Chapter 38

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Waking up hearing Victor move around my room I sit up rubbing my eyes.
Looking at him I wonder what he's looking for.
"What you looking for?" I ask him and he pauses looking back at me.
"I can't find my phone baby" he says and I point to the TV stand where its sitting.
"Thanks beautiful. I'm soo late I didn't set my alarm. My dad's gonna freak" he chuckles and I climb out the bed stretching my body.
"Dont leave. I can make you more late" I say running my hands over his bare chest.
"I know you could but this projects important baby, I'd love to stay you know that" he says and kisses me.
"Here, take this I was ment to give it to you last night until you distracted me" he raises a brow smirking.
"A key?" I look at him confused.
"My spare key to mine, I'll finish late tonight, so if you wanted to go to mine you can" he tells me and kisses me again.
"Oh right, thanks I'll put it on the key ring with mine" I tell him happily smiling.
"We'll go out for dinner if it's not to late" he says grabbing his bag and wrapping me in his arms. I hate when he goes.
"I'll see you tonight baby girl" he tells me and I pull away looking into his eyes.
"I love you" I tell him sweetly.
"Hmm I love you too baby" he kisses me again and walks out my room pulling his t-shirt over his head.
Now what? I thought checking the time 7am fucking hell. Climbing back into bed I wrap the cover over me smelling Victor's scent and fall back into a peaceful sleep.

Suddenly waking up with a jolt I look around the room and see Macey rummaging through my wardrobe.
"What do you think your doing? Get out!" I whine at her and she ignores me.
"I need a white top Stace for school help me out" she moans and I sigh getting out the bed and going into my drawers.
"Here, don't come again and I want that back" I tell her and she hums leaving to get ready.
"Have a good day" I call out to her.
Looking at the time I see it's 10am now and make my way downstairs to eat.
"Hey baby, you have a good night?" my mum asks me and I blush.
"Sorry mum, I thought you was at work. My bad" I tell her and she waves it off.
"Its fine hunny, you two seem great, are you?" she asks and I nod smiling wide.
"So great mum thanks" I tell her pulling out cereal and a bowl.
"He gave me a key to his place aswell" I tell her as I pour milk over my cereal and put it back.
"Well that's good. He clearly trusts you baby, don't take it for granted" she says as I sit down infront of her at the dining table.
"Yeah there's something I wanted to talk to you about" I tell her and she hums for me to continue.
"I've been saving alot of dad's cash and I was thinking of getting my own place. I'll still come home now and then but now I'm with Victor I feel like I need that" I tell her and she looks at me sad. Fuck!
"Ohh right. You don't need to move out honey that's a big step and you've only been together a few weeks now" she says and maybe she's right. Am I rushing into this?
"I'll think about it, it's not going to happen overnight anyways. Just wanted to look around" I tell her and she nods.
"Whatever you want to do. Your dad's coming today aswell. He wants to see you this time" she says and I sigh.
"OK. What time" I ask her and hear knocking at the door. She checks her watch and looks up at me.
"That's probably him now" she says getting up to answer it.
I hear muffled talking then they both appear in the kitchen looking at me.
"Hey sweetie, I've missed you" my dad says and I get up to hug him.
"Hi dad" I say pulling away and sit back down. He pulls out an envelope and hands it to me.
"I hear you have a boyfriend" he says and I look straight at my mum screw faced.
"Yeah dad I do" I tell him and he nods.
"I hope he's looking after you and treating you how you deserve. I wouldn't want to paid him a visit" he says sitting down next to me and looking me over.
"He's better than you'd think Patrick! He buys her flowers and takes her out on dates, he's a good guy" my mum tells him and he nods looking back to me.
"If he hurts you I'll be fucking him up" he warns sitting back in his chair.
"Dad seriously, he wouldn't do that I love him" I say and my mum coos aww to me.
Fuck sake why did I say that out loud.
"You think you love him sweetie it's just puppy love trust me" he says and I scoff.
"You have no idea what I've been through so don't tell me what love is. I know what love is" I tell him getting up. Grabbing the envelope I take my bowl to the sink and walk out to go upstairs.
"I'm just saying Stacey" he calls out after me and I sigh heavily. What the fuck does he know about my love life. I roll my eyes and enter my bedroom putting the envelope into my box of cash and walking out to get a shower and brush my teeth.

Stepping out the shower I wrap my body in my towel and walk into my bedroom. Drying I moisturize and spray my deodorant. Pulling on a white matching lingurie set I spray perfume all over me and look through my closet for something to wear. Grabbing out my black and white dress I pull it on and zip up the front fastening the belt.
I sit at my vanity and curl my hair after applying a little makeup and put a clear gloss on my lips.

Perfect I thought as I look myself over in the mirror and fluff my hair

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Perfect I thought as I look myself over in the mirror and fluff my hair.
Looking at my nails I think I need them done and my eyelashes need filling in too so do my eyebrows. I think I'll go to a salon.

"Mum, I'm leaving" I tell her and I pull on my black blazer and shoes grabbing my purse from the banister stand.
Putting in my money and lip gloss I make my way out the door.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now