Chapter 75

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Pulling up at some big metal gates the driver puts in a code and they open for us and I look out the window amazed. Fucking wow. I thought the other house was beautiful. This is a whole different level of perfect. I'd definitely live here with Liam.
The car comes to a stop and the driver opens the door for me and I climb out with Liam following behind me. Looking around I can't help but be in awe with the place. It's beautifully designed and I love it.
"Just go straight in. Everything will be brought in for you" the driver says to us and Liam grabs my hand leading the way as I look around amazed.
"Just us again, but in a bigger better house baby" Liam says opening the door and leading me in.
He take me straight to the living room and showing me and then through to the gigantic kitchen.
"Oh my god I'm in heaven" I say looking around at everything. It has everything I could possibly need.
"I'm glad you like it, and we can stay as long as you want" he tells me and I beam at him excitedly.
"So I should go home and pack my stuff" I say laughing.
"I'd love nothing more than for you to stay with me forever baby" he says and I blush happily. I can't believe we're staying here. Just wow.
"There something else I want to show you" he says pulling me out the kitchen and through a closed door.
"Just incase you wanted to swim baby, there's a pool" he says and I clap exstactic.
"Oh my god it just gets better and better" I tell him grinning. He chuckles at me and pulls me into his arms.
"Anything for you beautiful. I'll give you the world if you'd let me" he says and kisses me.
"Your all I need" I tell him hugging him tight.
"Well if you ever need more than me all you have to do is ask baby" he says walking me back out and leading me up the stairs.
"I won't but thank you baby it means alot" I tell him as he opens another door.
"Wow, I thought the other bed was big. Fucking hell Liam" I say sitting on it bouncing.
"For us to have some fun in when you're ready baby" he says winking at me making me blush.
"I can't wait" I tell him as I look up at his lustful eyes.

After looking around the whole house we make our way into the living room where out things have been dropped off and the drivers left us alone. We make our way into the kitchen to unpack what I brought seeing that everything's already fully stocked up. Even better I thought smiling.
Putting everything away while Liam bills us spliffs, I walk into the living room and make myself comfortable on the huge sectional sofa.
"This house really is beautiful I bet it cost so much" I say looking around in awe still. I can't believe I'm practically going to be living here for how ever long I want to.
"I guess crime pays" he says cocky passing me a spliff.
Sparking up I realised that I'm smoking so much weed lately. He's a bad influence on me I swear.
"So what do you want to do beautiful" he asks me and I shrug.
"Just lay here with you for now after what you just did I kinda just want to chill and not think about anything like that. How you feeling?" I ask him looking behind me up at him.
"We can lay here all day baby. I'm feeling good that stuff doesn't bother me what about you? And later I want you naked and in that pool" he says smirking at me.
"I'm OK now it's just us baby, and really?" I ask him seductively turning to face him.
"Absolutely and I'll be naked too of course. And I'm glad your OK I don't want you around that type of stuff beautiful" he tells me and I wonder why?
"Why? You can, so I can" I say raising a brow.
"I'll never stop you from doing what you want. I just thought you wouldn't want to be" he says and I shrug.
"If this is your life then it's mine too.. I love you" I tell him and he grins.
"I love you too baby, and you are my life. So perfectly perfect baby" he tells me and kisses my forehead.
"I know" I say cocky and spark my spliff.
"Make sure you never forget it" he says looking into my eyes. Smiling I take a drag and blow it into his mouth giving him a long blowback. Smirking he looks me over.
"You don't wanna start something you can't handle baby" he says and I raise my brow challenging him..
He takes long drags one after the other and connects our lips blowing the smoke into my mouth, I take it all down like a fucking pro and blow it back out as he continues to kiss me.
"Thats my baby, never fails to surprise me" he says with glossy eyes - high, and I know mine look exactly the same.

Deciding to order dinner from the list of pre-approved restaurants I choose chinese and Liam jumps up to go put in the order while I lay back thinking I'm in heaven with the man of my dream in an amazing house well mansion and close my eyes smiling happily to myself..
Liam comes back and smiles at me.
"I've ordered a bunch of different things for us so I hope your hungry baby" he tells me and I nod smiling.
"Starving baby we haven't eaten since breakfast and you haven't eaten at all today either" I say raising a brow not happy with that.
"I know, are you offering" he says licking his lips and I nod my head slowly.
"I think I am" I tell him and he swoops down picking me up.
"Are you serious beautiful" he asks and I chuckle.
"Absolutely baby" I tell him grinning.
Never been more sure about something in my life.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now