Chapter 17

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After waking up numerous times I give up when my mum comes in.
"I have to go to work Stacey" she says and I whine to myself.
"OK mum see you later" I tell her and she closes my door I know she's not going to be back till later tonight.
Maybe I could get Macey out and invite Victor over and cook for him maybe?
With that thought I jump out of bed and rush to Macey's room.
"Macey baby" I say knocking and walking in.
"What Stacey I have a half day" she whines just like I did.
"Mums gone to work. I need the house today" I tell her and she jumps up looking at me.
"For your boyfriend" she teases and I go red.
"He's not my boyfriend Macey. But seriously I need you to make yourself scarce for a few hours. Pleaseee" I ask and she sighs dropping back.
"Fine but you owe me" she says going back to sleep and I close the door happily leaving her.

Stepping out the shower I stand at my wardrobe and look for something to wear pulling out dark denim jeans and a black t-shirt with my black flat shoes and look over myself. Good. It's just for now I tell myself.
I run down the stairs and go on a mad clean getting rid of Macey's crap and taking it to her room again quietly not to wake her.
I jog back down the stairs and wash the remaining cups and glasses and wipe down all the surfaces and check the fridge for something to cook. Fuck all good, that's shit. I'm going to have to go shopping for this meal.
Running back upstairs I grab some money from my box and stuff it into my purse and grab my black leather jacket.
Brushing my hair I pull it up into a messy bun and check my face. Done let's go.

Stepping out of a taxi at the supermarket I pay the driver and jump out.
I stroll around with my trolley and grab alsorts of food along with what I need for dinner. I text Victor quickly to ask him if he even wants to come.

Stacey: Hey babe, hope your having a good day. I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I'll cook dinner. Let me know X

Hitting send I walk around the shop hoping to get a reply soon.

I walk down the meat selection and decided to make lasagna and garlic bread. So I grab some beef mince and place it into the trolley with the rest and carry on walking. Grabbing pop and snacks I feel my phone vibrate.

Victor: Sounds good beautiful. I'll be there for 6pm X

I smile giddy and rush to get the rest of the ingredients. Grabbing sauces and pasta sheets with the onion aswell as fresh ingredients to make garlic bread.
Finishing up I grab a bottle of rosé and place it into the trolley and make my way to the checkout.
Cashing out I sigh thinking this is getting expensive I might aswel live alone. I grab cigarettes and rizzla from the kiosk and make my way to the taxi section. Packing the boot I climb in and tell him my address. I hope Macey's up and ready to leave soon it's three o'clock. Shit I have three hours to cook and get ready.
Arriving home I take out all the shopping and make my way straight to the kitchen I put everything away apart from what I need and check my watch again. I have plenty of time. I think.
Starting on lasagne I cook the mince and onions adding seasoning then add the sauce. I open the pasta sheets and the white sauce grabbing a dish and start to build up the meal. I grate alot of cheese and lather the top of it in it and turn on the oven. Done just for the garlic bread now.

Finishing up I check the time and see its 5pm. Shit. I place it into the over and set my timer and wash my hands.
Running up stairs I see that Macey's gone and I breathe a sigh of relief. I walk into the bathroom and clean up her washing shes left and switch the shower on.
Stripping I jump in washing my body quickly and shave over my legs making sure there smooth. I wash my hair quickly then condition it after making it smell like coconut too. I don't have enough time for any thing else. I hear the timer go off so I wrap a towel around my body and run down the stairs taking out the food and it smells delicious I hope it taste the same.
Wrapping them with foil, I leave them and run back up stairs. I need something sexy. I pull out my black criss cross body dress and pull it over my body quickly. I brush out my hair and blow dry it quickly looking in the mirror I decide to curl it quickly. Brushing them out to waves giving it some volume. I sort my edges and damn I look good. I look hot. I apply a dark lipstick and highlighter to my cheeks and a little to my eyes bringing them out more. I put in silver earrings and I look myself over.


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Perfect. I slide on black sandles and walk out my room and down the stairs to set the table quickly. Pulling out glasses, a bowl and plates I cut up the garlic bread and place them into the bowl and place it on the table. I take off the foil covering the lasagne and place it on the table to with all the cutlery we'll need. Suddenly I hear knocking and I check my watch, 6pm on the dot. Taking a deep breath I smooth my hands over my body and make my way to the front door.
"Hey you" I say shyly with a smile.
"Hello beautiful. You look.. Stunning" he says stepping closer and kissing me. I melt against him and we deepen the kiss.
"Let's get you inside" I tell him pulling away slowly.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now