Chapter 57 Victor's POV

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"Liam.." I say to him smirking knowing what I'm about to ask him either way
"Dare" he says smug and I see Stacey roll her eyes.
"I dare you to take a shot from Stacey's belly button" I say smirking at him and he nods.
"I'm game if you are beautiful?" he asks her and she shrugs
"Why not, nothing we haven't done before" she says and I think OK. Clearly I need to up my game.
Watching Liam pour a shot into her button and slurp it out slowly then licking up her stomach was not what I planned. Why is this turning me on tho. Shit
"OK big man your go" Stacey says eyeing me.
"Truth" I say looking between them both wondering who's gonna ask me.
"Are you turned on watching Stacey doing these things?" Liam asks me and I nod without thinking.
"Yeah weirdly I am" I tell him shrugging and down my drink.
Filling up my glass I down my drink and I watch how he can't keep his eyes off of her. Sighing heavily I pour my drink and down it again.
"Stacey.. Your turn baby girl" I say smiling at her.
"Dare" she says and I can tell she's getting drunk now.
"I dare you to give Liam a lap dance" I tell her getting up to turn the music up abit louder for her.
She looks at me like am I sure and I nod my head wanting one myself but I'm good watching her do it.
She stands and slowly makes her way over to him swaying her hips and standing infront of him. I watch how she gets lost in the moment with him, eyes locked and see how they used to be. This was a bad idea.
She dances for the full song then looks to me biting her lip and drops down whining and grinds her ass along Liam while still watching me. Fuck this is hot. Why am I so turned on?
She stops dancing and Liam slaps her ass as she walks aways winking at me. Dick
"My turn.. Truth" Liam says sorting him self out.
"Do you want to get back with Stacey?" I ask him and he hesitates for the first time tonight.
"Erm.. I'd be crazy not to want the woman I love so yeah" he says and I fucking knew it.
"Just because I want to doesn't mean we're going to" he adds after and I just nod not knowing what to say back to him.
Looking at Stacey she just stares at Liam surprised.. Why? It's fucking obvious.
"My turn.. Err Dare" I say hoping for a good one.
"OK so I dare you to give Stacey a lap dance" he says and I look at him like seriously.
"Your kidding right?" I ask him and pick up my drink.
"Get up there and move your hips like she did. Don't be shy where all watching" he says and I just think dick.
Putting my spliff down I start to stand and make my way over to Stacey.
"Am sorry baby girl" I say to her and just imagine her infront of me and I move my body to the beat focusing on her. She smiles up at me with love and I get lost in her. The song finishes thank god and I go sit back down. Liam claps like the dick he is and I take the shot needing it.
"Baby girl" I say
"Dare" she says taking her shot again and filling it up.
"OK.. To make things all fair give Victor a lap dance. It might cheer him back up" he says laughing and she gets up turning the song over and walks over to me seductively.
"You ready baby?" she asks leaning over and kissing me.
"Absolutely" I tell her feeling excited.
I see out the corner of my eye Liam looking at his phone and leaving the room. Can't handle her doing it to me clearly. Jealous.
Half way through the song he walks back in watchimg us with a smile and he winks at me.
She sits on my lap towards the end rolling her hips on my now hard dick and pushes down on me.
"Fuck baby" I growl out at her making her stand and bend over infront of me twerking, backing it up on me.
The song finishes as the food comes in and we start to eat still playing involving the food.
"Liam come on man your turn" I say as he stuffs his face with pizza.
"Truth" he says and I think of something quick.
"Would you change if Stacey took you back?" I ask him then take a bite out my burger.
"In a heart beat, easy.. Next" he says making me growl when he winks at me..
Of course he would why wouldn't he?
Looking at Stacey she just smiles and I wonder what she's thinking about?
"Truth" I say taking another bite.
"if you could change one thing about Stacey what would it be?" Liam asks and I pause thinking what the actual fuck?
Stacey looks at me intrigued aswell. Fuck!
