Chapter 40

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"Thanks" I tell the Uber diver as I grab my bags and exit the car. Opening my front door I take all the bags upstairs and look at the one bag that reads 'AnnSummers' I'm about to wear for Victor. Can I do this? I've never got dressed up for a man before..
I check the time and see its 3pm and think I have a few hours before he finishes and back home.
I look at all my purchases happily and put them away leaving out the boots and outfit. Grabbing a weekend bag I grab pajamas with shorts and jeans with t-shirts and two pairs of trainers and shoes and pile them into the bag to keep at Victor's for when I stay over like he said.
Grabing my curling wond I pack that and some of my makeup and my work clothes for tomorrow too. Done I thought zipping it up and sitting on my bed. Pulling out my phone I text my baby.

Stacey: Back home and packed up ready to go to yours now. Can't wait to show you what I bought 😉 Xx

Hitting sent I get up taking some of the money just incase and putting the box back and walk out my room bags in hand.
"Mum I'm staying at Victor's and I have work tomorrow so I duno if I'll be back after or if Victor's picking me up I'll text you" I tell her with a smile.
"Ok hunny, I have work tonight so I'll see you when your back" she says looking up at me.
"Alright see you" I tell her and walk out hearing my phone go off.

Victor: I'll be home around 6pm baby girl, can't wait to see you in them either we're going out so be ready beautiful Xx

Running back upstairs I grab one of my new dresses that will go with my boots and put it into my bag, then order myself another Uber.

Arriving at Victor's I step out and make my way through his front door with my own key. It feels strange, me just letting myself in and doing what I want in his house.
I make my way into his living room putting down my bags and pull out his weed box. Billing myself a spliff I turn the TV on and put YouTube on listening to queen naija as I kick back and relax before I need to get ready.

Looking at my watch I see it's nearly 5pm and decide to go take a shower and get ready. I wanna look hot for him.
Making my way up stairs I place my bags on the bed and pull out my dress, looking it over and how hot I'm about to look on our date.
Turning my music on I turn the volume up and I sing along stripping out my clothes and walk to the bathroom switching on the shower and step in.

After my routine of washing, shaving and moisturizing I make my way back to the bedroom and pull on a new baby blue lingerie set with the garter belt and stockings. Looking myself over in the mirror I look good I hope he likes it.
Grabbing my makeup bag I apply my make up and curl my hair with the wond I brought. Oh my god its so good I thought looking at the curls. Perfect.
I pull on the boots and stand up looking at the dress.
"Damn baby girl you look fucking sexy" I hear from behind me making me jump.
Spinning around I see Victor standing there leaning against the door watching me.
"You fucking scared the shit out of me" I tell him with my hand on my chest trying to control my racing heart.
He comes up to me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I don't think I want to go out now" he says into my ear low and deep.
"Babyyy" I whimper at him clenching my thighs he knows what he does to me.
"I need a shower baby girl either way" he says pulling away kissing me and backing out the room.
"If you want to go out, I suggest you be ready by the time I'm out or I'm taking you over my knee" he growls sending goosebumps over my skin. Shit I want that tho. I bend over infront of him picking my dress up and slowly stand back up hearing him growl out.
He suddenly slaps my ass hard and grabs me forcefully.
"I love you baby girl but don't tease me. I'll bend you over and fuck you right now" he says teasing me rubbing circles on my cleft.
Whimpering he let's me go with a kiss to my forehead and leaves to the bathroom.
Isit weird that, that just turned me on majorly. I wanna be spanked and fucked hard by him. Fuck Stacey calm down. We have a plan remember I tell myself. I quickly pull on my dress and look myself over in the mirror.

"I see you want to go out baby" he says and smirks at me

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"I see you want to go out baby" he says and smirks at me. Smirking back I nod my head and wink at him.
I have plans for you Victor Jones don't you worry.
"Get ready I'll wait down stairs before you distract us both with that thing between your legs" I tease and he strokes it watching me.
"Stop it.. I'm leaving" I say giggling as he grabs me.
"All mine" he says and kisses my neck.
"Yes like your all mine. Now get dressed handsome we have plans" I tell him and exit the room quickly before he has a chance to get me again.
Walking down the stairs I make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of baileys and make Victor a whiskey double  when he comes down. I can't wait to just eat some food and have a good night with my baby.

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