Chapter 97

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"FUCK!" I cry out as he pounds into me from behind and I throw my head back enjoying him so deep.
"You love this dick baby" he asks me spanking me harder.
"Yesss!" I scream and enjoy the stinging pleasurable pain going through me.
I grind back on him and he pulls my hands behind my back holding me up and fucks into me with my head in the sofa.
"FUCK!" he groans and I can feel his dick throb inside me as I tighten around him and feel my own climax build.
"I'm so close baby" I tell him moaning loudly.
"Cum for me baby" he says pushing deeper hitting my gspit hard and I let go
"Liamm!" I scream out and he fucks me faster through my orgasm and he groans letting go of my hands and grabbing my hips
"FUCK" he roars out and cums spilling into the condom.
He slowly pulls out off me and pulls me onto his lap holding me close.
"It gets better every time" he tells me and I grin at him happy he enjoyed it.
"You get better everytime" I tell him making him smirk smugly.
"I do try, but that pussy is so tight I love my little treasure" he says making me blush. Fucking hell.
"Well if you keep constantly fucking me it won't be as tight" I say raising a brow at him.
"I'll never stop wanting to fuck you" he says taking of the condom and tying it pulling out another one
"Like now.. Again?" he say and I laugh watching him roll it over himself..

Lying back on the sofa panting hard I try to catch my breath and look to Liam who is still looking at me with lust ful eyes.
"No more, I'm dying here" I tell him laughing and he frowns at me.
"OK baby, I can give you a little break" he says pulling me up to sit along side him.
He can't seem to get enough.. Not that I'm complaining but still jeez give a girl a break.
Watching as he starts to bill up he rolls it and passes me it to spark and I sit back relaxing and smoke.
"You deserve it after all your hard work" he says chuckling and I pull a face at him
"Very funny" I say nudging him.
"I thought so anyways baby" he tells me and begins to laugh.

Laying on the sofa I relax back on Liam and he sighs.
"I have a job to do tomorrow baby and I don't know how it's gonna go down" he tells me and I spin looking at him worriedly.
"What do you mean? What isit?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I have to grab someone but there's a lot of risk involved baby so I will have to be armed" he tells me and I begin to panic.
"But if you get caught what's the stretch your looking at" I ask him and he sighs again heavily this time pulling me closer to him.
"Years.. Like atleast five more than likely" he tells me and I become emotional. Five fucking years. Is he crazy?
"Baby I have no choice, they are a major threat to us all and it needs to be done I won't be alone" he says and that's not helpful.
"I don't want to lose five years of my life with you tho, I'll miss you to much" I tell him as he wipes my tears.
"Baby I don't wanna lose one day of my life with you but it needs to be done. I can't say no, that's not an option" he says and I begin to cry. He can't do this.
"I don't like this baby, what if something worse happens to you" I ask him and he wipes my fallen tear again.
"There's more chance of that happening if the job doesn't get done. I have to do this" he says and I shake my head.
"It's not safe out there anymore, so please don't make this harder for me. I wish I could just take you and run away but then I'll have a target on my head. I can't win" he tells me and my tears are flowing full force. This can't be happening so soon.
"Remember that snitch I killed, this is the ripple affect of that. He exposed us all" he says and I sigh understanding.
"I don't like any of this baby but I understand why you have to do this. But I'm not happy about it" I tell him so he knows my feelings.
"Thank you for being honest with me, you'll still live your life regardless of the outcome. I need you to promise me you'll do that" he says and I shake my head fast.
"I can't live again without you Liam I just can't" I tell him and he looks at me sadly.
"You have to baby, just know that I love you and I always will. I need you to remember that" he says and I look at him blank. I can't do this.
"Why are you saying this. It's like you know your going to get caught or worse... It feels like your pushing me away already just incase" I say getting up from him. I can't do this..
"I needed to tell you just incase baby I don't want to push you away I wanted you to understand what's happening and what the stakes are" he tells me and I stand up and start to pace looking away from him. Is this seriously happening again. I thought this time was going to be different.
"Baby please don't be like this, it could be our last night for a long time. I need to do this job in the right frame of mind. I need to know that your going to be OK without me if anything happens" he says and I laugh humorless.
"Do I look like I'm going to be OK without you Liam.. I'd rather run with you forever than you go away" I tell him honestly.
"FUCK! I won't put you in danger because of me. It's not going to fucking happen Stacey. Ever! I'd rather die than let anything happen to you" he says standing and coming to me. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be mad at him if anything does happen but I can't help how this is making me feel. What am I suppose to do without him?
"Please baby, don't be mad with me I don't want to argue I won't. I can't not now, I love you" he tells me and I sigh defeated.
"I love you Liam, please don't leave me again" I say crying.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now