OK?" he asks her and I hope she's alright he doesn't need anymore bad news.
I listen into the conversation being nosey.
"Mum calm down I'm OK. I'm out of the area they won't find me. I'll see you when the heat dies down" he tells her sighing sitting back downing his drink.
"Yes mum I know" he says and sighs again.
"OK.. OK mum.. I love you too, bye" he says and hangs up.
"Is she OK?" I ask him as he puts his phone down.
"Well she says she is but you know what mum's are like" he says rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, does she need anything while your up here? Can I help?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Jason's got it love don't worry yourself with my problems" he says and I roll my eyes this time.
"Liam. I'm here to help with anything you need" I tell him.
"Anything you say?" he winks and looks at Victor laughing.
"You know what I mean dick" I tell him rolling my eyes at him again.
"Your the one that said anything.. Victor am I wrong?" Liam says and I look at Victor who's billing a spliff.
"Don't involve me, I'm just supplying the goods" he says not helpful..
"Very helpful" I mock him and he chuckles sparking the spliff and passing it to me.
"Soo.. What we gonna do out here.. No fucking WiFi or anything?" I say looking at Liam.
"That's where your wrong. I have WiFi. But what do you need it for. Your ment to be keeping me company not your phone" he teases like he used to and I laugh at him.
"Very good.. I want your password pleaseee" I say pulling out my phone signing in.
"Seriously your just gonna sit on your phone." he says and I shrug.
"Talk to Victor, am sure you'll get along if you just talk like adults" I tell him
"Fine it's GETYOUROWNWIFI" He says fast and I look at him unimpressed.
"Seriously that's the password.. All in capitals aswell" he says and I try it and he's right. Good password I thought laughing. What a weirdo.
Not really wanting to be on my phone now, I put it away and look between the pair as I smoke and think I have great taste in men.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now