Chapter 65

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"I'm putting in an order for what we need. Talk to me baby?" he says and I think about it.
"Erm some maxis would be great there running low. And why do you have them?" I ask him and he looks aways awkward.
"My mum stays out here sometimes to get aways from everything" he says and I feel stupid for not thinking of her and thinking the worst of him.. Already.
"Ohh OK. And you need more weed and maybe some healthy food and maby some baking ingredients" I tell him and he grins.
"What about for yourself?" he asks and I shrug.
"I have a few pairs of underwear upstairs in my bag and I'm sure I can live in your t-shirts, I can use your mums products if that's OK unless you want to buy me some?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"She won't mind am sure she'll love that your back in my life.. I talked about you enough with her" he tells me grinning.
"You talked to your mum about me.. Wow are you even the same Liam" I tease and he laughs.
"My mums known about you since day one baby it's nothing new" he says and I smile happily. He's so adorable and all mine.
"Anyways back to the shopping list" he says chuckling as I zone into my thoughts.
"If I use your mums products and wear your clothes I really don't need anything apart from what I've asked for baby" I say and he nods typing away
"Isit for Jason?" I ask him and he nods again
"Yeah he picks up all my shit every two/three days depending on what I need" he says and I nod understanding.
"If Mia finds out I'm here she'll flip, you know that" I tell him and he smirks
"Wouldn't you like them to come up? Or you happy it just being us two?" I ask him
"Whatever makes you happy that's all that matters to me" he tells me looking at me again.
"I don't mind.. I'd rather spend time with just you" I say quietly and he pulls me in.
"Then you shall get what you want, you sure theres nothing else you want or need? Because you'll have to wait to the next time if you forget anything.
"I want to see your.. Our folder" I tell him and he looks at me.
"Already on the list, well it was the first thing I told him to grab while he was at home. I knew you wanted it" he tells me and I grin clapping my hands happily.
"Yaay.. I can't wait to look through it" I say happily making him chuckle but he seems a little nervous. Aww my baby
"It's a big folder like binders galore with a lot of pictures and my designs from when we were younger and recent thing aswell" he says nervously..
"Your still adding to it now?" I ask him shocked thinking it was from the past.
"I never stopped baby plus its got letters init too" he says and I look at him surprised.
"Letters for me? Like I can read them?" I ask him excitedly.
"Yes obviously, if that's what you want to do. Some are older and some are recent like a few days ago" he says and I can't wait even more now. I'm so looking forward to them coming.
"Has Jason seen the folder?" I ask
"Some of it not the letters tho, there just for you. It helps me get everything off my chest about how I feel for you by writing it down like I'm talking to you"
He says shyly and I hook my arm through his cuddling close.
"I can't wait to read them all Liam." I say and kiss his cheek.

Finishing up with the list we wait patiently for Jason to drop the stuff off. My anxiety is at me to read all his thoughts from over the years and wonder what he actually has to say. Plus it's an insight to all his thoughts and feelings for me. This is all I've ever wanted and it's actually happening.
After a while I hear the door and Liam gets up to check it while I'm quiet just incase and he suddenly opens it.
"Yes bro" he says and I assume it's Jason.
"Here's everything you ask for brother. I've gotta go Mia's waiting for me" Jason says and then Liam appears with the massive bulging folders. Wow that's alot.
"Have fun beautiful" he says putting it next to me and walking off to sort the shopping
I slowly open the top one and see a photo of the both of us, we were about 15 at the time. He's standing behind me with his arms wrapped around me possessive, I just never realised at the time how strong his feelings were.
Flipping through a lot of photos I see more of us and a few of me I never knew he took. It's bringing back so many memories I smile running my hand over the photos.
"I remember that day like it was yesterday" Liam says coming up with a bag and sitting down next to me.
"It feels so long ago Liam I can't believe you have all these and never told me" I say looking at him smiling.
"I have more at home but there the perfect ones that I love" he says pointing to the one of us kissing. Smiling at it I flip through some more and see a photo of me sleeping.
"Really Liam?" I say laughing looking back at him.
"You are perfect all the time" he tells me making me blush looking back at the photo. I can't belive he has these.
"I still have the keyring that you bought me from you holiday aswell" he tells me and I look at him shocked.
"One minute" he says getting up and leaving the room I flip though some more and see a group photo of Liam, me, Mia, Sian, Leon, Stefan and Macaulay. Wow we were like 14 fucking hell I look young.
He comes back in and shows me the keyring on his car keys and I take it looking at it.
It's a picture of me on the beach in Spain when I went with my mum and dad. Wow that was years ago now.
"I can't believe you kept it" I say to him smiling handing him them back.
"I've kept everything literally" he says and I smile looking back at the folder.
How did I not see his love for me. My heart beats string and fast for him. Always.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now