Chapter 143

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Having drinks at Sian's house I down four shots and then three fingers of rum. I walk into the living room and turn the music up listening to Mabel. I dance under the disco ball Sian put up for me and sway my hips drinking another drink. I check my watch and see it's nearly quarter to eleven. Carrying on with my dancing, I feel hands on me and know that it's Victor. He holds my hips and pulls me to him I happily allow him to continue as I'm having fun and it's my birthday after all.
"I miss this baby girl" he whispers into my ear and I sigh. He had to go ruin it.
Spining in his arms I look at him shaking my head.
"Fucking why?" I ask throwing my arms in the air. Walking into the kitchen I grab the rum and swig from the bottle and take it with me with the spliff that's in the ashtray upstairs to wait for my call..

Checking the time it's 11pm on the dot and a random number pops up and I answer it quickly..
"Hello baby" Liam says all breathy and seductive. Walking into the bathroom locking the door behind me I sit on the ledge of the bath.
"Hi handsome" I say shyly suddenly and he chuckles.
"Tell me where you are beautiful?" he asks me and I smirk.
"Sian's bathroom" I tell him and I know he's smiling.
"Bad girl baby" he says and I slowly start to spread my legs.
"FUCK I wish I was there devouring my treasure right now" he tells me and I hear him groan. Fuck we're about to actually have phone sex properly. I undo my shorts quickly and drop them with my underwear while I hold the phone with my shoulder.
"Close your eyes and imagine me kissing my way up your thigh and edging closer to my treasure" he says groaning again and I moan rubbing my swollen cleft.
"Finally meeting your sweet juicy pussy I smile and stare at it licking my lips knowing I'm about to devour it" he tells me groaning as he hears me whimper..
"Moving in closer, I let my tongue meet your clit and slowly swirl around it then start to suck onit how you like it" he says and growls as I get louder. I rub myself so fucking fast it burns and I'm so close.
"I'm so close, I need you" I tell him.
"So am I baby, cum for me" he demands and growls sending me into oblivion. And then hearing him cum a second later.
"Fucckk! Baby" he grits out and he sounds so fucking hot I clench my thighs again.
"I'm happy I got to make you cum on your birthday baby" he tells me and I smile at myself in the mirror.
"Thank you baby, I appreciate it" I tell him and he groans again.
"Listen baby, I want you to go and have fun and do whatever feels right. And don't feel guilty baby because it will always be my treasure" he tells me and continues.
"Your free to do you my queen but I will come back for you one day I promise you. You will be Stacey Johnson" he says and I feel myself getting emotional listening..
"You are my finish line, I can't wait to run into you" he finishes and sighs but a good sigh this time.
"I love you so much baby, I can't wait for you to come home.. Can I see you?" I ask him and he sighs..
"Baby, I'll think about it, I promise" he says and I bounce happily excited. He wouldn't say no to me on my birthday.
"Now go and enjoy the rest of your birthday and party all night beautiful. I love you baby soo much and miss you to much" he tells me and I sigh wishing he was here.
"OK I will do, thank you baby I love and miss you too so much, thank you for making my birthday special baby, bye" I say and he groans making me smile and we hang up smiling for once.

Washing my hands I sort out my clothes straightening them out and head back down stairs.
"Where did you go?" Victor asks me and I sigh not wanting to deal with him.
"My 11pm surprise from my baby" I tell him and walk off with the bottle of rum swigging from it.
"Let's get drunk and have some fun" he says to me and pulls me by the hand to the kitchen.
Pouring shots he hands me a glass of bailey's and looks at me smiling.
"Just how it used to be baby girl" he says and I look at him raising a brow..
"I don't drink it anymore. Just rum" I tell him putting the drink down and grabbing the bottle of rum.
"I'm just trying to help you have fun. At least I'm here" he says and I want to kick him in his balls instead he will have blue ones. Dick. I walk out with the bottle and think about what he said. At least he's here.. Well that's because Liam can't be.. He made that decision.. And I'm trying to be happy regardless because that's what he wants. Victor's still being the same childish boy. Fuck sake..
He won't ruin my mood. I'm on a high. Another phone call off my baby. My birthdays been as perfect as it can be. Plus he's considering seeing me again. And that's sooner than I thought maybe we will work things out after all..

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