Chapter 55

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After drinking my fourth drink I switch bottles with them and start on the brandy thinking fuck it, its been a long ass day.
"So you was just gonna be out here alone if we didn't come up?" I suddenly ask Liam and he shrugs.
"I've done it before. It's boring but it needs to be done" he says and I feel sorry for him.
"It's got to be boring and major lonely tho, I'm glad you accepted me coming" I tell him starting to feel the alcohol already.
"Yes it is and I only accepted because I trust you" he tells me making me smile.
"Of course you do you've know me for god knows how long Liam jeez" I say drinking banging my glass drunkenly. Shit Stacey slow down I scold myself.
"Has nothing to do with the length of time Stacey. I just know I can trust you with my life, and after what we did I should be able to trust you too" he says looking at Victor towards the end and I take it there talking about Marcus.
"Why did you both flip out.. He called me a slag its nothing I haven't heard before. You boys need to chill out" I say and they both just stare at me.
"What?" I say to them both looking between them.
"He said alot more than just calling you a slag baby girl, I heard every vile word he said and what he wanted to do to you. I'm glad he's dead" Victor says and I wonder what he actually said.
"Plenty people say vile things to me. You don't go round killing them.. Needs to be more than that?" I say not believing them.
"Who? I'll happily kill them all for you" Liam says and Victor laughs like it's funny.
"It's not funny babe, and Liam seriously that's abit much, remember Leon. He couldn't even talk to me without you flipping your shit" I say rolling my eyes.
"Exactly and look at the progress I've made. Sat here drinking with your man" he says and I pipe up.
"Technically we broke up" I say looking at Victor raising a brow and he chokes on his spliff.
"You said you was good now?" Liam asks and I nod.
"We are but we're technically not back together tho. I don't know anything" I say shrugging and Victor stares at me now he's finished choking. He doesn't look happy.
"Will you officially take me as your man again baby girl" he says smirking and I laugh at him.
"I'll think about it and get back to you" I tell him smirking and he just laughs.
"I can work with that, it's better than what Liam's getting" he laughs and Liam looks to me raising a brow. Awkward I haven't told Victor that we kissed and I made a major pass at him. Fuck
"What?" Victor asks raising a brow catching on. Shit
"When I went to Liam's I was majorly drunk be time he picked me up and I kind of made a pass at him.. But he knocked me back" I say embarrassed and Victor stares at Liam.
"And you didn't think to tell me this BRO?" He asks him and liam shrugs.
"Nothing happened.. I turned her down because of you BRO.. I could of.. Trust me it was the hardest thing I've ever done" Liam says and my heart begins to beat quicker. Why does this keep happening?
"Why?" I ask him wanting to know.
"Why what?" Liam asks.
"Why was it hard to turn me down.. I bet you get plenty" I say downing my drink needing the courage to continue.
"Wow, we really doing this?" he asks looking at Victor and he nods. Fuck!
"Yes I get plenty of women falling at my feet but there not you Stacey. Your special and I'll never be able to replace you, so don't fuck it up Victor. Otherwise you'll feel how I feel right now" Liam says to both of us and I'm speechless. Wow really.
"Liam seriously I'm not that special. You need to be truthful" I say looking at him.
"Listen when it comes to special beautiful women, there's my mum and then there's you. After that I don't really care" he says and I begin to get hot. What the fucks happening to me. The alcohols clearly fucking with me.
"You never really knew your true value Stacey. You really are priceless" he says to me making me blush fucking hell. Looking at Victor he just stares at me. Why..
"I totally agree, how fucking lucky am I? Not to be a dick but thanks for fucking it up" he says and laughs a little. So not funny but Liam clearly finds it funny.. I think?
"Well how lucky am I to have both of you" I say laughing and pour myself another much needed drink. Why did I start this conversation?
"Dunno about Victor but you'll always have me beautiful" Liam says and I nod smiling at him. It's weird that where friends after everything.
"I ain't going fucking nowhere either" Victor says and I'm glad to hear that. I need both of them in my life.
"Good to know, now pass me a spliff someone" I say and they both chuckle holding one out to me. Now who's do I take. Fuck it I take both and smoke one then the other while they both watch me with lustful eyes.
"I'm glad you guys are getting along. Makes it easier for me" I tell them grateful and hand the spliff back after a few more drags. Enjoying myself funnily enough.
"Shall we play a game or, turn the music up aswell I want to dance let's do something" I say getting up and turning the song over to something I like.
"Am gonna take a piss, be right back" Victor says and liam watches me dance. Swaying my hips he leans forward edging closer and I look at him and crook my finger.
"Dance with me, you know you want too" I say drunk not caring and wrap my arms around his neck. He holds my hips and sways with me close but not touching me and whispers into my ear.
"I'm happy you came beautiful" he says and I smile.
"Me too, I'm happy we can be like this too" I tell him and hear Victor come down the stairs.
He watches us for a second then smirks at me. I guess he doesn't mind. He walks over to us and stands behind me grabbing me and I end up sandwiched between them both. I raise my arms and loose myself in the music.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now