Chapter 73

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After Victor finally left I sat and cried on Liam. What happens if he tells someone where we are? Fuck!
"Don't cry baby, he's not worth your tears" Liam says to me and I wipe my eyes sniffling. He's right but I'm crying for the loss aswell. Why did I think I could have them both. How stupid am I?
"I need to let Jason know, bring him up to speed with everything. Will you be OK for five minutes baby?" he asks wiping my eyes for the last fallen tears.
"Yeah, you do you baby. I'll be OK" I tell him and he offers me a smile and gets up pulling out his phone. He jogs up the stairs and I sit there sad thinking what if he gets caught.. Can we move houses?
I stand up turning on my music and put on something to liven me up. I don't need to be sad I have all I want. I need to text my mum.
Grabbing my phone I send her a text

Stacey: Hi mum just to let you know I'm OK and I'm with Liam. Before you stress I love him and nothing will change that. I love you Xx

Hitting send I put my phone down and spark up my spliff needing to chill out.
Liam finally comes back down after ten minutes looking much happier and smiles at me.
"Done baby, there's nothing linking me to what happened on your street no one knows anything." he tells me and that means we'll have to go back home now I look at him with a small smile and he notices.
"That doesn't mean we have to go home if you don't want to" he tells me and I perk up.
"Really because I've made my mind up I know what.. Well who I want" I tell him and he nods listening.
"I love you Liam. I want you" I tell him and he beams happier than I've ever seen him since him coming back into my life.
"Your actually giving me another chance baby? Like seriously" he says sitting next to me grabbing my free hand.
"Absolutely baby I can't not try when it's all I've ever wanted it's always gonna be you baby" I tell him and he kisses me passionately.
"I love you soo fucking much. You won't regret this beautiful" he says and I laugh at his excitement.
"I guess that means your never going home"
He says and I shrug not really bothered anyways.
"I don't care, as long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are Liam" I tell him and hug him tightly wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm happy to hear that because I totally feel the same way about you" he tells me as I release him and pass him one of the spliffs.
"I'm so happy. You make me so fucking happy" I tell him grinning wide.
"I intend on keeping it that way but.. There is something I need to ask you" he says and my face drops.
"Go on am listening" I tell him.
"I buried the body.. I'm a younger in the criminal world baby, I have people above me that I have to answer to. There gonna wanna know about Victor and the police" he says and just like that my bubble pops.
"No. They will kill him won't they? You can't Liam" I say beginning to panic and he takes my hand again instantly soothing me. His affects weird on me. But I love it.
"Calm down, I'm telling you what should happen. Not what's going to happen. For you I won't tell them but that's it, if it comes out I can't save him and I ain't to sure what will happen to me" he says and I feel my face go pale. What? Nooo!
"I'm trying to be open and honest with you so you know everything that's going off. I don't want us to have any secrets baby" he says and I nod my head slowly. I can't loose him.. Not again.
"What will they do to you if you don't tell them?" I ask not really wanting to know the answer.
"Well I'll be seen as protecting a snitch so they will see me as one too.. So dead" he says and I think I'm going to be sick.
"What are we going to do?" I ask him needing to know if he has a plan.
"We can do one of two things.. One. Just carry on and hope nothing comes of it.
Two. Stop the investigation once and for all, second ones gonna be impossible tho, unless we can convince his family he's OK living his own life away from them" he says and I think Marcus has no connection to Liam either way. So what's the problem..
"You have no ties to Marcus, period. So you'll be OK with the police. Did you get rid of all the evidence?" I ask him and he nods yes.
"Everything's gone, you ain't dealing with a amateur baby I'm not Victor. I know what I'm doing, do you trust me?" he asks and I instantly answer.
"Absolutely, with my life" I say making him grin.
"Good because I trust you the same. Where moving to another house so I need you to get dressed someone's on there way to pick us up with everything" he says and I look at him sad.
"But I love this house" I tell him looking around the living room.
"We will be back I've just got to be safe and that means keeping you safe to baby" he tells me and I nod standing up.
"I'll go pack my stuff then" I tell him kissing him and walking off.

After getting dressed and packing up all my things I make my way down stairs and pack the baking stuff I wanted and put everything at the door ready to leave.
"He's outside you ready to go beautiful?" he asks me and I nod smiling.
"Always with you" I tell him making him grin.
I wonder where we're going? I hope it's beautiful like this place.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now