Chapter 62

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"He's gone love" Liam says and I look over my shoulder thinking he didn't even say bye. He's clearly pissed or not bothered. Either way I'll live with my decision.
"Don't worry about it, he's a big boy" Liam says and I just nod feeling shitty.
"Anytime you want to leave just say and I'll sort it" he tells me wrapping an arm over my shoulders tucking me in from the chill.
"Thankyou Liam" I tell him and spark up my spliff leaning further into his arm.
"Feeling better?" he asks me after a while and I nod smiling up at him.
"Much better, thanks. How you doing?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"You know me baby. And I'm even better that you're here with me like you said you would" he says and I remember the conversation we had about him and me last night when we spoke in the woods.
"I miss this" I tell him taking down a drag and he looks down at me smiling.
"So do I, the morning freshness and your beautiful aura just like it used to be" he says and I blush again. What is wrong with me. Fucking hell.
Looking away I continue to smoke and watch the morning pass by.
"So what do you wanna do, we can't go anywhere really but we can still have fun" he says winking at me and I nudge him.
"You choose. It's your house" I say not knowing what to do other than smoke and chill. Talk.
"You still into your gaming? I have that game you used to absolutely love" he tells me and I beam up at him.
"Oh my god yes!" I say looking at him smiling. He chuckles at me and we finish our spliffs going back inside to the warmth.
"Right I need a shower and food too, you can still set it up right?" he asks me and I look at him crossing my arms.
"Of course Liam" I tell him and turn the TV on and the Wii console.
"That's my baby, I'll be down soon" he says and kisses my forehead jogging off and upstairs.
I rummage though all the games untill I find the one I'm looking for and put it in.
I've always loved playing Wii sport as Liam let's me win. Thank god.

Walking into the kitchen with the game loaded waiting for Liam I decide to make him his sandwich that I know he loves.
Bacon, sausage and egg. I pull out the ingredients and turn the frying pan on when I hears him exit the bathroom and walk into his room. I start to cook his food.
Pulling out the bread I butter it and start to pile all the cooked food on to a plate.
As he walks down the stairs I just finish building his sandwiches.
"For you" I say holding the plate knowing he eats loads.
"My beautiful baby, you didn't need to. I could of done it" he says and I shrug.
"I wanted too, plus you made mine twice now" I say with a smile and he kisses me forcefully, tasting his toothpaste mixed with him I moan a little and I feel him smirk into the kiss.
"I've missed you so much beautiful" he says pulling away finally and I whimper wanting more.
"You have no idea Liam" I say looking up at him smiling.
Walking back into the living room I grab the Wii remote and start to play tennis against the computer until Liam finishes. I can feel his eyes watching me as I start to get into the game bending and becoming competitive.
"That's it baby, show me what you've got" he says and I quickly glance at him smiling.
"Always watching my ass" I say to him smirking.
Looking back at the TV I suddenly feel hands on my ass.
"My turn, you bill up" he says and I hand him the Wii remote.
Sitting there billing I get lost watching Liam and I forget how easy and fun it was to be with him. The views not to bad either. Him in just shorts is a sight to behold.
"Now who's watching who" he says looking back at me smirking.
"I can't help it, you look too good" I say and shrug picking up the spliff to roll it up.
"Well I do try" he says flexing and I giggle having flashbacks of him when we was younger.
He pauses the game and sits next to me as I spark up and hand him the spliff.
"I could get use to this again. Amazing food, amazing company" he says looking at me.
"I know what you mean, I've missed it too" I say leaning into him.
"I feel like I'm dreaming again, I fucking pray I don't wake up" he says handing me the spliff
"This is real. No need to dream anymore" I tell him taking a drag and blowing hoops.
"I hope so baby, now are you ready to lose?" he say getting up pulling me with him.
Grabbing the other Wii remote I get into my stance and look Liam over ready to beat him.
"Ready baby?" he asks and I nod ready to whoop his ass.
"Always" I tell him and swing my arm hitting the ball.

After a long ass whooping and Liam cheating grabbing me trying to win, we take a break and chill on the sofa.
"Now what?" I ask him and he smirks.
"I can think of a few things" he says licking his lips. And I clench my thighs. It's too soon.
"Just being able to kiss you and hold you is more than enough for me baby" he says making me smile. He says he's in no rush but his growing dick tells me different..
"Don't worry about him, he's just excited to finally see you again" he says grabbing at it and I can't help but watch him.
"Help yourself beautiful" he says watching me watch him.
I take the spliff from his hand and smoke it needing to busy myself before I do something.
"I want to but I know I shouldn't.. Yet" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"That's all I needed to hear" he says pulling me to straddle him.
"I love watching you on top off me.. In control" he says huskily and I feel his dick throb against my cleft. Shit.
"The things I'm going to do to every part of you baby" he tells me rocking my hips back and fourth on him feeling him thick and hard..
"I can't wait to feel you inside me" I whisper into his ear and look back into his lustful eyes feeling his cock twitch uncontrollably against me. Fuck I want him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now