"Erm.. I dunno she's perfect the way she is"
I say knowing that's not going to work but seeing her smile was worth it.
"I totally agree but pick something.. Anything" he says looking at her this time.
"You" I say and Liam laughs then winks at me again.
"I was expecting that and I'd say the exact same if I was you" he says grabbing another slice.
"I'm not wrong who wants to be with someone when there ex is still inlove with them?" I say honestly and Stacey looks at me.
"Now where getting somewhere finally" Liam sits forward smiling.
"Stacey baby" I say looking at her but she doesn't look my way.
"Truth" she says picking at her food now.
"Do you still have feelings for Liam?" I ask her and she puts her head down. That told me all I needed to know. Yes blatenly. Fuck.
"I think" she says quietly and I look at a smiling Liam.
"Just be honest, it changes nothing" he says looking at me and I nod my head picking up my drink needing it now more than ever.
"Liam..." I say sighing this games getting deep now.
"Let's bring the fun back.. Dare" he says standing up drinking amping himself up for whatever to come.
"Come on, let's do something crazy. It's ment to be fun.. Not getting feelings hurt" he says and I swallow my pride and agree with him.
"He's right. Let's get the game back on track"
"I dare you to show me how it's done and give Stacey a lap dance" I say smug and he smirks.
"Easy" he says walking over to her and Stacey's wide eyed like she knows what's coming. Shit what did I do?
He skips the song and turns it up and begins to walk around her seductively like a woman would. What the fuck is happening?
I watch as he takes his top off and moves his hips sexily and swings his t-shirt throwing it at me and Stacey starts laughing. Atleast she's having fun.
He starts to unbutton his trousers and I hold up my hand.
"That's enough. Keep your trousers on man" I say not wanting either of us to see that.
"It's all fun Victor. You should loosen up man" he tells me and sits back down. I throw his t-shirt back at him and he catches it laughing at me.
"Victor your turn you bore" he says and I raise a brow at him. I take a shot and speak.
"Dare, give it to me" I say and Liam smirks.
"I dare you to strip tease, you said nothing about keeping your clothes on" he says and Stacey laughs at him and looks at me biting her lip. Fuck I'm definitely gonna have to do it now.
I stand and kick off my trainers. Pulling my t-shirt over my head slowly I keep my eyes on Stacey and watch her look over my body. Yeah baby girl you watch me..
I unbutton my jeans slowly and drop them to the floor taking them off and throw them to the sofa with my t-shirt. Standing there in my boxers I watch as Stacey looks like she's waiting for them to come off and I raise a brow.
"Happy?" I ask standing there in my boxers.
"Bore no more" he says to me and laughs.
I sit back down casually like it's normal to be chilling in another man's house in my boxers and hope someone else gets asked to for fuck sake.
"Baby girl" I say waiting to get her naked too.
"Dare" she says eyeing me up
"Strip too" Liam says and looks at me for approval and I just nod my head looking at her.
"Your choice baby" I say and she nods standing and slowly takes the hoodie over her head and pulls down her jeans standing there in matching lingerie was not what I expected fuck sake.
"You good with this, honestly?" Liam asks me and I nod speechless staring at my girl practically naked infront of a man that's inlove with her. Shit!
She takes everything off and poses in her underwear.
"Better?" she says spinning and puts her hands on her hips.
"Absolutely" I tell her as I watch Liam staring at her lustful.
"You might as well get out your clothes to" Stacey tells him laughing and he's up in a flash. Pulling down his joggers and kicks off his trainers and stands in his boxers.
He stands and I swear I don't want to look but I can't help it. It's there in my eyesight whether I like it or not.
"Now we're all basically naked" Stacey says downing her drink standing back up and turning the music up.
I start to bill another spliff and watch as Stacey dances in her underwear swaying her ass around and I feel my dick twitch. Fuck not now. Liam gets up and grabs her dancing with her holding her hips as she grinds on him watching me. Smiling at her when I feel anything but happy right now. My jealousy is burning right now. She's fucking mine I thought sparking up and watching them.

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