Chapter 121

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"It's OK bro, I'll go out to them" he tells Jason and I shake my head at him. Remembering the last time they took him.
"I love you mum, and I'll see you soon" he tells his mum kissing her while she cries.
"I love you son, be good please" she tells him and he nods and looks to me.
"Baby, don't cry I'm sorry this is happening I had to come, I love you Stacey Johnson" he tells me coming up to me and wrapping his arms around me tight.
"Please don't leave me, I love you baby, this isn't your fault and I need you to ring me as soon as you can OK" I tell him and he nods feeling his tears drop onto my shoulder.
"It is my fault baby, but it's OK I'll be out a free man remember that and I will marry you remember your promise to live your life and please stay in here while I go outside I don't want you seeing it again" he tells me and I cry harder.
"I promise you I'll wait, I love you soo much Liam" I tell him making sure he knows.
He let's go of me and kisses me passionately like it's the last time. What's happening?
He rubs my ring and let's go of me and walks towards Jason.
"I love you bro, look after mum please she needs you, I'm sorry to leave you to handle this on your own" he tells Jason who's emotional too and they hug. Pulling away he rushes back to me and holds me tightly.
"Fuck I don't wanna leave you baby" he says making me cry more.
"I don't want you to leave me" I tell him.
"I hope and pray to see you again beautiful, I love you more than life itself be happy" he tells me holding my face looking into my teary eyes and I can see how scared he is. He hands me his key and phone and kisses me again. What if he doesn't make it back to me this time?
"You'll see me soon baby, write to me and send me a VO and I'll see you when ever you want me to, I need to see you, I love you more than breathing" I tell him and hear banging on the door. Nooo!
"Good bye baby" he tells me and I just cry watching him walk towards the door. He opens the door and steps out looking back at me. They take him to the floor again and handcuff him quickly ragging him around like her a fucking doll. My poor baby.
"Nooo, stop" I scream and run towards him but Jason grabs me.
"Stop, he has to do this Stacey" he tells me and I fight to get out of his hold.
" Noo!" I shout crying and drop to the floor pulling Jason down with me.
I watch as they drag him away out of my eyesight and a door slam. He's actually gone. What am I gonna do?

Its been about an hour since they took Liam away and I'm still sat on the floor crying while Jason holds me rocking me. He keeps telling me that everything's going to be OK but I don't see how. How is any of this going to be OK?
"Bring her here to me son" I hear Angela says but I can't feel my body so I just sit there. Jason stands and picks me up bridal style and walks over to her sitting me on the sofa next to there mum.
She pulls me in and holds me as I begin to cry more.
"Sweetheart, there there, I've got you, let it out" she rocks me as my tears just flow uncontrollably my body wracks as I cry hard on her wishing we never came here.
I should of just told him no. Why did I agree to this. This wouldn't be happening if I just said fucking no!
"This is all my fault, if he didn't come here he wouldn't of got caught and you wouldn't be in this mess sweetheart I'm so sorry, so so sorry" she tells me and I just cry. Crying is my best friend right now...
I don't even reply not being able to find my voice. What do I even say to her because she's technically right.
"Will you stay here tonight at least, you can stay in Liam's bedroom hun, I need to know your gonna be OK" she says and I nod my head just wanting to curl up and cry.
"Would you like Jason to take you up now?" she asks and I nod again tears still falling.
Jason sad smiles at me and picks me up, I wrap my arms around his neck resting my head on his chest and he looks at me sadly.
"Im sorry Stacey, you don't deserve any of this" he tells me quietly and I can't control my crying. He kicks the door open and puts me down on the double bed kissing me on my head he looks at me.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asks me and I shake my head laying down and curling up.
"OK I'll come and check on you later, if you need anything just shout me and I'll be here" he says and I nod my head watching as he leaves the room closing the door behind him.
I lay there motionless staring at a picture of me and Liam, it's from when we was in school just sitting on his bedside table. I hold the phone tightly in my hand with the key and wish to just be back in the mansion. Why did we leave. I should of said no. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I scream at myself in my head. I'll never agree to anything that doesn't feel right to me again. I knew something would fucking happen! I should of said no!

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