Chapter 89

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"Theres no need to get aggressive Liam, we just want to talk" he says to him and Liam looks at me.
"Just go back inside baby, it's alright. I'm alright" Liam says and I shake my head not wanting to leave him. I will fuckiing scream bloody murder if they touch him.
"I'm not leaving you with them baby, I'm fine here" I tell him and he rolls his eyes sighing at me.
"So you wanted to talk.. Speak, I'm listening" Liam says to them.
"We have reason to believe that you know what happened to Marcus Blaine" one of them says and liam looks at them confused.
"Who the fuck is Marcus Blaine, never heard of the guy, now if that's all" Liam says and I beginning to panic feeling my heart pound in my chest.. No, no this can't be happening. Did Victor say something out of spite? Fuckkk!
"We have a witness placing you with Marcus on the day he dissappeared" he says to Liam and I wonder who it is.
"Listen, like I told you I don't know any Marcus so if the chats done I'd like to go" he says walking up and pushing past them. He's being cocky he must know something...
"Where was you at 8am on Wednesday 15th May" the officers asks and Liam taps his chin cocky still.
"With my brother like I am every Wednesday.. Now are we done?" Liam says smirking.
"And your brother can confirm that?" the officers says.
"Absolutely, now can I go" Liam says smug.
"You can go for now, but I'll be keeping an eye on you Johnson" the officer says and turns to leave.
Liam laughs and grabs me pulling me inside and locking up.
I slap his biecep and stare at him annoyed.
"I had it covered why would you go out to them, anything could of happened Liam" I say to him and he smiles and grabs me around the waist.
"Baby, I know what there like, they weren't going to leave untill they had spoken to me, it's done now" he says and kisses me hugging me tight to him. Dicks the lot of 'em.
"The witness.. You don't think it's Victor do you?" I ask him nervously and he shrugs breathing heavily at the mention of his name.
"I hope for your sake it wasn't, either way there dead when I find out who" he tells me and I shiver at his cold tone. Shit..
"Your gonna kill him" I say sighing and pulling away walking back into the living room. I need a drink this is alot..
"Baby don't be like that, what am I suppose to do? If it is him he has to be dealt with. Either by me and I'll make it quick or someone else who will long it out" he says following me in.
"Let's not worry about that now, that's Mondays problem" he says and I sigh. If only it was that simple. Everything's fucking up. If it's not Mia it's Victor.
"I can see the cogs churning in you, don't let them ruin this baby.. Please" he says with begging eyes staring at me.
"I'm trying Liam.. This is just alot but I knew what I was getting into" I tell him sighing pouring a drink and downing it.
"Your not going to stop over thinking this, I know you Stacey" he says sadly sighing sitting down with me.
"I'm trying I just need a minute" I tell him as he starts to bill up.
I pour us both drinks and sit back trying to stop thinking about what he's going to do.
Watching him be normal is freaking me out aswell. How is this happening we've only been back home a few fucking hours and people are already trying to fuck it up. I just wanna go back to the safehouse.. Just us.
"I wish we never left the house, everything was fine there, now look your already thinking you fucked up. Wishing you stayed with Victor now" he says and stands up.
"FUCK!" he shouts and throws his glass at the wall. I jump and look at him gone out.
"I don't think that Liam, I want you.. This is just messing with my head. Feeling like you would be better off on your own" I say feeling shit that these are my thoughts.
He looks at me emotional and comes over to me crouching infront of me he grabs my hands.
"I'm only ever better when I'm with you, please stop thinking like that I love you and want you baby" he says and I kiss him to shut him up.
"I just want you, none of this extra drama but that's not going to happen" I say defeated by everything. YOU CHOSE THIS STACEY! my subconscious screams at me and I sigh. I fucking know!
"Where visiting my mum tomorrow baby" Liam suddenly says and I feel my chest heavy. Shit.. Another person to be against us on top of everything else. Everythings stacking up around us.
"OK" is all I say and he looks into my eyes looking for something.. Doubt maybe. But I look down at him and he grabs me kissing my forehead and stands..
"I need some fresh air" he says and walks off to the back door. None of this is going to plan..

After a while of being alone I bill myself a spliff and pull my legs up relaxing back smoking with my glass of baileys.
Why is all this happening.. Its only day one and we've had two mishaps already. I still can't believe Mia and all the lies she's told me over the years.
Looking at Liam walk back I see he's been crying and my heart breaks.
He comes and sits down next to me lifting my legs over him and looks me in the eye.
"Please don't leave me baby" he says and I feel myself beginning to tear up.
I lean froward to wipe his tears that have fallen and kiss him gently.
"I'll never leave you baby, I want you too much" I tell him and he gives me a sad smile..
"I understand that this is alot but don't give up on me.. Please" he says and leans his head against mine.
"I'll never give up Liam, you mean everything to me. You always have. I love you soo much baby" I tell him and he kisses me pulling me to straddle him. This is what we need.. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss feeling high and letting the past slip away from my thoughts and just concentrate on us. Being with him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now