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☆ 6. Chapter 5

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5 Well, that's right.

Looking at Ah Yue's appearance, you can know that the name of the beast god is very useful.

He had already figured out in the past two days that he would use a lot of techniques and items that were not available here, and he would have to find some cover to pull up a banner.

Now that there is such a dimensional express channel, he will definitely continue to buy things in the future, how can he explain many things that should not appear in this world at that time?

He always heard Ah Yue say what the beast god blessed, and an old orc with gray hair came to him and Doudou to dance a strange dance, saying something to pray for the beast god to bless them with healthy growth, to the effect that he was praying for the blessing of the two newborn cat cubs.

That's why Lu Qizhou pulled the name of the beast god, and now that he looks at it, it looks really good, and Ah Yue is already stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Lu Qizhou pretend to be a magic stick to deceive people, and one by one they turned into robots who could only hahaha.

[Hahahaha, the plot in the novel is here, the orc world is pretending to be a beast god, and it is really a routine operation. 【

Hahaha! Ah Yue was stunned, so cute, her ears were tied back, she wanted to pinch it!

[The beast god is a brick, where you need to move it, haha.

Ah Yue lost her speech in shock, she looked at Lu Qizhou blankly for a long time, and after she woke up, she didn't care about the dangerous source of fire behind her, and ran to Shandong where she sacrificed to adults with her two sons in her arms.

The sacrifices of the cat people live in the innermost cave of Cat Valley, and are protected in the deepest part of the tribe along with the old and small and disabled cat orcs.

When Ah Yue hurriedly rushed to the cave where the priest was carrying Lu Qizhou and the unknown Doudou, the priest was treating an injured cat orc warrior.

It is said that it is to cure wounds, but in fact, it is to apply mashed herbs with anti-inflammatory and hemostatic to the wound of the orc warrior, without bandaging.

Seeing Ah Yue come in, the old priest's calm face showed a trace of doubt..."Ah Yue? What are you doing here? Aren't you dealing with wolf meat with everyone?

Ah Yue was so shocked that she stuttered a little when she spoke.."Matsuri... Sacrificial Lord, I... I'm here to show you the cub, he was playing with fire outside just now, and he said that an old man named the beast god in his dream told him to do this..."

Although she stumbled, she still made things clear in a few words.

The herbs in the old priest's hand "snapped" and fell to the ground, and he didn't even bother to pick them up.."You... What did you say?! The

orc warrior with the wounded arm was equally shocked.

Ah Yue said it again, this time her speech was much clearer, and she also held Lu Qizhou up to show the old priest, indicating that it was this cub who said it.

The old priest also heard it clearly, came over in three steps and two steps, grabbed the kitten's paws, and asked anxiously.."Cub, you tell the sacrificial grandfather, what did you dream about?!" "

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