Chapter 77

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Laying in bed heavy breathing feeling my body limp I look over at Liam who's panting just as much and his phone goes off so I grab it and look.

Delivery: Your food is on it way

Putting his phone down I look at him smiling.
"Foods on its way, I'm so hungry now" I say laughing
"Yeah so am I, build up your strength to take me again after" he says smirking and I stare at him.
"You want more, after coming three times already" I ask him shocked and he chuckles.
"Baby I have two long years of not having you.. I'm no where near done with you yet" he says hovering over me and kissing me softly.
"Let's eat and give you a break before I eat you again" he says with a smirk.
"I've missed your needing of me baby" I tell him making him smile.
"Nothings changed for me baby, I could do this to you for the rest of my life. It's always gonna be just you" he says looking into my eyes. Smiling I pull him down and kiss him.
"I feel the same baby. It will always be you" I tell him honestly making him grin.
Suddenly hearing a buzzer letting us know dinners here. He kisses me and jumps up grabbing shorts and pulling them on rushing out the room.
I find a robe and wrap it around my body and make my way down to him and into the kitchen. Grabbing plates and cutlery I take them into the living room and set them on the coffee table and go look for some wine to go with the chinese.

"This is so good Liam" I say stuffing my face with chowmein and prawncrakers.
"It's good, but your better" he says being cheesy.
"Aww baby" I say leaning over and kissing him.
He says some really sweet things at times it's hard to believe he's the same guy that killed someone a few hours ago.
How can he be like this with me but a dick to everyone else.
"Why me Liam? You could have anyone but you chose me" I ask him over thinking as I stare at him eating my food.
"There's always been something that pulls me to you. I'm drawn to you whether I want to be or not I can't help it. Your perfect for me in every way baby don't overthink it" he says with a smile.
"We're the complete opposite tho that's what scares me. I don't want to lose you again" I tell him with a sad smile.
"I'm going no where beautiful, your stuck with me forever because I'll love you for that long" he says grabbing my hand across the table and giving it a gentle squeeze
"I hope so baby, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again. It broke me the first time" I tell him and he looks sad.
"I'll continue making it up to you for the rest of my life. Without you I have no meaning or purpose. I know I'm hard to love but I'm really trying to be something for you.. Us" he says and I tear up feeling emotional. He always does this..
"Your not hard to love baby.. Your just difficult to tolerate" I say laughing and he laughs to.
"As long as you never give up on me I'll never stop trying, I promise you that" he tells me and I'm satisfied with that. That's all I want.
"That's all I ask for, I don't want to change you but I can't lose you" I say and he nods understanding.
"You have already changed me beautiful. With you I lead with my heart, you are my only weakness and the only way someone can hurt me is by getting to you. So I need you to be careful OK" he says.
"Well I plan on spending all my time with you so I'll be safe" I tell him smiling knowing that nothing will happen to me while I'm with him. He wouldn't let anyone hurt me.
"I'd kill anyone for looking at you wrong baby so you have nothing to worry about, I've got you. Got us" he says with a smile.
"I know you would and that's what scares me. Your like one phonecall away from jail and I don't want that for you or us" I say making him understand.
"I want us to work and be together. And if I could get out the world I'm in I would for you. But I'm in to deep now" he says
"That's what I want to and I know that now, I just want you to be careful" I tell him running my fork along the food feeling like this conversations getting to heavy.
I pick up my glass and drink down the whole contents of wine needing something.
"OK baby, conversation dropped. What would you like to do?" he asks coming to sit next to me.
"Smoke" I say and laugh pushing my plate away.
"Then that's what we'll do" he says kissing me and getting up to grab his bag.

"Is this place just his safehouse?" I ask him randomly.
"Yeah, I think. I've stayed here before tho but I was on my own then" he says and it makes me sad that he was in this big ass house alone.
"You seem to have spent alot time alone?" I say and he nods sadly.
"I didn't have you and that's all I needed" he says pulling me closer to him and I relax my head on his shoulder smiling.
"Aww baby, you have me now.. All to yourself for God knows how long" I tell him and he smirks.
"Yes I do, untill you want to leave and go back home, back to reality" he says and he comes across sad about that.
"Do you not want to?" I ask him looking back at him
"I want what you want, nothing else matters to me" he expresses and I sigh happily.
"Can I be honest and tell you that I'm scared to go back out there with you." he says and I look at him confused.
"If we want this then it will work baby, I'm scared too" I tell him truthfully.
He nods with a small smile and kisses my temple.
I hope we can work all this out and actually be together.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now