Chapter 130

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Pulling up outside my apartment I check the time and I have an hour and a bit before Liam calls me so I jump out my car and make my way inside.
Walking up the stairs instead of catching the elevator all the time I open my door and walk inside smiling seeing my home. It still feels different not going home to my mum and having my own business on top of that. I take my phone off silent and put it on my bed and make my way to the shower.

Standing in my towel I hold b.o.b in my hand excited to give him a go and to be able to do it with Liam is even better.
Even if it is phonesex. His voice is all I need. I know I can't have him for now. I lay on my bed in my towel and grab my phone staring at it waiting for it to ring 6:55pm. I lay there thinking of Liam and what he'd be doing if he was here. I run my hands down my body and spread my thighs and drop my knees. I slowly rub my clit in circles imaging Liam kissing his way up my body. Suddenly the phone rings and I answer it all breathy.
"Liam" I moan and he groans down the phone making me smile.
"Let me hear you my queen" he says low and deep and I grab my toy turning it on and rub it along my wet cleft..
"FUCK!" I moan out as I slide it inside me.
"Tell me how it feels baby" he groans hearing me whimper.
"Big, I'm so fucking tight.. I miss you baby" I moan again and he groans.
"I miss being inside you, feeling you tighten around me" he groans again and I moan as I speed up my pleasure.
"Yess, Liam its so deep, fuck!" I cry out and he starts to heavily breath down the phone and it sounds so fucking hot. I fuck myself deeper with my toy and arch my back of the bed moaning and I pull it out and suck onit wishing it was Liam I was sucking on.
"Shit baby, your bad" he groans and I hum sliding it back into my wet pussy. I let the vibration stimulate my gspot and clit and I feel my orgasm building up but I need more.
"I'm so close, I need you" I tell him fucking myself harder and he growls sending me over the edge
"Liamm" I scream as the vibration ripples through me over and over.
"FUCK you sound so sexy when you cum baby" he tells me with another growl and I clench my thighs needing more. The real thing..
"It's all for you baby" I tell him.. My king because he owns my pleasures here or not I'll always think of him.
"The things I'm gonna do to you baby, you better prepare yourself for me" he warns and I whimper wondering about the unknown sexual desires.
"That's it baby you imagine all them things because I'll be doing them all over and over" he says and I pull harshly on my nipple enjoying the painful twinge.
"I love you baby, and I can't wait for you to do them all, I'll counting down the days" I tell him and he laughs.
"Well beautiful, I have to go now I'll call you tomorrow, I love you my queen" he calls me and I smile happily.
"OK baby, I love you too. Stay safe bye" I say and we hang up. Turning my toy back on I go again untill I feel like I've been fucked by Liam.
Four times.. It took it out of me.

I lay on my freshly changed bedding after having a shower and curl up ready for sleep to come as I have an earlier start.

Suddenly waking up looking around my bedroom I have a gut feeling something bads about to happen. Noo Liam. Baby..
Tossing and turning I check the time on my phone and see a missed call from my mum. Its 1am. Is that what woke me up? I quickly call her back and she answers straight away.
"Stacey baby, I have some terrible news." she says and I sigh knowing something was wrong. At least it wasn't Liam. So I don't really care.
"Your dad's past away.. I'm soo sorry baby" she says and for some reason I'm OK. He wasn't my dad and showed that I do actually see Steve as my dad now.
"OK, thanks for letting me know." I tell her and she sighs.
"Stacey he's still your father. Don't be like this" she says and I roll my eyes.
"Bye mum" I tell her and put the phone down laying back down. Putting my phone on the bedside table I close my eyes turning out the light and fall back to sleep.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now