Chapter 101

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"Muuum" I cry running into her
"Baby? What isit what's wrong?" she asks and hugs me as I cry hard into her arms and she just holds me.
"He's gone" I say and she sighs heavily.
"It's OK baby, I'm here" she says and I know I'm going to get I told you so from her sooner or later.
"What happened baby talk to me?" she says sitting me down on the sofa next to her
"They took him away.. He's gone and I don't know what to do" I tell her starting to cry again just thinking about it.
"OK baby, calm down who's they?" she asks confused looking at me.
"The police, they was so violent with him mum it was horrible, what do I do?" I ask her and she hugs me again.
"What did he do?" she asks and I shrug not really wanting to tell her about his day job.
"I don't know but that doesn't matter" I tell her wiping my face harshly.
I need to do something other than cry.
"They wouldn't of taken him for no reason baby, he must of done something" she says and she's not fucking helping.
"Your not listening! I need to help him mum" I yell at her and she just hugs me tightly to her as I begin to cry again.
"It's OK I'm here and you can't help him. I know you want to but you just can't" she says and I shake my head violently.
"Please don't say that. I have to.. There must be something we can do" I ask her and she looks at me sadly..
"Theres nothing you can do accept be there for him baby" she says and I sigh defeated. I can't just sit around living my life while he rots in prison. I won't. I can't without him.
"Baby you have to finally let go" she tells me and I push her away.
"Noo! Don't say that" I shout at her and stand up. I can't stay here and listen to this. I wipe my eyes and pull myself together, well try.
"I need to leave" I say and I see Macey walk in.
"what's happened. Why you crying?" she asks looking me over.
"Liam's gone" I say and walk out the door slamming it behind me suddenly feeling emotionless. I jump into my car and drive.. And drive and end up back at our home. I sit there staring at the house like I did yesterday but I know today he's not going to walk through the door back to me. There's no coming back. I climb out the car and make my way into the house and into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of rum, I open it and gulp it down not feeling anything.

Suddenly hearing the door open I run to the door and see Steve standing there.
"Steve.. What you doing here?" I ask him still holding the bottle.
"I see I came just in time sweetheart" he says to me pointing to the bottle.
"That's not going to help him or you" he tells me and I shrug not caring. I have nothing left.
"He's not the only one that's gone. I've lost alot of men over the last two days" he tells me and I down more of the drink. I don't care about any of them just Liam. He's my priority..
"Everything going to be OK, he won't get as long as he thought. And I'm here if you need anything sweetheart, we look after our own" he tells me and I just look at him blank.
"You can't bring him back to me so you can't help me Steve" I tell him and he sighs.
"I'll get him home as quick as I can, you can't ruin your life he wouldn't want that, you know that Stacey don't you" he says and I shrug again not caring about my life any longer.
"It means nothing without him" I say and drink some more and he walks up to me and grabs the bottle from my hand.
"Im not going to allow you to do this Stacey, Liam needs you now more than ever" he says and I feel my emotions coming back. Shit!
"Like I said I'm here if you need anything whether that be money or just someone to talk to I'll be here for you sweetheart you are not alone in this" he says and I start to cry on him and he hugs me holding me up and I start to go limp.
"It's OK, I've got you" he says picking me up and carrying me into the living room. Setting me down on the sofa he sits with me until my tears stop and I slowly start to calm down.
"This is your home, don't feel like you have to leave either" he tells me and I nod, it's not a home without Liam. It's just bricks and water.
"It was my home, not anymore" I tell him looking around seeing all the flashes of memories we've made so far but not as many as I'd like.
"I understand that your hurting, but this is your home sweetheart Liam would want you to stay here, you don't need to worry about anything, everything will be sorted" he says and I nod my head slowly at him. All I can think is what there doing to him right now. If there hurting him further and how he's feeling. I can still see the look in his eye and I get a cold chill run through me.
"Is there anyone that can come stay with you sweetheart" he asks me and I shrug.
"I'll call Sian my friend. Thank you Steve" I say to him and he nods smiling at me.
"I'm a phone call away if you need me for anything, here's my number" he says pulling out a peice of paper with a number scribbled on it.
"If you ever need to get away I have my safehouses if you need to use then. I know your fond of the one you stayed in" he say and I smile thinking of the time spent there with Liam.
"I loved it, thank you" I tell him and he smiles again getting up.
"Well please call your friend and get her here, I don't like the idea of you being alone at a time like this, I'll send someone by to check on you later sweetheart" he says and I nod pulling out my phone and dial Sian. I hope she's not at work. I need her right now.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now