Chapter 123

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Waking up with a pounding head again I sit up slowly and and make my way to the bathroom to do my business. Washing my hands I look in the mirror and see my eyes are red raw from all the crying and the lack of sleep. I splash cold water on my face to wake myself up further and dry it with the hand towel.
Making my way down the stairs I walk into the living room and see Steve sitting there with Angela and Jason.
"Morning sweetheart, how was your sleep?" Steve asks me standing up an coming over to me. Hugging me I hug him back and he looks into my eyes.
"You was drinking wasn't you sweetheart tsk, what are we going to do with you?" he asks and hugs me back to him again.
"I needed to numb the pain, it didn't work for that long but it made me sleep soo" I say and he gives me a sad smile as we pull apart.
"I bought you some clothes, go have a shower and get ready. We'll get you some food on the way" he says and I nod taking the bag he hands me and make my way back up stairs.
"Here, smoke this" Jason says handing me a spliff as I walk up the stairs.
"Thanks, I'm gonna need it" I tell him and give him a small smile.

Standing in the shower I let the water run over my face as I let more tears fall thinking of my baby all alone. How can I cope for four years without him. That's a long time and I just have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that he's gonna try and push me away again.
Washing quickly I rinse and jump out wrapping a towel around me. I grab the tooth brush from the bag and brush my teeth looking at myself in the mirror. I feel like absolute shit and it shows.

Pulling the black dress over my body I put on my shoes and grab my bag checking my phone to see a text of Sian.

Sian: Haven't heard from you in awhile babe, I hope your OK.. Let me know I love you and miss you Xx

I quickly text her back.

Stacey: Liam's in court today so yeah not feeling to great can you meet me there if your not at work babe I love and miss you too Xx

Sian: Just arrived at work babe, I'm so sorry this is happening to you Xx

Stacey: OK I'll see you soon Xx

Putting my phone away I run my fingers through my hair and bang it up on top my head and make my way back down stairs smoking the spliff Jason gave me.
Walking into the living room they all look at me with a sad face and I wonder what they've been talking about. Me obviously but what?
"You ready to leave sweetheart?" Steve asks me and I nod my head slowly.
"Yeah let's go" I tell him and turn to Angela.
"I'll see you soon Angela, thank you for letting me stay lastnight. It means alot" I tell her and give her a small smile hugging her. I hope she gets better soon.
"Your welcome to stay anytime hun, please don't be a stranger and you know where I am if you want to talk" she tells me and I nod feeling grateful.
"Thank you" I tell her and she gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
"I'm coming too" Jason says walking into us.
"Let's go then, we need to leave now" Steve tells us and ushers us out the room to the front door.

Arriving at court after picking at my McDonald's breakfast I can't eat right now my stomachs in knots.
I just need to see for myself that he's OK. With my own god damn eyes.
"Are you ready to go in now sweetheart? It's time" Steve says to me and I look to Jason who grabs my hand.
"It's gonna be OK, just breath" he says to me and I take a deep breath grabbing my bag I stand up on shaky legs.
Walking into the court room I sit towards the front so I have a good clear veiw of Liam and see if he's OK physically.
"Will the court please stand" someone speaks and I stand up with Jason and Steve on either side of me holding me up.
Sitting back down when the judge says, I wait for what feels like forever and suddenly a door opens and Liam appears stepping up onto the stand.
He looks at me and smiles and I smile back wanting to just run over to him and hug him to me forever and never let go.

After the judge speaks declaring what Liam did I feel the tears run down my cheeks as I can't take my eyes off of him. He keeps his eyes on me all the way through and mouths that he loves me. I blow him a kiss making him smile and the judge now tells us his sentencing. Shit this is it..
"Mr Johnson I understand that the circumstances of what happen in prison wasn't your fault so I won't be charging you with that. I know that you ran for the fear of your life but that doesn't mean I accept it so I'll give you six months on top of the three years you was previously sentences with. As you already did two months you will do the sentences consecutively as of today. You will serve a minimum of two years and possibly out with good behaviour" the judge says and I burst out into tears and I feel both of them hold me close. This can't be happening again. Two years is a lot better than I thought he was going to get but still it's two whole years without my baby.
"I love you Stacey Johnson, I'll ring and write as soon as I can baby" Liam calls out to me.
"I love you too baby" I shout out before he's taken away back out the same door. And I break down.
"It's gonna be OK sweetheart, come on let's get you home" Steve says and helps me up with Jason by my side.
Two fucking years. I'll go insane.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now