Chapter 6 Liam's POV

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After leaving Stacey at the party. I feel like absolute shit. I just walked away when all I wanted to was hold her in my arms and kiss her, taste her and fuck her again. I can't help myself. Nobody will ever be her. I can't believe that ugly bitch really tried to kiss me. Is she crazy. I don't do that with anyone but her. My queen.
I arrive home and run straight to my room and drop on my bed.
"Fuck!" I stress to myself and sigh. Why do I have to give her up. Why do I have to be selfless I can't be selfish with her tho. She deserves so much better than someone like me. I love her to much to hurt her again. Hurting her is hurting myself. She needs a good guy that's gonna love her properly and I seen the way that Victor guy was with her before I came along and took her. I could have ruined that now. Fuck!
Pulling out my phone I decide to text Sian.

Sian: How is she? Please tell me I didn't ruin what was happening with Victor before I stepped in. I couldn't help myself I feel guilty for confusing her further but at the same time so happy that I got to feel her again.

Sian: You baffled her Liam. She loves you so much but she's drunk so she's accepted it. For now.. I'm not sure what she will think tomorrow sober. I know you love her I can see it wrote all over your face when you was with her. I'm sorry you feel your not good enough. You really are Liam. Just speak to her properly I won't give up on you two.

I sit there reading the text thinking what the fuck? What does she mean she won't give up. I'm doing what's best for Stacey not me because if it was about me I'd of never of let her go in the first place.

Liam: Please don't make this harder than it already is Sian. She needs better, deserves better than me. I can't give her what she needs. As her friend please see that and support it

Sian: I DON'T CARE LIAM!! You two belong together period! So stop trying to be the good guy here when she wants you just as much. Be selfish for once and take what you really want.



Liam: I'm sorry. It hurts to much knowing that I WILL hurt her again sooner or later so like I said. PLEASE support me on this. For the sake of Stacey. I can't do it.

Sian: Your probably at home alone miserable, missing her when you could be here with us instead Liam! I will not support you and your stupid decision. Get a grip and get you girl! Damn

Shit! Is she right? Because I am home.. Alone and miserable missing my baby.
I hit call on her number and she answers straight away.
"Hello miserable" she says and giggles.
Great she's drunk..
"Hello to you too miss attuide" I say and she laughs humming.
"I'm right tho. You should be here with her" she says and I sigh.
"You don't think I don't want that Sian.
As if I'd rather be here alone and miserable with out her. Do you know how hard it was to pull away from her especially after she melted against me" I tell her and she sighs.
"I don't know what to do with you two I swear I feel like your mum telling you what to do because your both acting like children. Well you are anyways!" she exclaims and I laugh. I've seriously missed her.
"Is she there? What she doing?" I ask her and she sighs.
"She's getting drunk trying to forget you like normal" she says and I sigh.
"I ruined her night didn't I? This is why I didn't want to come" I tell her
"No you made her night Liam, she's happy when she's with you. You both are. Just do the right thing please and talk to her" she says and I sigh. Do I want to talk to her. Can I hear her voice.
"Fine, put her on" I tell her and she squeals a little and I move the phone away from my ear laughing.
"Hello?" I hear her voice and I swear my bed could swallow me.
"Hello beautiful, are you having fun?" I ask her and she gasps.
"Liam baby is that you?" she asks and I smile.
"Yes it's me baby" I tell her and I know she's smiling.
"Baby where did you go I miss you" she says and I sigh
"I miss you too like crazy, I loved our dance" I tell her feeling my dick twitch.
"Baby me too, I love you" she says and I smile at that.
"I love you too so much. I'm sorry I just left I had to for you" I tell her and she sighs.
"I know but I don't want that. I want you" she tells me and I sigh again.
"I want you more than anything but you deserve better than me" I tell her feeling shit.
"I don't care Liam.. I'll never move on it will only ever be you baby" she tells me and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. Why am I doing this to her. To myself.
"Baby listen to me, you need to move on from me and live your life. Be happy I will not put you through that again. I can't baby I love you to much to hurt you" I tell her feeling my tears fall for her. What did I do?
"Where are you? Your upset let me help you baby" she says and I rub my face harshly and clear my throat.
"I'm at home we can't do this. I know your game Stacey" I tell her and she sighs.
"I ain't playing no game Liam. I want to see you not just feel you and hear you. If you tfuely love me the least you could do is see me before making me move on" she says and I sigh. She has a point but I can't. Not today.
"Baby please I have to see you one last time. I need too. I promise I'll leave you alone after that" she says and I shake my head. I can't do it.
"I can't baby, it hurts to much leaving you. That's the problem. And you want me to see you again. And do what?" I ask her and she hums.
"Spend the night with you obviously" she says and I laugh.
"Fuck sake Stacey my dick so hard right now please stop" I tell her and she giggles.
Which isn't helpful. Fuck!
"I can make it better baby. I know you want me. One last night, I need you" she tells me and I groan. Fuck! I really wanna say yes.. But I know I shouldn't.
"Stacey no. I can't do that. As much as I want to tell you yes it's not gonna happen baby" I tell her and she sighs.
"Your just being stubborn and confusing Liam. I need to see you" she says and I sigh.
"You will soon I promise you Stacey" I tell her
"OK baby, I love you" she says and I smile again.
"I love you too baby. Have fun" I tell her and we hang up. Fuck what did I just agree to? Why did I ring Sian? Fuck I need a drink and a spliff.

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