Chapter 67

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After looking through the rest of the folder I put it away and decide to read the rest of the letters when I get home. I sit there admiring my ring and he smirks at me.
"You really love it" he asks and I nod eagerly.
"I love it just as much as you" I say cheesy and he grins chuckling.
"Good to know beautiful" he says and passes me the spliff.
"What do you want to do now" he asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"It's getting late, what time isit?" I ask him and he looks at his watch.
"7pm baby, you want to continue drinking?" he asks me and I nod my head smiling. I'm enjoying the feeling alcohol gives me when I drink with him.
"Then that's what we'll do" he says getting up to grab more bottles. I sit back smoking thinking how I've enjoyed being back with Liam and how he's planned everything out. I really can't believe he's done all of it tho. How can I not want him..
He walks back in holding a bottle of baileys knowing I love it and a bottle of rum.
"For my beautiful queen" he says handing me the bottle making me blush.
"So sexy when you blush" he tells me making me blush further.
I drink down the bailey's, gulping it enjoying the taste and the light buzz it gives me on top of the bourbon.
"Shots?" he asks me and I look at him.
"Absolutely" I tell him getting up quickly and going to grab the glasses and tequila.
He pours out two and we back them and a few more.
"I love drinking with you" he says and I nod agreeing.
"Feelings are more than mutual. But I need some music on" I tell him switching on the TV and connecting my phone. I see a text from Victor.

Victor: I hope your OK. I miss you Xx

I sigh and Liam clearly hears me.
"What's wrong?" he asks me and I just hold up my phone.
"Victor? I take it" he says knowingly.
"Yeah.. I don't know what to say to him" I tell him. And he gets up.
"Just be honest" he says and I nod at him. If only it was that simple..

Stacey: I'm OK thanks how are you? X

Hitting send I start my music and Jacques comes on. Putting it down I start to drink my drink and forget about Victor. I'm here to try with Liam..
"Feeling better?" he asks as I move my body to the music.
"Absolutely, I just want to be here with you and forget everything else" I tell him and he grins happy with that.

After a round of shots we dance together like lastnight but more closer, feeling me everywhere. I love feeling his hands on my body. I've missed that more than I thought.
"I miss the feel of your velvet soft skin on mine baby" he tells me and I grind my ass on his already hard cock and clench my thighs at the feel of it against me.
"I know you want it" he says into my ear and I nod slowly.
"Take it baby it's yours" he says and I spin in his arms flush against his body and feel it against my stomach. Fuck he's hard as stone..
Reaching for it he let's out a hissing noise as my fingers encircle him, I stroke him back and fourth to the rhythm of the music and he bites his lip trying to stiffle a groan.
"I've dreamt about this, for so long and your finally here with me" he says and kisses me. I wrap my free arm around the back of his neck and pull him in biting his lip as he slides his tongue into my mouth with a groan and I feel the precum oozing out of his dick. Fuck he's so turned on.
Moving my hand a little faster building up a good rhythm he moans into my mouth and I smirk into the kiss. He pulls back looking down on me.
"Fuck I wanna taste you everywhere, I can't wait to have you" he tells me and I think I want to taste him.
"I want to taste you everywhere Liam" I says needy and moving my hand faster over his shorts. Stopping I pull my hand away and put it down his shorts. Fuck me!
"I forgot how big you was fucking hell" I say gripping him tightly in my hand.
He throws his head back lost in my touch and I slowly start to drop to my knees. I want this.. Just do it Stacey. I tell myself.
He suddenly looks down on me and watches me take it out. I stare at it mesmerized by the thickness and the length.
"Are you sure you want to do this baby? You don't have to" he says and I just lick the oozing precum slightly and hum at the taste hearing him groan instantly.
"Fucking hell baby, he's missed you. We both have" he says and I swirl my tongue around the tip. Taking him down further he throws his head back enjoying what I'm doing so I brace myself holding his thighs and swallow down as much as I can.
"Fuck yes!" he groans looking down watching me bob my head back and fourth. I forgot how much he loves this..
"Just like that baby.. Fuck. You remember how I love it" he says pushing a hand into my hair and moving my head back. Sliding my tongue out he fucks my mouth slowly groaning loudly.
Clenching my thighs feeling myself getting wet I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and pump it in line with my mouth.
"You look so sexy pumping my cock with that ring on my soon to be wife" he says and I suck him deeper into my mouth feeling his cock thob and ooze more. I can tell he's close. I suck faster and he groans more.
His legs begin to shake a little letting me know it's cumming soon and I pump faster, moving along his cock as I take him down my throat I feel the swell and I grab his balls and he shoots the first shot of cum to the back of my throat. Choking a little I swallow it down and continue to suck him faster pumping him.
"FUCK baby!!" he roars out loud and I smile loving the sound of him. Finishing him off I lick around his tip collecting the cum and look up at him smiling.
He lifts me off the floor and kisses me forcefully and pushes his tongue in tasting me after tasting him and I can still feel his hard cock against me.
"I wish I could be tasting you. I've missed your sweetness" he says pulling from the kiss and I breathe heavily looking up at him.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I tell him shyly smiling and he kisses me gently.
"You blew my fucking mind like always, how could I not enjoy you?" he asks smirking and I grab his cock.
"Cocky much" I say stroking again.
"You love it and my cock" he says smirking and picks me up.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now