Chapter 34

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Standing in the kitchen I look though the fridge at what to make my baby for dinner when he gets home from work.
Mia left not long ago and left my love bomb in the air. I don't know when I should tell him but I don't think it should be yet unless he tells me of course.
Pulling out ingredients for stuffed chicken and vegetables I wash my hands along with the chicken and veggies and begin to prep the meal.

"I'm home beautiful" I hear called out from the door as I set the table for us.
"Kitchen baby" I call back smiling and he walks into me with a bunch of flowers.
"For my baby girl" he says and hands them to me kissing me affectionately.
"You really don't need to keep buying me flowers baby, but I appreciate them, there beautiful" I tell him making him grin.
"I like buying you them. I'm just building up my buying with you.. You'll never know what's next" he says smirking and I slap his biecep playfully.
"I don't need your money baby. I have my own, all I want is you. Just you" I tell him putting the flowers in the sink till I find a vase.
"Well you have both of us, something smells delicious" he says looking me over biting his lip.
"Hmm that would be our dinner" I tell him taking out the steamed veggies and turning the cooker off.
"Can I shower first baby" he asks readying to leave as he walks backwards out the kitchen.
"Sure, you go shower, but don't be long, I'll start serving up soon" I tell him walking upto him and kissing him again. I can never get enough kisses from his soft plump lips.
"I'll be right down beautiful" he says pulling away and jogging up the stairs.

Hearing him come down the stairs I place the chicken and veggies on our plates and place them down onto the table with cutlery. Grabbing the bottle of wine, I get two glasses out and pour us both some placing them next to our dinner.
"Looks and smells incredible baby girl" he says coming up behind me and kissing my neck.
"It's nothing special baby, just all I could think of to make in the moment" I tell him shrugging.
"You always fail to take compliments when it comes to your cooking" he tells me and I blush. Maybe he's right.
"I'm sorry I don't take them well do I" I tell him and he nods huming.
"It's OK beautiful, let's eat I'm starving" he says holding out my chair.
Suddenly his phone pings and his face drops. I wonder who it could be?

"How was your day baby?" I ask him and he shrugs at me.
"Usual really, what you girls been doing all day?" he asks me cutting into his chicken.
"Nothing much we baked some cookies, there in a tub if you want some after and just had a catch up talking about everything really that we've both missed you know" I tell him and he nods again. Did something happen? He's being weird now..
Finishing up eating I take both our plates scraping most of mine into the bin not eating and rinse them before placing them into the dishwasher and turning it on.
"You didn't eat much, are you OK?" he asks and I nod walking into the living room and grabbing his weed box. I need to be high. I can't handle his hot and coldness.
"Do you want me to bill you one?" I ask him not looking at him and he hums at me.
"No I'll do it" he says and I know somethings wrong why won't he tell me.

Sparking up my spliff I hand the box over to him and let him do him and kick back feeling a little lost. I have Liam telling me he still loves me and all that crap now I have Victor being weird for some reason. What the fuck is wrong with these men?
"Are you OK?" I ask him again as he rolls and licks the rizzla sticking it together.
"I'm fine Stacey I've told you" he says and gets up and jogs up the stairs. What the fuck? I don't even follow him giving him space and I order myself an Uber.
Clearly he doesn't want me here.
I grab my coat and bag and make my way to the door.
"Where you going?" he says standing at the top of the stairs.
"Home. You clearly don't want me here Victor. I'll just give you some space" I tell him and he runs down the stairs blocking my way.
"It's not you baby. It's me I have so much going on right now, I'm sorry. Don't go" he says and I sigh out.
"That's what I'm here for Victor. Talk to me" I tell him and he sighs.
He leads me upstairs and into his bedroom where I see a picture of me and Liam sitting in the café talking.
What the fuck?
"Marcus saw you with this guy. Who is he?" he asks me showing me his phone and I sigh is Marcus for fucking real.
"That's Liam baby" I tell him and he sits down on the bed staring at the picture. Theres nothing wrong with the picture like it's not inappropriate or anything it's just I'm with another guy so I know what he must of thought.
"I'd never do anything to jeopardize us Victor. I love you" I say and smack my hand over my mouth wide eyed. Did that just actually come out. Fuck!
He stares at me without saying a word and I turn to run away but he grabs me again and hugs me.
"You love me baby?" he asks me quietly and I nod slowly looking at the floor he lifts up my chin looking into my eyes.
"I love you too baby girl" he tells me and kisses me with everything he has. It's different this time. Loving even. He actually loves me too... Oh my god.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now