Chapter 47 Victor's POV

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Parked outside my parents house I know all I'm going to get is bitched at by them but where else do I go?
Climbing out the car I grab the bottle of jd from the passenger seat and make my way inside swigging from the bottle needing it.
"Son?" I hear my dad in the garden but I ignore him and go straight in the house needing to find my mum.
Sitting in the living room I hear my mum come down the stairs and she walks into me.
"Why are you drinking in the middle of the day? I didn't bring you up like this Victor Jones" she stresses trying to take the bottle but I pull it away from her.
"I need it mother" I say irritated and she stops and looks at me.
"Baby? What happened.. Talk to me" she says sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug.
"Shes pregnant mum. Fuck!" I stress and she pauses looking at me shocked.
"And that's a bad thing I take it by the bottle and you being here?" she asks and I shrug not knowing if it is or not..
"You had unprotected sex son.. Again. What did you think was going to happen?" she says not helping me at all. I take another swig from the bottle and look at her.
"No shit mum.. You're not helping. You're ment to be on my side" I say annoyed that she's not.
"I'm not taking sides son. I haven't even met the poor girl" she says and I sigh out knowing she's right.
"Everything was good, now it's fucked and I don't even know if I want kids" I tell her and she slaps me.
"Why the fuck you having unprotected sex then you absolute pain in my back side. Between you and your brother, I don't know what to do with either of you" she tells me and I run my hand through my hair pulling at the ends frustrated.. What am I going to do.
"She says she's keeping it regardless of my opinion" I tell her and she sighs now.
"It's her choice son it's her body not yours. And you have to respect that" she says and I know she's right like normal.
"So what do I do mum. I need your help here" I ask her knowing she's just going to tell me to talk to her.
"All you can do is talk to her Victor, and hope for the best that you to can sort it out" she tells me and hugs me again.
"Thanks mum" I tell her as we pull apart feeling my phone go off I pull it out

Liam: You need to grow the fuck up and get a grip Victor. She's having YOUR baby and you run out on her when she needs you the most. Don't be a fucking deadbeat the baby might end up like me! She doesn't deserve to be a single mum Victor.

Of course she went running to fucking Liam. Fuck sake man. I shake my head straightening my thoughts and text him back.

Victor: Of course she went running to you!

Hitting send because that's all I care to say and drink down the alcohol.
Hearing my phone again. I see the reply.

Liam: You only have yourself to blame Victor.. You keep abandoning her and here I thought you was a better man than me. Guess I was wrong...

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I jump up and call her.. No answer.. Trying again and again. But nothing. Shit..
"I'm leaving mum. Thank you" I tell her again and walk out the door.
Jumping into my car I put the bottle down and drive to Stacey's needing to see her.
What do I even say now.. I hope Liam's gone..

Pulling up outside Stacey I jump out banging on the door but get no answer. Where the fuck is she? Calling Liam and he answers straight away.
"Where is she?" I ask him fuming that I had to call him and ask.
"Here, eating like you should be doing. Why?" he says and I clench my fist pissed.
"Tell her to answer her phone I need to talk to her" I tell him and hang up.
Calling her back she finally answers.
"What Victor. I'm not in the mood for your shit right now" she says and I can hear the hurt in her voice. Shit.
"Where are you. I'm outside your house" I ask her and I hear her sigh.
"Liam took me to a pub for a celebration dinner OK. What do you want?" she says and I feel my blood boiling. Why the fucks he swooping in trying to save the day.
"So your playing happy families with him now. OK remember that" I say and hang up. Fuck him and fuck her. It's probably his baby anyways.

Arriving back at my house I call Kai and ask if he wants to grab a drink and hes on his way to mine now. I take a quick shower and get dressed needing to just forget this day already.
Jogging back down the stairs hearing my door knock I see Kai and let him in.
"What's up with you bro? You look half cut already" he says and I shrug walking into my kitchen to make us a drink.
"Nothing. It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing does. I just want to get drunk and forget everything" I tell him and he looks at me weird.
"Whatever you say brother.. Is Marcus coming?" he asks and I shake my head.
"Wouldn't know haven't spoken to him since he threatened Stacey" I tell him and think of my beautiful girl. Fuck!
"Anyways enough of them let's drink" I tell him handing him a double vodka and downing mine straight away.
"Let's do shots" he says and I grin.
"Shots. Shots." I call out laughing feeling the alcohol take over. I need out of this house she's everywhere I look.

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