Chapter 93

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Finally finishing work I walk out the door pulling out my phone and call Liam.
"Hello beautiful, you finished?" he asks me answering straight away.
"Yeah just. Victor came by wanting to talk, he's coming back now" I tell him and I hear him sigh. Please don't be mad.
"OK well I'm just about to find out who the witness is, so you try get whatever you can out of Victor" he tells me and I can hear the disappointment in his voice..
"Baby don't be mad I'm doing this for you, I'd rather be with you" I tell him and see Victor pull up in front of me. He nods for me to come get in and I hold up a finger saying one minute.
"I'm not mad, I just don't like you with him baby but I appreciate it even so. I love you and I have to go now" he says to me.
"I love you baby remember that" I tell him and we hang up.
Walking over to the car, I climb into the passengers seat and put on my seat belt.
"You OK baby girl?" Victor asks me and I feel something different at the name he calls me again.
"You need to stop with the name.. I'm not yours Victor" I tell him and he sighs.
"I can't help it. It comes naturally. You'll always be my baby girl" he tells me and I just look out the window.
"Where you taking me" I ask him confused as to where we're going.
"Home" he says simply but I sigh again.
"I don't live there Victor. I live with Liam" I tell him and he pulls over.
"You've moved in with him already" he stresses and I'm ready to stress back.
"You pushed me to him. Why wait?" I yell looking at him.
Turning in my seat I see someone that I recognize but where from? Wracking my brain I remember him from Steve's place Liam took me to. Shit. Spinning back to Victor I just look at him as he stares at me.
"Please tell me honestly that you are not the witness" I ask him praying he says no.
"Witness? What are you talking about Stacey?" he says and I breath a sigh of relief.
"You wouldn't lie to me would you Victor?" I ask him looking back out the window seeing the guy getting closer shit shit.
"I don't know what your talking about baby girl" he says and I look back at him rolling my eyes.
Why's he approaching us. Fuck he's gonna kill us.. Him. I don't fucking know.
Pulling out my phone I call Liam again and he doesn't answer straight away like normal. Weird. I try again and he answers
"Baby what's wrong?" he asks
"Someone from the second house is approaching us, what's happening did you find out?" I ask him needing to know.
"What do you mean someone from the house, fuck! One minute" he says and line goes quiet.
"why you calling Liam when we're talking" Victor moans.
"Shut up a minute will you" I tell him trying to listen down the phone to something. Anything.
"I'm back baby, I don't know why he would be coming for either of you it wasn't him. Are you sure?" he asks me and the guy gets closer. My heart starts to beat erratically and I start to heavy breath.
"Fuck he's so close" I say panicking. And he suddenly knocks on the window. Fuck Victor rolls the window down like a imbecile and I move closer to him away from the door.
"I know you, Stacey. Liam's girl right. What you doing with another guy" he asks and I breath a sigh of relief. Thank God.
"Pass him the phone baby, I'll sort it" Liam tells me and I hesitantly hand him my phone. He takes it and his face drops as he steps away from the car.
"Who is that Stacey? What's Liam got you involved in?" Victor asks me and I shake my head.
"Nothing, I'm fine" I tell him looking at the guy with my phone. He doesn't look pleased about something.
He comes back to the car and hands me my phone.
"I'm sorry, I'll leave you now" he says like Liam's gave him an earful and backs away quickly.
"Baby" I hear from my phone and I put it to my ear.
"I'm here, and thank you baby, sorry for nothing he's gone now" I tell him letting my heart go back to a steady rhythm.
"Don't be sorry, you did good calling me baby" he says and I smile to myself.
"Thanks baby, I'll let you go and I'll talk to you at home I love you" I tell him making Victor tense up and shake his head.
"I miss you, I'll be back soon, I love you too beautiful" he tells me and we hang up.
"So your all loved up with him now, even tho he's a fucking murderer" Victor spits.
"I never stopped loving him Victor. I'm sorry I hurt you in the process but it will always be him" I tell him and he sighs putting his head down
"Well you deserve better than him Stacey. I'm better and you know it, just give me a chance to show you" he says looking sad at me. I close my eyes resting my head on the headrest and breath through the built up emotions. My head and my heart are at war with echother. I know Victor will be good for me. But my heart belongs to Liam, I love him and he makes me feel like no one else can. What do I do?
"Victor.. Stop please" I tell him but he continues.
"No Stacey, you know I'm right. You won't loose me to prison. You won't have to panic at people approaching the car. You said you loved me" he says and I can't help but look at him. I do love him.. I just love Liam more.
"I don't want to argue with you but it will always be him Victor. I'm sorry but I love you.. I'm inlove with him, I need him" I tell him and climb out the car..
"Stacey where you going. Get back in the car" he says to me but I ignore him and order myself an Uber. I just need to go home and smoke a spliff, today's been a long confusing day.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now