Chapter 94

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Laying in a hot bubble bath I relax back with my spliff and close my eyes.
I thought going back to work would take my mind off of everything. Who was I kidding.
Hearing the front door suddenly slam shut I freeze wondering if its actually Liam and hear footsteps coming up the stairs then hear the bedroom door bang after
"FUCK! FUCK!" I hear and I know it's Liam.
"Baby?" I shout out and the bedroom door opens again. I hear his footsteps across the landing then nothing. What's he doing after a minute or two the bathroom door opens and he looks at me laying there..
"What happened? Why you mad, strip and get in" I ask him needing to calm him down but not wanting to get out yet.
Sighing he pulls his t-shirt over his head while kicking off his trainers and drops his bottoms taking off his boxers and socks. Sitting up he climbs in behind me and he feels tense. Spinning I lay on top of him and kiss his lips.
"Baby, talk to me" I tell him but he just kisses me again shutting me up. Feeling him becoming hard underneath me. I grab it and he pulls back.
"The witness.. I know them, they placed me at the scene.. Now I have to sort it" he says sadly with emotion. He must like the guy to feel sad about it.
"Its OK baby, can't somebody else do it?" I ask him and he sighs.
"Steve said I have to because it will make me feel better. But I really don't want to. I don't know how it will effect me. I don't normally do it to people I know, so I don't care. This is different" he says and sighs heavily pulling me upto him.
"It's upto you but am here for you. It's either that or prison. I can't lose you baby" I tell him sadly.
"I will kill anyone in this world to stay with you baby I fucking love you too much Stacey Bloom" he says holding me tight.
"I'd prefer Stacey Johnson... Wouldn't you" I say teasingly.
"Nothing would make me happier than that baby. I love how you never take off the ring too" he says nuzzling my neck.
"I told you I'll never take it off as long as your mine it'll stay there" I tell him kissing him.
"I hope I'll always be yours because you'll always be mine" he says and I grab his hardening cock and move lower taking him into my mouth.
"FUCK" he hisses out throwing his head back as I start to swallow down more. I suck on him and pump my hand around the base of his cock. This is what he needed.
I start to feel him swell in my mouth letting me know he's close to coming and I starts to suck on him faster bobbing my head up and down his long thick cock.
"Just like that baby" he groans and I pump faster.
"FUCK!" he grits out though clenched teeth looking down as me as he shoots his come down my throat. Swallowing it I lick off the rest and sit back on my kness smiling up at him.
"You feel a little better?" I ask him and he grins up at me.
"Always baby, how could I not when you blow my mind always" he tells me and I blush laying back down and picking up a spliff to spark.

Laying on the bed after the bath I feel so much better and I think Liam does too after our performances in there. I yawn ready to just relax with him and settle in for the night.
"You want me too cook? Or you wanna order food?" I ask him hoping for the latter.
"I'll order a pizza if you want beautiful?" he says and I nod eagerly
"Yes please, I'll cook tomorrow, works really took it out of me. It's been long overdue spending all this time in safehouses with you" I tell him and he chuckles shaking his head.
"You chose to stay and not go to work.. So I worked you out instead" he says teasingly.
"Ha ha very funny" I mock making him laugh.
"Right, I better go order this pizza before I devour you again.." he says licking his lips at me spreading my legs wider to take a look at his hidden treasure.
"Go before I keep you up here all night" I tell him closing my legs and crossing them.
He backs away with a sulking face and I laugh at him.

Waiting for the pizza to come I lay cuddled up in Liam's arms, watching a film in bed smoking a spliff.
"Foods here baby" Liam says as he looks at his phone and jumps up to go to the door.
Sitting up as he comes back through the door I rub my hands together happily ready to eat my chicken lovers pizza.
Grabbing a slice I stuff it into my mouth and hum satisfied with the flavours.
"Good beautiful?" he asks me and I nod rapidly with a smile on my face.

Finishing up with the food and continuing to smoke and watch films cuddled up I look to Liam..
"Not to bring it up but.. Have you decided what your going to do with the guy.. your friend" I ask him needing to know if i'm losing him soon.
"I told you, I'll kill anyone to stay with you baby.. And friends abit strong.. I just know him and expected more" he says and I smile glad that he's not going anywhere anytime soon anyways.
Satisfied with the answer I spin back towards the tv and continue to watch the film.
Feeling myself falling asleep I turn into his arms and cuddle up to him feeling his arms wrap around me holding me close.
"I love you baby" I tell him sleepily.
"I love you too beautiful, get some sleep" he tells me and I close my eyes and slowly start to drift off.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now