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☆ 40. Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 The

name of the rabbit sacrifice is Lingying, and like the sacrifice of each race, it inherits the surname that can only be used by sacrifices, Ling.

This surname is one of the few remaining inheritances that have not been lost, and it has been passed down from generation to generation by the priests.

But whoever bears this name has a responsibility on his shoulders, and he must shine for the tribe in this life until he dies.

The same is true of the Spirit Shadow, he was called Ah Ying before he became a sacrifice, and on the day he became a sacrifice, he took this surname and became a Spirit Shadow.

Ling, meaning psychic.

He is also responsible for communicating with the beast god.

But unfortunately, it may be that his qualifications are too poor, and from the day he became a priest, he has never been favored by the beast god.

He's so old now, he can't remember how old he is. In short, they have lived much longer than the sacrifices of the cat clan and the iron-eating beast clan.

He wanted to pass on his life's survival experience to his heir, and after his death, his heir would lead his people to continue to survive on this dangerous continent.

He thought that in his life, although not strong, he was wise. has led the clan through countless years, and the orcs in the clan die every year much less than other tribes.

Such an accident this year was something he didn't expect, and he was even a little panicked in his heart, how could this tribal cave that had been peaceful for countless years suddenly collapse?

Could it be because he hasn't communicated with the Beast God and angered the Beast God?

His mind was full of doubts, and he didn't understand until he was taken to Cat Valley by the Iron-Eating Beast Clan.

No, it's not because he can't communicate with the beast god, it's not that their rabbit clan has angered the beast god.

On the contrary, the cave collapse was a guide given to them by the beast god.

Because of the cat clan, there is a messenger who can really communicate with the beast god.

This is the pity of the beast god for their orcs, and he can't bear to see his people suffer any more, so he gives them guidance and allows them to come to the messenger.

The spirit shadow, who has been in the tribe for two days, firmly believes in his own speculation.

Lu Qizhou looked helplessly at the rabbit sacrifice, the rabbit sacrifice with a dull coat and a long beard, as well as the rabbit patriarch with strong muscles, and those cute rabbit orcs, always looked at him with a numb eye, and his hair exploded.

Tu Feng and they brought all the rabbit orcs back two days ago, and Lu Qizhou still remembers the scene at that time.

The giant pandas that had turned into their original shapes were each covered with fluffy rabbits.

The rabbits were tiny, shrunk into the fur of the iron-eating beasts, barely visible, and made the pandas fat by a lot.

He was shocked by the sheer population of the rabbit clan, and at a glance he knew that these rabbit orcs were definitely more than a thousand in number.

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