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☆ 66. Chapter 64

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64 These four tribes are all small and super-small orc tribes, but the small word refers to their size, not their number.

After all, the butterfly tribe, the ant tribe, and the bird tribe are all made up of countless orc breeds forming a tribe.

To give a simple example, like the butterfly family, they are divided into pink butterflies, light goddess flash butterflies, phoenix butterflies, and so on.

Not to mention the bird family, what sparrows, yellow warblers, woodpeckers, parrots, swans, geese, crows...

Even hummingbirds belong to the bird family, but they are too small, so they are pulled out as a typical type.

However, the bird tribe here is not all the bird tribes on the orc continent, it can only be said to be the bird tribe in the middle of the grassland and the forest.

There are still many places on the mainland where there are bird tribes, but they are far away and have not come.

There are also many orc species of the ant tribe, termites, black ants, small yellow ants...

Just like the cat and rabbit families, there are many kinds of species, but they just have a common name.

As for how many of them there were, they themselves don't know, because they don't know how to count.

Tu Feng conservatively estimates that the orcs of these four races combined are estimated to be ten thousand.

If these tribes join the Valley of Cats, then the strength of the Valley of Cats will definitely reach a higher level.

And the labor force will also increase greatly, and Zhouzhou will definitely not know how happy it will be when the time comes.

Tu Feng thought of the little white kitten, his heart was soft, and his face was much softer in the face of the eight trembling orcs.

"You say you want to join us, don't you? He asked kindly.

The patriarch of the Bird Clan was a swan orc with a pair of white wings, his long golden hair, and an elegant white feather coat, exuding nobility throughout his body.

He stood up politely, gave Tu Feng a chest beat, and said respectfully: "Yes, Tu Feng Young Patriarch, please allow us bird clan to join Cat Valley.

Not to be outdone, the patriarch of the

hedgehog clan said, "Tufeng young patriarch, we hitch moth clan are also willing to join Cat Valley and follow the messenger!" "

There are tentacles on their foreheads, and only the palm-sized patriarch of the ant clan and the patriarch of the butterfly clan glance at each other, saying that they want to join the valley of cats and want to be protected by the messenger of the beast god.

"If you want to join, the envoy will definitely welcome you and protect your tribe. But if you want to join our tribe, I want to make one thing clear in advance.

He paused, "To join Cat Valley, you have to relocate to Cat Valley with the whole clan, can you do that?" The

eight orcs hesitated, and the swan patriarch said... But the road is too dangerous, we—"

He understood that they were too weak for even ordinary beasts to threaten their lives, and they were afraid of any danger on the road.

"You don't have to worry about this, when you leave, I will each send two iron-eating beasts to follow you away, and they will lead and protect you when the time comes."

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