Chapter 99

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After having a shit day at work I constantly worried about Liam and Anne started to notice my change. She wasn't impressed with my lethargic self and I didn't actually care. I just wanted to know Liam was ok. I'm currently just about to leave the bakery when I see Mia standing there.
She walks up to me and I go to walk past her but she grabs my arm.
"What Mia? I'm not in the fucking mood for you today" I tell her and she looks at me sadly
"I'm sorry, I miss you Stacey" she says and I laugh at her. Is she fucking stupid.
"You tried it on with my man on numerous occasions and you want to tell me you're sorry. Bitch please.. Move" I warn her ready to give her another beat down and join Liam in the cell next door.
"I'm still your best friend Stacey you can't stay mad at me forever" she tries but I hold up my hand.
"I'll never forgive you for what you've done so leave me alone Mia. Go back to Jason" I tell her and push her out of my way and make my way to my car.

I just sit there staring out the windshield and wonder if Liam's OK. Is he alive even. What happened? Is he hurt and needing my help somewhere and I can't even ring him to find out. Fuck! I hit the steering wheel and just decide to go home before I drown in my own tears.
Starting the engine I pull off and head back home hoping to hear from Liam soon.

Pulling up at our house I don't see Liam's car and my heart drops. It's been hours and still nothing. Where is he?
I climb out and head towards the house feeling down and unlock the door stepping in. Dropping my bag at the door I grab my phone and check it again for the gazillionth time and still nothing. Fuck sake. I head to the fridge pulling out wine and pour myself a decent amount and drink it down in one then go refill it again. Please be OK.
Taking myself into the living room I curl up on the sofa and cry.
"Where are you baby?" I say out loud and sit myself up grabbing the weed box I need a spliff. Quickly billing and rolling, I spark it hoping it makes me feel something.. Anything because the wines doing fuck all. Smoking away fiddling with my ring I constantly check my phone and the time, hours are ticking by with me just sat there doing nothing but waiting for him to call or walk through the door.

Curled back up with a blanket that smells like him I hear the door open and I jump up running to the door.
"Liam what happened?" I say as he holds his shoulder and goes into the kitchen.
"I'm OK, it went totally wrong baby I'm lucky to be alive" he tell me and I can't help myself I lunge at him and hug him to me tightly.
"Oww Oww, baby your hugging me to tight" he says and I let go instantly.
"I'm sorry, what do you need me to do I'm here" I tell him smiling. Injuries or not he's actually here standing infront of me. I could fucking kiss all the gods I prayed to.
"Alcohol baby, alot and maybe a spliff" he says and I laugh even tho it's not funny but it's so Liam. My Liam.
"Sit down let me take a look at it first" I tell him guiding him towards the kitchen chair. He pulls his t-shirt over his head and I see he's being patched up already thank God and I run my hand over it gently thinking this could of killed him. He could literally be dead and I start to cry.
"Don't cry baby, I'm OK, just sore, gimme the bottle of rum" he says holding out his hand and I quickly grab it for him taking off the lid.
I watch him down most of the contents and sigh with some sort of relief.
"I'll bill you a spliff" I tell him
"Do it in here baby, don't leave me" he says and I look at him with a small smile knowing the feeling.
"You want to go into the living room and get comfortable?" I ask him and he nods slowly getting up. I lead him in wrapping my arm around his waist and lead us in. I watch how he sits in the corner and opens his arm for me to sit with him.
Grabbing everything we need I sit back with him and kiss him longing to do it all day. I've never been so happy that he's come back to me in one peice minus the bullet wound..

"What actually happened?" I ask him and he sighs holding me tightly not wanting to let me go.
"It was a total fail, I know atleast four of the guys I was with are dead I watched them drop. I thought I was a goner too, I couldn't get you out of my mind the thought of leaving you forever brought me home" he says and I look at him shocked but happy.
"I'm so happy you came back, I've been a wreck all day thinking about you. I couldn't consentrate on anything but you. What took so long?" I ask him
"I couldn't find my phone, and I got shot remember that shit takes it out of you.. I had to go get it sorted out and I walked all the way there because the driver got killed" he says and I frown.
"If you didn't lose your phone you know you could of called me and I would of been straight there right" I tell him making him smile.
"If I had my phone your the only person I would of called baby" he says and I kiss him again forgetting that he's hurt just that he's actually here with me.
He's safe with me. Alive. My baby.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now