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☆ 50. Chapter 48

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48 After deciding to hug his thighs, Lu Qizhou quickly changed his attitude, and spoke with the most sincere and spring breeze attitude.


As soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Ling Yazi in disgust.."You have started to cultivate, you can call me senior." "

What master? It's hard to hear, and he's not a fake Taoist priest who cheats on the streets. He is thousands of years older than a cub, and it is not a grievance for him to call his seniors.

Lu Qizhou was embarrassed, he actually didn't know what to call this monk, since people said so, then he also changed his words from the goodness.."Senior, I'm sorry I didn't know that you were calling me, I thought it was my delusion..."

Ling Yazi didn't want to mention that history of blood and tears anymore, It's been half a year, He's been with Lu Qizhou for half a year, This little cub was stunned that he had never paid attention to his call, and it was a bitter tear to think about.

Countless times he watched this little cub negotiate with the interstellar side with all his might, and wanted to shake his shoulder and tell him that as long as he cooperated with him, he could not worry about the interstellar side at all.

The cub's qualifications are very good, although he is a cat clan, but he has a rare psychic physique, even if he is a demon clan in the immortal cultivation world, he also belongs to the top kind of qualification.

With this kind of qualification, there are two demon pills by nature, one is the main demon power, and the other is the main knowledge of the sea.

Normal demon beasts don't cultivate divine souls, but psychic demon beasts are different, they are similar to monks, they can not only cultivate physical demon power techniques, but also cultivate divine souls.

But if any psychic demon beast in the demon clan grows up, it must be a giant.

When Ling Yazi first came to this world, he discovered that these orcs were born mutated demon beasts, and they would transform without a teacher, which was a good material for demon cultivation.

Like Lu Qizhou, it is the top material among good materials. As long as he cultivates with his heart, within a hundred years, he will definitely surpass his own achievements.

At that time, what kind of interstellar development depends on science and technology, and it won't be extinguished with a wave of your hand?

It was a good idea, but the dead cub ignored his call again and again. Almost, just a little, his old life is completely gone.

He loved and hated this cub at the same time, and if it wasn't for the fact that he had just explained his origin so as to dispel his doubts, he really didn't want to say a word to him.

"Nothing, everything will eventually speak a fate, if you and I don't have a fate, we will still miss it after all. Lingyazi's voice was finally no longer long and grand, but had a texture, just like a normal person's voice.

Lu Qizhou paused when he heard the slightly old voice, and then continued: "Fortunately, my Lingyazi's life should not be extinguished, and I have this fate with you."

Lu Qizhou laughed dryly, and he was afraid, he almost lost his last hope.

It's a blessing, it's a blessing that he suddenly fainted...

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