Chapter 106 Victor's POV

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Sitting in my car outside the bakery Stacey works at I watch her in the shop and I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. Why won't she take me back. It's been weeks since Liam got sent down and she's still being stubborn. Fuck sake!
I can't seem to get enough of her. I haven't been with anyone since her. Im becoming obsessed with her. I need her back soon.
Climbing out my car I walk into the bakery and look at her as she serves customers. I stand in the queue and wait impatiently to get to her needing to be close.
Finally standing infront of her I stare at the woman I love and feel my heart beating faster in my chest.
"Victor seriously I'm working, you can't keep showing up" she says sighing heavily.
"I needed to see you baby girl" I tell her and watch as she rolls her eyes at the name I can't seem to shift.
"Victor, I'm with Liam, you need to get that into your head. I won't tell you again to stop with the name. I'm not your baby girl" she stresses and it makes me sad to hear her say it again. I can't help myself.
"Victor" I hear from beside me. Looking at the man he's in his mid 40s and looks like he doesn't belong in here.. Fuck!
"Can I help you?" I ask him and look back at a smiling Stacey. Who the fuck is he. Is this her dad or something?
"Dad, I'm OK. Victor was just leaving" she says and I gulp.
"Let me help you, you need to leave Stacey alone and stop calling her baby girl like she's asked you multiple times. Otherwise your not going to like how I become" he says in a cold calm voice and I get a shiver run through me.
"I.. I.. I'm just making sure she's OK sir" I tell him feeling intimidated. Shit.
This isn't good if he hates me already, I want his fucking daughter.
"Well that's no concern of yours, I'm looking after her. She doesn't need nor want you" he tells me and I sigh.
"With all due respect sir, she doesn't know what she needs, if she did she wouldn't be with Liam" I tell him and I see his eyes change. He doesn't look so calm anymore. Fuck!
"Listen to me Victor Jones, I know everything about you and you wouldn't want to get on my bad side I'm not so pleasent when I'm angry, you need to leave her alone we wouldn't want something to happen to you or your loved ones. Just like M" he says and my eyes go wide. How the fuck does he know about Marcus?
"You'll be surprised by what I know about you and your family. Like your dad for instance is not actually your dad" he says and my jaw drops. No one knows that but me and my parent. What the actual fuck. Who is this guy?
"Your mum used to be a escort, that's how she met your so called dad" he says and I step back flabbergasted.
I look to Stacey who's just staring at me and I look at them both confused. How does he know all of this.
"Just leave Victor, I don't want to see you, I'm with Liam now" she says and I sigh defeated.
"Untill he drops you like he did before. You know what, you know where I'll be if you need me.. Bye" I say turning and walking out. I need a fucking drink, he can't be her dad.. Can he?

Driving back home I sit outside my house replaying everything that just happened. How would her dad know all of that. Who the fuck is he? Do I listen to him and stay away. I can't keep away from her. I want her she belongs to me..
Do I risk my family over her.. Do I just let her come to me. Like I know she will.
Climbing out my car I make my way into my house I go straight to the kitchen grabbing the bottle of JD and gulp it down.
I need to take control of this situation he can't hold shit over me for his so called daughter.

Sitting back I bill a spliff needing the high to drown out my thoughts about Stacey's 'dad' and what he knows about my family. I have no idea how he knows any of this. I only found out not long ago about how my mum met my dad so how the fuck would he know anything. He can't be her dad surely and must be something to do with him, fucking Liam. It's the only explanation that makes sense. Liam's in a dodgey world that Stacey doesn't need to be apart of. I need to take her away from all of it.
Pulling out my phone I text her.

Victor: I will never stop loving you Stacey, you no where I am if you need me. I hope you come back to me one day.

Hitting send I put my phone down and spark my spliff dropping my head back and take a few more swigs from the bottle.
I need a plan to get her back. I've tried talking to her but she won't listen maybe if she thinks I'm ready to commit she will come back to me.
Looking at my phone I see a text from my dad. Fuck sake leave me alone. I fucking can't work when all I can think about is her. She's at the fore front of my brain constantly. She will be mine!

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