Chapter 30

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Pulling up at the restaurant I see Sian and Kai standing at the door waiting for us and I climb out not waiting for Victor and make my way over to them.
"I need to talk to you babe" I say to Sian as I get closer. She looks me over and follows me a little down the street.
"Victor's pissed" I start with and she looks confused at me then looking back at the guys talking.
"What's happened?" she asks and I sigh
"Liam like fucking normal. When will he stop ruining my life" I ask her tearing up. She wraps her arms around me and shushes me.
"It's gonna be OK. Victor will understand if you talk to him babe" she tells me and I laugh thinking great I just did and now look.
"I did that's why he's pissed. I told him Liam came into the shop and called me beautiful and now he's being iffy like that's my fault. And now I've gotta sit through this date feeling like this" I tell her as she wipes my tears that have fallen. Fuck sake Stacey get a grip.
"He'll get over it babe, just give him a moment OK" Sian says hugging me again.
"Come on you two" Kai calls out for us.
Getting myself together we walk back up to the guys and walk into the restaurant.

After being seated and ordering our drinks the waiter scurries off and we're left in a awkward silence. Great..
"So how's work?" Kai asks and I choke a little looking to Victor.
"It's been good. I enjoy it Kai thanks for asking. What about you" I ask him already knowing but still.
"It's been good when Victor actually works with us and not distracted by someone" he winks at me and I blush. Am I really that distracting to him?
"Well I hope you get your project done on time, I'm sorry" I say with a little laugh.
The waiter returns with our drinks and I grab it straight away drinking down my wine needing it.

After the waiter dissappears again with our food order we talk about meaningless things and Victor just sits there brooding.
"Can I talk to you alone" I ask him getting up and making my way to the entrance.
He follows behind me and stands there staring off not even looking at me..
"Shall I just go home. You clearly dont want to be here either?" I ask him and he finally looks at me.
"What do you mean either?" he asks me getting pissy.
Annoyed at him I just sigh and look at him.
"Look, what happened isn't going to change. I can't ban him from places Victor. You need to either drop it or this isn't going to work out" I tell him feeling my tears build up again. We're not even together and we're already arguing. Fucking Liam.
"I can't help that I'm fucking pissed Stacey. I hate the fact that your not either" he says and I put my head down.
"I can't be pissed Victor I've spend two years down and depressed I can't go back to that place. I won't" I tell him and he sighs and reaches for my hand.
"Im sorry baby girl, I don't want to fight with you about this" he says defeated and pulls me close.
"You don't need to be sorry baby just don't let him ruin this" I say sadly.
"He won't, let's go back in" he says with a small smile and leads me back inside.

After having it out with him the date went really well and we're just about to go our separate ways.
"I'll call you when I finish work babe" Sian tells me hugging me goodbye.
Hugging her back I release and nod.
"Yeah make sure, we need to do this again aswell" I tell her and she agrees
"Of course. Just let me know when you two want too" she says as Kai takes her hand.
"Will do babes. See you" I say to them both turning to Victor who's smiling at me.
"Ready baby girl?" he asks me taking my hand and leading me towards the car.
"Absolutely" I say with a smile.

As Victor pulls up he cuts the engine and turns in his seat looking at me.
"Are we good baby?" he asks me unsure.
"Absolutely baby, don't worry about it. I'm all yours, you know this right?" I ask him and he sighs.
"But we're only dating I can't get jealous like I did. I'm sorry for that" he says and I unbuckle my seat belt and turn in my seat.
"I told you I wanted more. Your the commitment phobe baby" I tell him gently and he nods again.
"I know. I want you more everyday beautiful. Let's do this properly" he says and I look into his eyes confused. Is he.. No surely?
"Do what?" I ask him playing dumb.
He smiles at me and licks his lips.
"I want you to be all mine. I need you to be just mine baby" he says shyly and I squeal a little with excitement.
"Abso-fucking-lutely baby" I tell him and kiss him forcefully.

Climbing out the car with major excitement bubbling I can't believe he's the one that asked me. Oh my god.
Walking into his house he escorts me to the kitchen and offers me a drink. Nodding my head like normal and take the glass.
"So now what?" he asks me looking around the room. What's wrong with him? He's nervous.
"I don't know. We do what we normally do I guess. Nothing has to change baby" I tell him smiling reassuring him.
"Now can I fuck you into oblivion baby girl" he asks grinning at me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Please baby" I tell him seductively putting my drink down and he swoops down picking me up. Squealing shocked, I giggle as he kisses me feeling him smile into it. I'm falling and fast... Fuck!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now