Chapter 119

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"I need more, come fuck me" he tells me pulling off the condom and grabbing another one. Who am I to complain..
Watching as he rolls a fresh one over himself he pulls me up and slides back into me with ease. Fuck he feels good.
"Yess!" I say and he rolls us over so I'm on top.
"Take control baby, take what you need it's all yours" he tells me and I put my hands on his chest balancing filling myself up. Fuck he's so deep..
Lifting my ass up and down slowly building the momentum and look into his eyes.
"Just like that baby" he says and I grind on him feeling his dick go deeper as I push down further.
He holds my hips and I begin to fuck him faster how I know he likes it and bounce my ass on his thighs
"Fuck I'm gonna cum" I cry out and he pushes his hips up into me..
"Liammm!" I scream his name feeling my legs go weak I continue to bounce and he holds me up and fucks up into me repeatedly.
"Yess!" I moan throwing my head back as he continues to fuck me.
I meet his thrust and he lifts leaning me back and I bend my legs letting him take what he wants.
"Fuck, so tight I'm close baby" he tells me and I tighten around him repeatedly feeling my own orgasm build.
"Liammm yes" I moan as I cum again and he groans louder
"Fuck baby!" he roars and I feel his cock throb inside me telling me his cumming.
Breathing heavily I drop onto his chest panting feeling his chest rise and fall rapidly.
"That was amazing baby" I tell him and he slowly moves in and out of me again.
"I'm not finished with you yet" he tells me and I look at him smiling.
"What ever you need baby" I tell him and he groans low and deep..

After fucking ourselves to death nearly I lay on my back aching all over while Liam lays next to me panting.
"You feel better now?" I ask him and laugh as he pulls a face at me.
"Absolutely baby, but I am abit sore" he tells me and I knew he would be because I fucking am.
"Same here" I tell him and he laughs.
"Maybe I should lick it better" he says and I whimper at him. I don't think I can cum anymore.
"Later, I need a relaxing bath, so do you" I tell him and he lifts up bringing me with him carrying me into the bathroom. Sitting me on the counter he starts to run the bath pouring in bubbles and I watch him feeling hot again.

Laying in the bath with Liam relaxing back onto him and enjoying how he washes me, tenderly taking care of me.
"This is what I needed, I'm feeling better already" he tells me and I smile looking back at him.
"I'm glad, wouldn't want you laid out again" I tease and he holds me tighter.
"I might be by the time I'm finished with you, I don't plan on getting dressed for a long time" he says into my ear and I shiver knowing that he's about to have his way with me constantly.
"That's exactly what I was thinking too, I love being naked with you" I tell him and I feel his dick grow behind me again.
"We can't get enough of you baby, I'd fuck you consistently if it was up to me, you'd never leave the house" he says and I clench my thighs under the water.
"That's it baby, I love it when you clench them thighs for me" he whispers in my ear and I feel my nipples tighten. Fuck.

After having a bath and cummimg again. I'm finally relaxing on the sofa while Liam insisted on making us dinner. I swear he's doing to much.
Smoking my spliff he comes strolling in naked holding two plates of food
"For my queen, something to build your strength back up" he says licking his lips at me.
"Thank you baby, I appreciate it" I tell him as he hands me my dinner and sitting next to me.
"Your doing to much to soon baby you need to relax" I tell him knowing I'm right.
"I just want to take care of you now baby, please let me, you've done alot for me over the past few months" he tells me sighing.
"That's what I'm here for, to take care of you to make sure your fit and healthy again. I need you to be better" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Your doing an amazing job, I feel better baby. Don't worry" he says around a mouthful of chicken pasta.
"I enjoyed looking after you, it makes a change from you always looking after me" I smile and start to eat my food.
"I enjoyed it too, I bought you something that I think you'll love" he says and I perk up.
"What isit?" I exclaim happily wanting it now..
"You'll have to wait and see baby, today's my day of taking care of you, you don't need it yet" he says smirking and I raise a brow wondering what it could be.

After finishing dinner we cuddle up on the sofa and put on a movie just relaxing and getting high. This is all I need when I'm with him. I feel content and so happy while I'm with Liam, he holds me close to him and kisses along my neck while I watch the film.
Today's been a blissful day and I don't what it to end.
"I don't want the day to end baby, you've made it perfect, I love you" he says and it's strange that he read my mind.
"You read my mind baby, I love you soo much" I tell him and spin my head to kiss him. What will I do without him..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now