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☆ 33. Chapter 31

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31 Lingyuan had told Patriarch Ajin before the sacrifice, and Patriarch Ajin didn't refute it at the time. Ling Yuan wanted to wait for Zhou Zhou to become an adult and then mention this matter to him, but he really couldn't help it.

Everything Zhou Zhou did made him realize how much Zhou Zhou was liked by the beast god.

It is really inappropriate for him and the spirit to occupy the position of this sacrifice.

In fact, the fact that there are two sacrifices in a clan should have been clarified a long time ago, according to the tradition of the Orc Continent, after the merger of the two races, which race is stronger, the position of sacrifice will be passed on, and the position of the patriarch is the same, whoever is strong in force will be the patriarch, and even the name of the tribe must be changed.

But the difference between their tribes is that Zhou Zhou is the most suitable person for sacrifice, and the name of the tribe has to be chosen by him.

But he is still underage, so now the two patriarchs and the priest are waiting, as soon as Zhou Zhou reaches adulthood, he will be able to hand him over immediately, and they are ready to elect the next patriarch when the time comes.

This patriarch must be a few years old from Zhou Zhou, or the strongest in the clan, it is best to obey Zhou Zhou's words and assist him in vigorously developing the tribe.

This person has a candidate in both Ah Jin and Shi Feng's hearts, and that is Tu Feng.

The strongest figure wind, taking care of the boat with weak force and strong divine power, is just right.

Lu Qizhou didn't know what they were thinking, and he was startled when he heard the old priest say this.

"Grandpa Lingyuan, I'm not an adult yet..." Lu Qizhou said.

Ling Yuan's face was full of kindness.."I know, so you have to grow up quickly, and when you are an adult, grandpa will be able to rest." "

The spirit sacrifice is also full of kindness.."Yes, it's been almost three hundred years of hard work, it's time to rest." "

Orcs generally have a long lifespan, and as long as each orc does not die accidentally, they can generally live to be four or five hundred years old at the end of their lives, which is about the same as the interstellar people.

The meaning of the two sacrifices has been very clear, and Lu Qizhou is the most suitable next sacrifice in their opinion.

In fact, after each generation of cubs are born, the priests will observe for a period of time to see if there are any candidates who are talented and suitable for sacrifice.

It's a pity that the orcs of the two clans are so lazy, knowing that sacrifice is the most powerful position in the clan, and not many orcs are willing to do it.

Each priest has to work for hundreds of years before he can find the next sacrifice that suits his heart.

But Lu Qizhou was different, from the moment he made up his mind to stay in the Orc Continent, he had already decided to desperately develop the tribe.

Since the tribe is to be strong, it needs to concentrate the power of all the orcs, and he needs to have the right to command all the orcs.

The name of the messenger of the beast god is not enough, and the sacrifice is what he must do.

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