Chapter 14

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Waking up in Victor's bed again is becoming more and more familiar. It's so comfortable and he's always a pleasure to wake up to. Who would say no?
"Morning beautiful" he tells me pulling me on top to straddle him. My hair falling around my face I look down on him and smile actually happy. He makes me happy.
"Well it's Sunday so I stay in all day cooking and relaxing. You wana stay with me have dinner maybe?" he asks smiling at me.
How can I say no..
"Absolutely!" I say giddy loving to cook and thinking how fun it'll be to do something different with him.
Pulling me down he kisses me softly on the lips and spins us over so he's on top of me.
"Now for my most fun part of my morning" he grins and kisses my neck running his hand up my t-shirt to my bare breast.

After rolling around with Victor for most of the morning we finally showered and are now standing in his kitchen ready to start the prepping.
"You peel and I'll cut" he says and I smile nodding at him.
He pulls out the potatoes and vegetables and I wash them grabbing the peeler.
Starting with the potatoes I peel them and hand them one by one to Victor for him to cut and dunk into the pot ready.

"I swear I hear someone knocking on your door" I say to Victor and he stops and walks over to it.
"Fuck!" I hear him say and I walk out to him.
"What's wrong. Who isit?" I ask him confused.
"It's Kaleb, my little brother I forgot he was dropping by. Fuck" he says again.
"Shall I go get dressed and go?" I ask him ready to go up the stairs but he grabs my waist.
"Not so fast. I'll get rid of him, you coutinue seasoning the chicken" he says and quickly kisses me.
I walk back into the kitchen, I carry on with my task and I wash my hands to season the meat.
I hear faint voices and then a loud 'Hello mysterious girl' and then laughing.
"Just go Kaleb, I'll call you" I hear Victor say as I get closer to the door. He shuts the front door locking it up and I run back over to the chicken continuing what I was doing like I didn't hear anything.
"Sorry about him baby girl" he says coming up behind me and nuzzling my neck.
"We're ment to be cooking Victor, remember" I say to him as he turns me in his arms.
"I know love, but I can't get enough of you" he tells me looking into my eyes. Smiling I kiss him and pull away as my hands are covered in crap.
"I'm all dirty" I hold my hands up and he smirks at me.
"Just how I like it" he growls and grabs me kissing me again.

After finally finishing the food we put everything on and the chicken in the oven to cook and I wash my hands again quickly.
"Spliff and a movie baby girl?" he asks pulling me close.
"Absolutely, I earned it" I tease as all he did was rub me up and feel my body everywhere teasingly.
"I can earn it don't you worry" he teases me kissing my sweet spot. I melt against him and he picks me up and carries me into the living room.
Kissing me quickly he sets me down on the sofa then turns the TV on grabbing the remote and his weed box.
Sitting down next to me I watch him start to bill up so I take the remote and go to Netflix.
"You want your own or you want me to bill a longer one?" he asks and I think about it.
"Longer one. Don't over pack it tho Victor" I tell him raising a brow and he just chuckles.
"OK OK. I'll try my best baby girl" he says and I leave him to it looking for something to watch.

Passing me the spiff I take a few bun and relax back into Victor's arms watching the film I've chosen. 'Malcolm and Marie' it's quite interesting to see it from both prospectives.
"You need me to check on the food?" I ask him as I hand the spliff back. He didn't pack it this time thank God but it's still alot.
"I got it beautiful" he says getting up and I relax back and continue to watch the TV.

"It's nearly done so I need to do the yorkshire puddings and gravy soon love" he says passing me the spliff back. The films finished and I'm just on YouTube listening to music. WSTRN comes on and I turn it up and get up dancing feeling comfortable. I grab Victor and he puts his hands on my hips swaying with me. I grind on him feeling him instantly harden and kiss my neck. Turning in his arms I pass him the spiff and walk away dancing into the kitchen to finish dinner. Such a tease.

Setting the table I pull out places and take a bottle wine from the fridge.
"My mum left it here" he says walking into the kitchen. Ohh ok.
"Ok, can you grab some glasses and where is the cutlery?" I ask saving me looking through all drawers.
"Middle drawer, where are we eating?" he asks and I point to his dining table. He smirks and takes the glasses and the bottle over there pouring us both some.
I turn off the cooker and start to plate up us some food and watch as he cuts up the chicken like a pro.
"I'll carry them over you go sit down beautiful" he says smiling at me ushering me over to the table.
Finally taking a seat I take a sip of my wine and it's nice. I hope his mum don't mind.
"Thanks babes" I tell him as he places down my food. It looks delicious and we make a good team in the kitchen.
"Your welcome baby girl, tuck in" he says sitting down with his food facing me.
"So your brother is he younger than you?" I ask him around mouthfuls of food.
"He's younger than me yes. Around your age" he says continuing to eat.
"Your sister is your double aswell" he says chuckling.
"Everyone says that. She's a little bitch tho. I on the other hand am a delight" I flutter my eyelashes at him.
"You absolutely are baby girl" he says making me blush.

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