Chapter 190: When in London... (Part 3)

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The Gomez family barely noticed the passing of time on their all-day travel to around London.

They seem overjoyed since, for perhaps the first time, they were able to have such a special moment with their family.

And, because Vince and Tricia had promised Adan a surprise, they took him anywhere he wished to go.

To be fair, and to ensure that there may be no partiality, the same goes for Halley.

"Hal, can I see the photos you shot of us?" Vince inquired.

"Wait, Pa, I'm composing the caption!" Halley exclaimed.

She even attempted to conceal her phone.

"And why are you keeping that from us?" Tricia asked, smiling.

"Those images of you and Papa kasi, Ma! You two are quite cool!"

"Are you certain? Kasi I'm the only one who's cool, Hal."

"Rude!" said Tricia, pinching her husband's nose.

"I'm not finished yet, Tops," he smiled as he drew his wife closer, "I'm simply cool since obviously your mama's hot; aren't we absolutely perfect for each other?"

"OMG, Papa! You're so cheesy!"

"This cheesiness is why you two are here," he said, pointing to the two children, "and why we have another bean here."

As Vince lovingly caressed Tricia's growing tummy, she couldn't help but smile.

"Hmp!" Muttered Halley.

Vince laughs whilst he draws Halley and Adan closer to him for a playful hug and continues to goof with them.

"All right, Papa here's the picture."

     "Gee! Your Mama looks so gorgeous here," remarked Vince

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"Gee! Your Mama looks so gorgeous here," remarked Vince.

Halley agrees, giggling, "I know, she looks like a Hollywood star, right, Pa?"

"A hot and sexy Hollywood celebrity!"

"Oh, my gosh, you old bean! What a—"

"I'm simply saying, diba, she's gorgeous and sexy!"

Tricia and Adan were viewing the snapshot Halley shared when the mag-ama were having some fun.

"Here's papa naman," she said as she swiped the photos.

     "Here's papa naman," she said as she swiped the photos

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