Chapter 110

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I slide my hand under the blanket and pull it back wanting to see how he looks and he pulls it back.
"Baby no, I'm OK you don't need to see me" he says and I pull it from his grasp and sit up slowly not to hurt him further. Oh my fucking God. He's covered in bruises everywhere I can see the shape of the footprints on his stomach and thighs. What did they do to my poor baby. They really tried to kill him. I feel my heart begin to race and my blood boil and tears of anger fall from my eyes.
"I hope they're all fucking dead" I grit out running my hand over him softly.
He chuckles at me and pulls me back to him.
"They will be, by the time Steve's sorted it, I'll heal baby I just need some time" he says and I hope we have time.

Suddenly waking up to hear Liam crying I turn slowly and wipe his eyes..
"Baby what's wrong are you in pain" I ask him moving but he pulls me back grabbing the bottle off the side table and swiging from it.
"I thought I was going to die and never see you again baby, that's what scared me the most after I past out. That I wouldn't see your face ever again. Feel you or kiss you" he says and the tears are flowing down his cheeks.
"Your gonna be OK because your strong Liam you can handle anything, I'm here baby.. Right here with you, you don't need to worry anymore nothing will take you away from me" I tell him as my tears fall to.
"I can't stop replaying it in my head, I can't believe I'm here with you finally. I feel like it's a dream and I'm going to wake up alone back in the hospital" he says and I reach up and kiss him letting him know I'm here.
"It's one hell of a dream having you back in my life, I never thought I'd get you back, I'm here with you" I tell him holding his cheek.
"I feel useless, I can't do anything but lay here, I can't be me for you" he says and I shake my head.
"Your hurt that's all, your still you baby and I love you either way. You'll be back to yourself in no time don't worry about it" I say to him hoping to make him feel a little better atleast.
"You always know what to say and how to stop me loosing myself beautiful" he tells me and I smile up at him in the darkened room.
"That's what I'm here for, I'll always be here for you like you are me Liam" I say
"Not to dampen the mood further baby, but you are going to have to go back home sometimes.. I don't want you getting into trouble because of me" he says and I sigh already knowing this.
"I know Liam but that's when your feeling better. I will not leave you while your like this. And I don't care what you say it's not happening. End of conversation" I say and he sighs.
"What about work? You took extra hours.." he says and I shrug.
"Your more important than work.. Than anything in my life Liam I don't care about anything but you" I tell him making him smile.
"OK baby I won't argue with you about this, now can I get up and take a piss" he says trying not to laugh to much. I sit up and climb out the bed helping him to the bathroom down the hall.
"You OK?" I ask him as he leans against the wall trying to pee.
"I don't know, everything hurts. Where's the doctor? I need some drugs.. I need a spliff man" he says and I laugh at him.
"Just pee and stay here untill I'm back I'll go get him" I tell him running to the doctors room and knocking on the door.
Hearing walking the door opens and the doctor stands there rubbing his eyes.
"Stacey, what's wrong?" he asks me looking me over.
"He's in the bathroom and in alot of pain is there anything you can give him please" I ask him hoping there's something he can do.
"I can give him some morphine, that should help and make him sleep too" he tells me and I nod running back to Liam. To find him slumped against the wall tears running down his face.
"He's gonna give you something, have you done baby?" I ask him and he nods. Wrapping my arm around him I help him slowly back to his bed and pull the cover over him.
"Where do you think your going? Come in here" he says and I climb back in with him. The doctor comes in holding a bottle and a syringe and walks around to Liam.
"Sharp scratch" he tells him and pricks him in the arm and injects him with the drug.
"What isit. What you giving me?" Liam asks concerned.
"Morphine, it will make you sleep aswell so get some rest please" he tells Liam and smiles at me.
"Anything else, just knock" he tells me and I nod smiling at him grateful.
"Thanks doc" Liam tells him and he nods at Liam walking away.
"Get some sleep baby, I'm right here" I tell him and he sighs.
"I can't wait to have you bathe me beautiful" he says seductively and winks at me.
"See your still the same insatiable Liam I know and love" I tell him chuckling.
He chuckles and stops taking a deep breath through the pain and pulls me into his side.
"Im happy your here baby, don't leave me" he says falling asleep.
"I'll never leave, I'm right here. Always and forever baby, I promise" I tell him and lay my head on his shoulder drifting back off to sleep.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now